Fatal Attraction

Chapter 37

The light post directly behind Jessica saved her from being struck directly, but that didn’t ease the shock that electrocuted Jason’s system as the events before his eyes unfolded in slow motion. The front of the red sports car folded around the steel pole like paper. Shrapnel from the wreck flew all around Jessica as her wide violet eyes stared at him with loss and fear. His silver haired childhood friend stood untouched in the center of a storm of steel, glass, and sparks. Even though Jason was much further away from the wreck he still appeared to be in more danger than Jessica. A small jagged piece of metal sliced open Jason’s left shoulder as it passed. For a moment, Jason thought that Jessica would make it through unscathed, but one last fractured mechanical part flew out of the broken hood and struck her directly in the back of the head. Jason watched Jessica’s eyes lose focus and roll back into her head before she collapsed to the ground.


Ignoring his torn shoulder, Jason sprinted over to Jessica and frantically called out to her.

“Phone!” Jason patted down his own pockets before checking Jessica’s own.

He hadn’t gone to the authorities before since he was primarily concerned with ridding himself of the curse. Now that it is gone…

It is gone… right?

Doubt filled his mind and he risked a glance back at the door he had exited a few moments ago. The entrance was gone. A blank wall was all that was left. Jason ignored the pit forming in his stomach and focused everything on helping Jessica. His hand found his friend’s phone in her left skirt pocket. His fingers flew across the screen. It rang once before being answered.

“Emergency services.” A voice spoke quickly over the phone.

“There’s been an accident. A car struck a light pole and my friend was hit by some debris.” Jason tried his best to remain calm but a bit of the panic building in his heart leaked out into his voice.

“Okay sir, the first thing I want you to do is take a deep breath for me. Can you do that?” The male voice over the phone instructed.

Jason took a shaky breath. “Yeah.”

“Okay, good. Now, I need to know where you are so I can send help to you. Can you tell me where you are?” 

“Akuma Avenue.” Jason read off the crooked street sign in the distance.

Jason could hear the faint sound of keys being rapidly typed out. “Help is on it’s way sir. What is your name?”

“Jason Simmons.”

“All right Jason. Tell me about your friend's condition. You said they were struck by pieces of an accident?”

Jason nodded. “That’s right. I think she’s been knocked unconscious.”

“Is she breathing?” Came the swift response.”

Jason stooped low and placed his hand gently against Jessica’s chest. It was weak but present. Her lungs were sucking in shallow breaths.

“Yes.” Jason nearly cried from the relief at the discovery.

“Okay, keep an eye on her and make sure she keeps doing that.” The emergency worker instructed. “Now you said there was an accident, is the driver okay?”

Jason felt a jolt force him to his feet.


That was the only person the driver could be. He dashed over to the wrecked car, but slowed after seeing an abnormal amount of smoke gushing out of the shattered engine block.

“I think the car is on fire.” Jason spoke into the phone.

“Is the driver out of the vehicle?” The man asked urgently.

Jason pushed through the thick hot smoke and peered through the driver’s side window. Courtney looked like a corpse. Between the injuries from her fight earlier in the day and the effects of the car crash Jason was almost too distracted by her bruised and bleeding body to notice that her eyes were open and actively watching him.

“Can you move?” Jason shouted through the window at her.

Courtney gave a small nod. Her lips moved but Jason couldn’t hear her response.

“Just stay there!” Jason pulled hard on the door handle but it didn’t budge.

Locked. Jason cursed.

“Can you unlock the door?” Jason shouted at Courtney.

The injured girl said something louder, but it was still too quiet to make out through the glass. Jason felt his heart rate increase significantly as he watched a small flame begin to grow out of the front of the vehicle. Without bothering to end the emergency call, Jason placed Jessica’s phone into his pocket and held his elbow up to the window. 

“I’m going to try to break this!” He yelled. “Cover your eyes!”

Courtney shook her head slightly, but Jason wasn’t waiting. His elbow smacked into the car window and pain shot through his arm. The glass remained unbroken. Flexing his aching arm, Jason lifted it and threw it even harder at the window. Courtney lifted one arm to cover her face just as Jason’s elbow succeeded in breaking the driver’s window. Being careful not to get caught on any of the loose pieces still clinging to the frame, Jason reached his hand in and fumbled blindly for the lock.

“Jason, stop!” Courtney urged weakly.

He glanced up and was surprised to see tears running down the girl’s injured face.

“The car is on fire.” Jason jerked his head towards the front of the car. “If I don’t get you out of here you’ll be in dan-”

“Why don’t you hate me?” Courtney choked on her words. “I tried to kill you Jason. I tried to keep you locked up in a stone cold room for the rest of your life.”

“I told you that was my fault.” Jason grunted as he resumed fumbling for the lock.

“Yeah and I didn’t listen Jason!” Courtney grabbed Jason’s arm with her left hand and tried to push him away. “Don’t you get it? I chose to do those things. I understood what you told me. I understood that something was influencing my thoughts. I could have forced myself not to listen.”

Courtney shut her eyes and her body shook. “I could have controlled myself, but I didn’t want to. Even as the feelings were fading, I still wanted to run Jessica over. This is my fault Jason. Let me go. I don’t deserve to be saved.”

“Yeah. I get what you’re saying.” Jason flipped the lock open but the door remained stuck.

Deciding on an alternative course of action, Jason lifted himself up and pushed through the broken remains of the driver’s side window.

“But I think there’s plenty in you that’s worth saving.” Jason grunted as small shards pierced through the tattered remains of his white shirt and dug into his skin.

Jason pushed through the discomfort and grabbed Courtney. The fire was growing even taller now and Jason had to use every ounce of strength he had to pull Courtney out of the vehicle and out onto the glass covered pavement. His breathing became ragged as he carried Courtney away from the flaming wreck. Courtney clung to Jason’s chest and cried her heart out. In the distance, Jason could hear the sound of approaching sirens. 

After ensuring Courtney wasn’t in any immediate danger, Jason dashed back over to the unconscious Jessica and made sure she was still breathing. He didn’t want to move her since he didn’t know if he could accidentally cause extra damage, but Jason decided the flaming car potentially exploding was a far greater risk. He gently lifted his unconscious childhood friend and carried her over to where he had set Courtney down. Jason finally allowed the exhaustion that had been threatening to overcome him for the past few hours catch up with him. He sank down against the nearest wall and watched the first cop cars round the nearest corner and speed towards the injured trio.

It’s over. Jason sighed to himself. Right?


Thanks for reading. Check back early next week for the next chapter.

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