Fatal Attraction

Chapter 7

“What’s on it?” Hayden turned the hard drive over in his hands as he sat on Jason's bed.

“I don’t know.” Jason shook his head, Hayden’s disappointed face matched Jason’s own feelings perfectly. “It’s encrypted so I can’t access the data without the password.”

“You’re good with technology, right? You built that thing.” His friend gestured at Jason’s gaming computer. “Can’t you hack it or something?”

“Assembling compatible computer parts is one thing,” Jason took the hard drive from Hayden’s grip and waved it in the air. “But this is designed to keep people out. If I screw around without being careful I could end up corrupting the whole thing.”

“It’s your dad’s drive right?” Hayden perked up and snapped his fingers. “You could probably guess the password. Have you tried birthdays or important dates or something?”

“I thought about that, actually.” Jason set the hard drive on his desk and sunk into the office chair in front of his computer. “Apparently there’s only one password attempt remaining before it scrubs itself. Which means we only have one shot to open it up.”

“Only one?” Hayden asked. “Who used the rest?”

Jason shrugged. “Whoever sent this to me. I just have no idea who or why. My dad was an accountant of a small insurance company. I haven’t got a clue why he’d have an encrypted hard drive or why it would be in the possession of some interested third party.”

Hayden ran a hand through his blond hair. “The timing of all of this feels really weird dude. Why now?”

“I agree. It does all feel connected somehow.” Jason admitted. “I guess we’ll have to find a way to decrypt the drive. I can try taking it into a tech place tomorrow and see if anyone there can crack it.”

“I don’t know about that.” Hayden grimaced. “A lot of places around here are staffed with some shady individuals.”

“We don’t really have much of a choice. It’s not like this is a computer part we can just order online.” Jason countered.

“I get what you’re saying, and you’re probably right, but what if we tried to find someone else first?” Hayden stretched his arms above his head and yawned. “Man, I’m already tired. There are some pretty smart kids at school that are the wave of the future in the tech industry. They’d probably be less likely to try and pull a fast one on us.”

“You got someone in mind?” Jason lifted a single eyebrow.

Hayden shrugged. “Not really. I could ask around though. See if anyone sticks out.”

“Okay.” Jason nodded. “We have to be absolutely sure they can do it though. Like I said, we probably only have one shot at this.”

The pair slipped into a contemplative silence as they considered the implications of what they might find on the mysterious piece of hardware sitting on his desk. Jason’s eyes drifted out the window to the illuminated street beyond. The neighborhood was quiet, just as it usually was. While he was gazing blankly out the window, the hairs on the back of his neck began standing on end. Blood flow increased to his body and his mind sharpened in response to the unnerving feeling. He was being watched. His eyes raked the empty street, houses, and walkways in an attempt to locate the source of this feeling. He leaned forward in concentration.

“Have you done any research before I came over?” Hayden’s question shattered the silence and made Jason jerk back in his chair.

Jason shot Hayden a quick glance before looking back out the window. The feeling was gone. Or maybe, had never been there in the first place. Jason cleared his throat and pulled his blinds down over his window.

“No.” He finally responded. “I didn’t have the chance to.”

“I’ve got a theory.” Hayden tapped the side of his head with a smirk. “And I don’t want to brag or anything but I think I’ve got it figured out.”

Jason snorted. “Okay. Hit me.”

Hayden sat up and pointed directly at Jason. “Incubus.”

Jason blinked. “What?”

“Incubus. You know, a male succubus?” Hayden rolled his eyes. “I thought you were more cultured.”

“No, I know what it is but… What?”

Hayden threw up his hands. “Think about it dude. Power over women. Makes them obsessive over you. Matches up pretty well don’t you think?”

Jason laughed. “I hate to break it to you, but I’m not a demon. I’ve been to many different doctors and had many different tests done. All of them said I was painfully normal.”

Hayden didn’t look convinced. “This is some voodoo, otherworldly magic dude. Do you really think normal rules apply or that modern medicine would really be able to detect something like that?”

“I just think-” Jason’s sentence was cut off by a loud knocking at his front door.

Jason and Hayden exchanged a look.

“Did you invite someone else over?” Hayden asked his best friend.

Jason shook his head.

“Do you get visitors often this late at night?”

“No.” Jason stood just as another loud knock sounded from downstairs.

