Akashic Tower II

The timeflow within the challenge floors could be controlled at will by Jun so while he set everyones for just a little faster, to cover his lack of experience and build up the power he lost as fast as possible, he set his own time much, much faster.

Before setting off though, he still had things to do.Namely, enhancing Semiramis' and Jeanne's noble phantasms. Currently, all three of them were in the reality marble were Semi now stored her Hanging Gardens.

"What are you planning to do master?" Semiramis asked.

"Wait and see Semi. Wait and see." Jun replied.

"Phantasmal Origin!"

The huge chakram was summoned and grew in size until it surrounded the Gardens like an orbital ring and started spinning.

Next up, Jun took out his Aurea Poculum and an unending stream of treasure startel flowing from it and being sucked up into the Hanging Gardens as they shone with blinding gold light.

Even Semiramis, an empress that lived a life of luxury got blinded by the sheer amount of treasure Jun was using, much like a country girl like Jeanne.

The end result was a much more luxurious, golden black Hanging Gardens of Babylon with a sharp increase in power.

Semiramis immediately felt that not only had the power of the Gardens increased, the boos she had received had s well.

"Are you sure you want to be spending that much on me~?" Semiramis teased Jun, but she truly appreciated the gesture.

"You're one of my people now. Your power is my power. I see it as worthy investment, wouldn't you say so?" Jun responded.

"Indeed! I will most certainly live up to all expectations and surpass them as a matter of course." Semiramis.

"That Semi . . . Only time came prove." Jun replied.

"Now then, it's your turn Jeanne. Let me borrow that sword of your, that you use for second noble phantasm." Jun bade her and the holy maiden obeyed.

He then used a fabricated copy of the Holy Cross to boost its already phenomenal power and make it so it didn't cost Jeanne's life.

The girl herself was feeling a bit down from the difference between what Jun spent for Semiramis and her, despite not being a greedy person, such was love after all, and her first love in Jeanne's case but then, Jun told her what he had done.

"You used the Holy Cross, a relic the exact same as the one the Lord was crucified and fused it with my noble phantasm to empower it and make it so I don't need my life as a payment for using it!?"

"That's right." Jun

"Such a precious artifact . . ." Jeanne was insecure.

"I'm sure you deserve it and you can prove it in training." Jun motivated her.

"Yes master! I won't let you down!" Jeanne exclaimed.

'Master sure knows what he's doing . . .' Semiramis casually thought, not at all displeased though.

Still, with his tasks done, it was time for training.

First though, he had to finally look at his much emptier status and what was going on with it.


Name: Haikami Jun

Race: Human/Dragon Hybrid

Gender: Male


    Strength: A+

    Endurance: A+

    Agility: A+

    Mana: EX

    Luck: EX

    Magic Circuits/Core: EX

    Affinity: True Void


Scion of the Void (E/UEX): Initial connection opened.

-Root Access (E)

-True Nothingness (EX)

-Kyokuchi (EX)

Origin Eyes of Akasha (EX)

-Left Eye of Akasha's Solver (UEX) (Sealed)

-Right Eye of Akasha's Weaver (UEX) (Sealed)

Dragon of Akasha (EX):

-Heart of Akasha(EX)

-Soul of Akasha (EX)

-Akashic Dragonhide (-)

-Glimpsing the Dragon of Akasha (EX)

-Idea Burst (EX->A++): Access to Akashic Burst lost.

-Idea Breath (EX->A++): Access to Akashic Breath lost.

Primordiality (EX->B):

Origin Rune (-)

Charisma of Supremacy (A+): Downgrade from Manifestation of Supremacy (EX)

Magecraft Mastery (B++): Downgrade from Magecraftian Truth.

Martial Mastery (A): Downgrade from Martial Truth.

Demon Palace Laplace (EX)

Noble Phantasms:

Aurea Poculum: The Corruption of Limitless Wealth (UEX)

Nyxo: The Ever Shifting Immortal Shadow (EX)

Airgetlam: Holy Silver Arm Of The Thorny Warpath (A+-EX)

Phantasmal Origin: The First Illusion of Myriad Myths (UEX)

Celestial Sphere: The Calamitous Starry Sky (A++)


'Not a pretty sight for sure . . .' Jun thought with hurt.

'Not when I compare it to before . . .'

