Fate: I Heard After Death, You Can Ascend to the Throne of Heroes?

Chapter 72: The Olympians Watching!

Promise looked at the goddess Persephone in front of him,

She was indeed beautiful, just as the myths described, with wavy golden hair and lovely brown eyes, wearing a pale silver dress.

At this moment, her bright eyes were reflecting Promise's figure.

Persephone gazed at the black-haired, green-eyed boy who had taken off Hades' invisibility helmet and appeared before her, blinking in surprise.

Surprised at his appearance and also surprised that he was Promise.

"You're Promise, Hera's follower?"

Persephone knew about Promise, not just because Hera had already boasted about him to the gods or because of Artemis' remarkable painting that caught their attention.

It was also because she knew that if it weren't for Promise's judgment in the white court, she and Hades wouldn't have Hera's blessing for their marriage.

Promise nodded.

Seeing him confirm his identity, Persephone grew more curious as she studied him... Truly, Promise wasn't the most handsome man she had ever seen, but he was the most 'comfortable' to look at.

The experiences of over six months and the careful shaping by the wise goddess Athena, combined with his naturally artistic aura, made Persephone's eyes shine.

Such a cute and... delicate child!

Persephone held her breath, fearing that a single breath might knock him down. 

After composing herself, she nervously pricked up her ears to listen for any sound outside the door.

Only when she was sure no one had noticed did she let out a sigh of relief.

She reached out, gently taking the boy's hand and pulling him closer before whispering, "Child, you said it was Hades who sent you?"

Promise nodded again, while his green eyes observed Persephone closely. 

The primary purpose of his visit was to ask if she was willing to follow Hades to the underworld.

After all, he remembered the original story of Greek mythology.

In the myth, Persephone wasn't a willing participant but was taken by force by Hades, who used pomegranate seeds to make her stay.

However, whether it was because Promise had altered fate from the beginning, allowing half a year for feelings to develop between the two or something else but Persephone's excitement didn't seem to be fake.

This greatly relieved Promise.

After all, if she herself was unwilling to go, his only option would be to choose death and leave the matter to Athena and Hera.

"Can you take me away now?" Persephone asked excitedly however the boy shook his head.

Seeing this, Persephone was a bit disappointed, though not surprised as she glanced at the invisibility helmet in his hand... If it could take two people away unnoticed, she would have already gone to the underworld with Hades.

She understood but was puzzled by Promise's next words.

"I cannot take you away right now, goddess Persephone, because to take you, I must first obtain the permission of goddess Demeter."

When Promise said this, Persephone stared at him with a bewildered look.

She even reached out to touch his head.

"Um, child, do you not know that this matter actually...?" Persephone hesitated, her voice trailing off.

"I know everything."

'Not only that, I am aware of the future of this matter.'

"The goddess of fate has informed me of everything, and it is precisely because of this that I cannot just take you away."

Before Persephone could continue her inquiries, Promise looked at her, his voice calm and serious as he spoke. 

"But goddess Persephone, please believe me. I will bring you to Hades, even if it costs me my life."

Hearing this, Persephone was stunned.

Her first reaction was to think that Promise was lying, but her second reaction was the realization that he was telling the truth.

Just as she was about to ask for more details, she sensed something and looked out the window at a distance.

Quickly, she turned to Promise and said urgently, "Child, you must leave now. My mother is about to return. If she finds you here with Hades' helmet, she will not spare you!"

Hearing this, Promise did not panic. 

He glanced outside, thought for a moment, then nodded and disappeared using the invisibility helmet right before Persephone's eyes.

Persephone turned around and quickly opened the door. 

She called Promise a few times, and when he did not respond, she sighed in relief, thinking he had left.

What she didn't know was that Promise was actually still in the corner of her room.

When Promise first met Persephone, he had already tested it. 

Unless he made a deliberate noise, no one could detect his presence.

Otherwise, he wouldn't have been able to get past Demeter's watchful plants and the pair of guardian lions at the gate to reach Persephone so easily.

After all, this invisibility helmet was on par with Zeus's lightning bolt and Poseidon's trident in terms of power.

Standing quietly in the corner, Promise did not wait long. 

After about ten minutes, he heard footsteps.

Soon, the goddess Demeter, crowned with a wreath of golden wheat and with her hair in a braided bun, arrived.

When Promise saw this noble goddess, he was surprised.

She appeared to be a very gentle deity, with a kind and gentle demeanor, quite different from Hera's regal presence.

Given her future actions of causing the earth to wither and imprisoning Persephone, Promise had always imagined Demeter to be a very strict goddess.

"Are you still angry with me, Persephone?"

Demeter, upon seeing her daughter, showed a pained expression, looking at her with gentle eyes and speaking softly.

The latter turned her head away, not speaking to her.

Seeing this, Demeter sighed, "I did this all for your own good... Regardless, I will never agree to it!"

With a determined expression, Demeter turned and left.

She knew that continuing the conversation would only lead to another argument with Persephone, as had been happening for the past month.

With each argument, her hatred for Hades and even Hera grew.

While their meeting was brief, it was enough for Promise to judge that Demeter would never relent regarding Persephone.

Indeed, Demeter loved her daughter dearly and was incredibly protective. 

Moreover, with her resolute nature, once she decided on something, it was even harder to change her mind.

This task... really should have been handled by Athena.

Remembering the wise and gentle yet fundamentally mischievous goddess, Promise couldn't help but shake his head.

If it were Athena, she would have found a way.

In normal circumstances, Athena would have rushed to guide him, giving divine instructions.

But in this unique situation, she could only watch. 

Even other goddesses could only observe unless Promise actively sought their help.

Because of this, somewhere on Mount Olympus, a certain deity was currently crying out in pain... 

Enjoying the spectacle and not fleeing immediately, thinking it was too interesting to leave, well..he brought this upon himself.

Even Athena believed that only with her and Hera's intervention could the situation be resolved.

So, at this moment, what Promise did not know was that the gods were all watching him intently, never looking away.

Not only Athena and the others, but even Apollo had bid farewell to the laurel tree nymph Daphne and returned to Olympus.

Thus, apart from the goddess of justice Themis and the three Fates, the main gods of Olympus involved in this matter and watching it unfold numbered seven.

In Greek mythology, only two or three events have ever drawn the attention of so many principal gods at once.

Such as the adventure of the Golden Fleece, or the Trojan War!

Leaving the palace where Persephone was held, when Promise left the depths of the mountain, dawn had already broken. 

At a small river, he took off the invisibility helmet. 

After washing his face with the river water and rubbing his stomach, feeling a bit hungry, he heard a clear neigh from Pegasus, who landed next to a surprised Promise.

It was the first time Pegasus had come to him voluntarily, without being summoned.

Pegasus folded its silvery white wings and looked at the boy with a gaze full of concern.

"Are you worried about me?" Promise asked, slightly puzzled but understanding after a moment.

Pegasus nodded and neighed softly.

Seeing this, Promise couldn't help but smile, patting his head. "Thank you, but I'm okay... Well, not completely okay, but..."

He paused, thinking for a long while.

"Pegasus, can you take me to see someone?"

Pegasus nodded, its hooves striking the ground.

"I want to see someone. If this really is my end, I think... I should at least say goodbye to him."


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