Peeking through the blinds, Jason spotted a black SUV parked outside of his house that hadn’t been there a few minutes ago. The headlights were off and Jason couldn’t see anyone in the tinted windows so whoever it belonged to must be downstairs. Heart rate escalated, Jason hurried downstairs. Hayden followed a few steps behind. Another stiff knock echoed through the house just as Jason reached the peephole.

Outside, a  woman who appeared to be in her early twenties impatiently tapped her foot. She was wearing dark slacks, a sky blue button up shirt, short heels, and a small shoulder bag slung over her left shoulder. The woman had deep red hair that was mostly up in a bun but a few strands had come loose throughout the day. Though she didn’t look threatening, the fact that Jason had never seen her before made him uneasy. Just as she lifted her hand to knock again Jason cracked open the door as far as the upper chain lock would allow.

“Can I help you?” Jason asked the stranger.

“Oh, yes sorry.” The woman fumbled at his sudden appearance. “Is this the residence of Jason Simmons?”

Jason’s eyes narrowed. “Who are you?”

“Right.” The woman’s hand dropped to her shoulder bag. “I’m detective Kylee Anderson.”

She held up a police identification badge for Jason to inspect while she continued speaking.

“Are you the Jason Simmons who was involved with the stabbing of Mary Beckett at Tanner Holm Middle School?”

Jason’s stomach twisted. “Y-yeah.”

“And were you familiar with the perpetrator of that crime, Miss Adaline Beckett?” The detective flipped her badge close and placed it back into her bag.

The name sent shockwaves through Jason’s mind. All he could do was nod. The detective’s green eyes softened as she watched Jason’s reaction.

“I’m sorry to have to dig up old wounds, Mr. Simmons, but I’m afraid I have no choice. Would you mind if I came inside?”

Jason numbly unlatched the door lock and opened it fully for the detective. The door swung to reveal a sheepish Hayden standing in the dark behind Jason.

“I’m sorry, I didn’t realize someone else was here.” Ms. Anderson regarded Hayden for the first time.

“I didn’t mean to hide or anything. Jason invited me over and we were upstairs and we didn’t know who was at the door so…” He trailed off, a slight blush touching his cheeks.

“Pardon the intrusion.” The detective dipped her head slightly before entering the front room.

Jason turned on the lights as Ms. Anderson gazed around.

“Is your parental guardian here, Mr. Simmons?” She turned her green eyes to Jason. “You live with your aunt, Shannon McCloy do you not?”

Jason’s mouth was still dry from the reason for the detective’s visit.

“She’s on a business trip. Just left yesterday.” He answered hoarsely.

Ms. Anderson frowned. “That’s unfortunate timing. Well, you should probably have a seat Mr. Simmons. I’m afraid I have some troubling news to share with you.”

“Do I need to leave?” Hayden lingered by the door as Jason took a seat in one of the two couches that sat in the front room.

“I think it might be better if you stay.” The detective shot Jason a worried look. “Seeing how Ms. McCloy isn’t here, I think it would be good to have a friend around.”

Hayden still looked uncomfortable but he sat down on the same couch as Jason.

“What’s this about, exactly?” Jason could feel his skin crawling all over his body.

The detective cleared her throat. “About eight days ago, Miss Adaline Beckett escaped from Saint Peter’s Mental Health facility.”

Jason’s heart skipped a beat and his blood ran cold.

“That’s…” Hayden glanced at Jason but turned to the detective after seeing his reaction. “That’s the girl that stabbed someone in middle school?”

Ms. Anderson opened her mouth to respond but Jason beat her to it.

“Not just someone.” Even Jason was a bit taken aback by how hollow his voice sounded. “Her twin sister.”

Ms. Anderson winced. Hayden swore under his breath.

“I didn’t know that part.” He stated softly.

“Wait, eight days.” Hayden’s eyebrows scrunched together on his face. “If you’ve known about this for eight days then why is Jason just learning about it now? This is dangerous for him isn’t it?”

“No. We don’t think you're in any immediate danger, Jason.” The detective was quick to respond. “Adaline’s mental facility is hundreds of miles from here and we don’t believe she’s even left her city. We also would have contacted you sooner but the phone number and address we had on file was out of date.”

It made sense. Though Jason’s brain was still processing the information being tossed his way, he knew that he had moved a few times. Shannon also had to replace her phone at one point during that time.

“So why are you here?” Hayden asked.