'Still, the keystone of my future, Aurea Poculum was saved so I can eventually return to where I was with enough time . . . The real question is . . . Do I want to . . .' He considered.

'I was powerful but had far too many useless abilities that I would not bother using, Aeternus Eversor also had so many forms that I would not bother with and so many abilities that I would lose count if not for my enhanced mental faculties but even then, i would not use most of them.'

'With enough treasure and magical energy, I could produce an exact copy but the issue is . . . What is the point? I should take this chance to start anew, pick the abilities I think I will use and then just focus on empowering them to the best of my abilities.'

'Although Phantasmal Origin has me covered in both attack and defence through projections and Wrought Iron Magecraft, I'd still like a dedicated armor so I'll make one first but since I would need greater magical energy to make what I want, I'll just let it generate it while I train.'

'I need to be careful though, I've lost Avalon's regeneration ability so my healing is not nearly as good and reconstructing my body is costly so I don't want to do it again.' Jun finished his considerations and jumped onto the first challenge floor.

Each floor was a different small world and this one, was filled with skeletons with various weapons and degrees of power. Most of the were quite weak but there were hundreds of thousands of them. There were a few Jun found stronger than even himself though.

[First Challenge Floor: Skeleton Empire]

[Enemies: Outer Rim: Skeleton Warriors, Skeleton Archers, Skeleton Magi, Skeleton Knights.]

[Enemies: Middle Ring: Skeleton Elites, Skeleton Commanders.]

[Enemies: Inner Ring: Grand Skeletons, Bone Guards, Skeleton Generals.]

[Enemies: Core: Bone Keepers, Skeleton Lords, Skeleton Emperor]

'My senses don't reach that far as to find the lord so the ones stronger than me must be the Generals . . .' Jun thought, clearly, he had thought lowly of the first floor.

'Floors, are based on enemy types not just strength. The goons on the next floor will only be marginally stronger than the skeletons and the boss will be just marginally stronger than the Skeleton Emperor. The level of difficulty does not rise much.' Ahsaka explained.

'I see . . . Whatever the case, time to get to work.' Jun responded.

As Jun started moving, he soon spotted a squad of thirteen skeletons. Six Skeleton Warriors, four Skeleton Archers, two skeleton mages and a single Skeleton knight, mounted on a Skeletal Warhorse.

As soon as he came into contact, Jun immediately moved. Using the Wrought Iron Magecraft provided by Phantasmal Origin, even when he did not summon it, a small blast of Rhongomyniad wiped the knight and his horse.

Jun then charged, ignoring the counter attack by means of magic and arrows as he summoned a magical barrier from the Around Round Shield to block them as he charged.

Three warriors carrying spears thrusted them at him but Jun just shattered them with his Airgetlam and with a swing of his hand, he summoned the power of Laevatein to burn all the remaining skeletons to nothing.

'Hmm . . . Wrought Iron Magecraft suits me much better that using multiple weapons or even shapeshifting weapons.' Jun thought.

'It is an excellent way of taking advantage of your Mana parameters as well.' Ahsaka added.

'Indeed.' Jun replied as he looked for more enemies with his Origin Eyes of Akasha.

Finding another squad, this time, he decided to try to fight with weapons. The squad composition was the exact same.

Drawing a bow, he fired an explosive arrow, taking out the knight first, two quick follow ups dispatched the mages. Jun then summoned a shield to block the arrows from the three archers and performed a shield charge boosted with Kyokuchi. to shatter the three spear wielding Skeleton Warriors.

All that remained was three sword and shield wielding Skeleton Warriors and three Skeleton Archers. Taking out a sword and using his Idea Burst as a regular Mana Burst, two swings later, the skeletons were gone.

'Felt good but these enemie are not conductive towards goof training, they're too weak, better move inwards. Still . . . If I get weaker companions in the future, they'll need a lower starting point as this area seems quite good for it.' Jun considered.

As he moved inward, Jun began to test out various projections and fighting styles, as he had massive knowledge accrued from studying the Akashic Records, the methods of creation and the history of many noble phantasms was stored in his mind.

As such, projecting them was quite easy as he did not depend on sight like EMIYA or his lesser version. And so, continuously sharpening his skills, Jun moved ever inwards, onto the Middle Ring of the first floor of the Akashic Tower.


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