“Standard procedure.” Ms. Anderson answered simply. “In the highly unlikely event that you see or make contact with Miss Beckett, I want you to contact emergency services immediately. If the situation isn’t an emergency, you can contact me directly.”

She pulled out a business card from her bag and handed it to Jason.

“I want to reiterate Mr. Simmons that this is just a precaution.” The detective emphasized her words with direct eye contact with Jason. “If something changes where that is no longer the case, I will contact you immediately.”

“Thank you.” Jason looked down at the business card in his hands.

It didn’t feel real. Adaline was supposed to be just a memory. A phantom from his past that could never return to his present. The room swirled around him and Jason was forced to hold his head with his hands to keep it in place. The detective frowned.

“It’s probably a good idea not to be alone for the next few days…” She glanced at Hayden.

“I can stay with him. Well, for tonight at least.” Hayden clapped his hand on Jason’s shoulder. “I was already thinking about asking to sleep on the couch tonight. Don’t feel like walking all the way home.”

Jason could tell Hayden was still overwhelmed and uncomfortable with this entire situation but he was trying to support his friend however he could. Jason shot him a thankful look.

“That’s good.” Ms. Anderson nodded and stood. “Hopefully you won’t have to hear from me at all and this situation will be resolved quickly.”

She extended a hand  to Jason. “It was a pleasure to meet you Mr. Simmons. I’m sorry it had to be under such dreary circumstances.”

Jason shook the extended hand and did his best to give her a heartfelt smile. “Thank you for coming out and letting me know.”

The detective returned his smile before bidding them a good night. Jason heard the SUV in front of his house roar to life and drive away into the night. Hayden moved over to the unoccupied couch and began to rearrange the pillows.

“Is it cool if I just hang out here?” Hayden asked Jason. “I was telling the truth when I said that I was already considering staying the night. I’ll just call my parents and let them know. I’m pretty tired and the long walk home doesn’t sound fun right now.”

“Of course.” Jason agreed.

Hayden paused and met Jason’s gaze. “I’m uh. I’m not really good at these kinds of things. But if you want to talk or anything. You know. I’m here to listen and all that.”

Jason wanted to laugh, but he knew Hayden was opening himself up for Jason’s sake so he held it in.

“Thanks man.” Jason instead replied honestly. “I can’t honestly say I want to talk about it right now but… I’m glad you offered.”

Hayden nodded before sprawling out across the couch, and making a quick phone call. The pair once again fell into silence, each trying to sort through the mountain of events that unfolded in one day. It wasn’t long before Jason returned upstairs to fall asleep while Hayden remained down on his makeshift bed. What the pair had failed to notice in their exchange with detective Kylee Anderson, a detail that normally would have never escaped Jason’s perception if he wasn’t dealing with so much at once, was one simple fact.

Jason hadn’t been wearing gloves.


Kylee needed a vacation. She had been running around all week trying to track down this escaped lunatic Adaline. While she still felt the deranged girl posed no immediate danger to Jason Simmons, Kylee had to admit to herself that the young lady was resourceful. With no money, ID, or friends to help her, Adaline had done a miraculous job avoiding capture.

Kylee used her left hand to itch her right one. Ever since she left Jason’s house, there had been this tingle running through her fingers. It wasn’t an unpleasant feeling, just… different.

Maybe they have a cat or something and this is life letting me know I can’t become an unmarried crazy cat lady. Kylee mused to herself with a smile.

Though she was only twenty three, Kylee’s mother was already all over her about getting married and settling down. As her mind wandered over the topic of romantic partners, for some odd reason, Jason Simmons’ face kept coming to mind. The boy wasn’t bad looking, just rather plain.

Kylee shook her head of such thoughts. She had barely even met the boy. She shouldn’t be thinking things like this about someone she would have to deal with in a professional capacity.

Besides, he’s too young for me anyway. Kylee’s thoughts left a sour taste after she had them. Why does that make me upset?

Kylee stopped at a red light and rubbed her eyes with a groan. A good night’s sleep. That’s all she needed right now. Without meaning to, her thoughts drifted to Jason Simmons and she wondered if he’d be able to get a good night’s sleep tonight.

I should stay in touch. Kylee found herself nodding along to her own thoughts. With his aunt out of town he might be in need of a more mature voice to confide in. 

She smiled as she thought about being a shoulder for the young man to lean on. 

I’ll be there for you, Jason.


Sorry for the delay between chapters. I've been on the mend and will now try to make it back to my regular schedule. Thanks for reading.

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