Dun Scaith III

Unfortunately, while Jun met the requirements, he was still lacking some things in order to succeed in his endeavour so he put it on the backburner for the moment. It was time to continued his training anyways.

"Now that you have forged a worthy body and mind as well as having acquired the proper skills to use them, all that remains is to test all of it in battle." Scathach said.

"There is no lack of foes for you to practice on here so search for opponents and refine your might through the fire of battle." She commanded and Jun obeyed, setting out in search of enemies.

It was like this that Jun passed his days, slaughtering foes without rest and polishing his skills against fallen divine spirits that roamed the Land of Shadows.

But to the current him, they posed very little threat, not on the basis of his raw power which, while high, was not all that. Instead, it was his transcendent martial skill that enabled him to accomplish such an impressive feat.

The years went on and it was time for the final exam . . .

"You have spent a long time training in my domain but its time for your final exam." Scathach declared.

"A duel between you and me." She revealed.

"I figured as much." Jun replied.

"Indeed. Now for the stakes . . . A single request the the other must honor no matter what, that is it." Scathach said.

"Fair enough." Jun agreed.

'Her request will probably be from me to grow stronger and kill her since I have that potential, mine however . . .' He thought to himself.

"Alright then, take as much time as you need to prepare yourself and I shall do the same." Scathach said before leaving Jun to his own devices.

Jun got right to work, in this realm where time did not matter, he wanted to perfect a few things and why face Scathach immediately when he could still do more.

FIrst order of business was to use Root Access to manipulate his skills, like fusing compatible ones and improving their power.

There were two things he wanted to do in this train of thought. First, he would fused True and False Sights into the weakened Daemonic Apocrypha since they had great compatibility.

The other thing was the matter of his magecraft. Lots of beings had powerful magic resistances so Jun tended not to use magecraft as much as he could, at least for the purposes of battle.

But, he had noticed that his Boundary of Nothingness, despite coming from his martial arts, was not at all incompatible with magecraft. On the contrary, there seemed to be a powerful magecraft hidden within but Jun could not access it.

He guessed he needed to break through that barrier and go further beyond to access the power he felt but he still had a way to make his magecraft more effective and that, was to apply the principle of Idea Burst to his magecraft, making it incredibly complex but able to nullify Magic Resistance.

The skill resulting from the first endeavour was the following:


Apocryphal Truth (UEX): An imitation, a fake of the Akashic Records within the user's mind. Records the past present and future on a large scale and with complete detail. Only possible to recreate due to the user's connection to the Root.

Grants the user massive mental processing capabilities, greater than even the Moon Cell but requires the deadening of emotions an senses to use at full capacity and even such information is read, potentially overloading the users mind and body if such a measure is not taken.

By absorbing the Book of Akasha, the original language, the skill further approaches the real Akashic Records, storing the information in that same language.


A truly powerful skill that nearly equals the Crest of Truth the Umbral Ark robbed him of in some ways and even surpass it in others. A fusion of the Book of Akasha, Daemonic Apocrypha, True Sight and False Sight.

The result of the second endeavour . . .


Ideal Craft (-): A complex form of adaptive magecraft that subtly changes its internal properties to enhance itself and nullify enemies' strengths while preying on their weaknesses.

This magecraft would be highly cumbersome and inefficient without massive processing capabilities and the Original Language of the Root to assist in casting as well as Innate Mystery to to provide a powerful connection.


Yet another powerful skill created that would make all of Jun's learned magecraft much more useful as its flaws are perfectly covered by his abilities, thus allowing him to take full advantage of its benefits.

A fusion of Innate Mystery with the addition of Original Language from the Apocryphal Truth and the mechanisms and principles of Idea Burst and Breath.

Armed with this new power, Jun found Scathach, already at their agreed battle ground, awaiting him. He had taken a few months to do the work required to create those two skills so he wondered how long she had been sitting there but such things were not really important.

"Ready?" Scathach inquired.

"Ready." Jun replied and Scathach was already charging but Jun had seen it coming.

Scathach had set layers upon layers of Runic Protections and Enhancements to be able to match Jun is parameters and used her Wisdom of Dun Scaith to obtain a powerful A rank Mana Burst

Meanwhile, Jun was already covered in Idea Aigis as he jumped up and back to dodge Scathach's charge and summoned the Vajra form of Idea Force, sending it barreling towards his teacher through his telekinetic control over it.

He used his Ideal Apotheosis Status boosts and distributten his six + modifiers onto his stats, making them Str: A+, End: A++ and Agi: A+++

'Agility is best, our movements methods are about equal since teacher is a freak in all kinds of ways but with my superior agility, I can maintain our distance.' Jun thought faster than lightning.

'Teacher might be a genius of Runes but she is even more dangerous in melee combat so no reason to fight at close range from the get go.' He planned.

Scathach jumped back suddenly to avoid the oncoming Vajra as it caused a huge explosion on impact into the ground and readied herself to use the throwing version of her Gae Bolg Alternative but a massive Chakram was already spinning rapidly as it flashed towards her.

Noticing the huge amount of power Jun had put into it with his Idea Burst, she gave up her attack and stepped on the air to dodge.

'She hasn't show that move before!' Jun thought with some surprise.

Scathach once again readied herself to throw her spear but suddenly, the Vajra shot towards her from below and the Chakran turned to assail her from behind while Jun was held aloft by the Maana based booster on Aigis Idea and held Idea Force's Warbow form with a strange giant red arrow knocked on it.

With a strange spinning maneuver, she dodged both attacks and then she and Jun unleashed their noble phantasm strikes at the same time.

"Idea Force!" "Gae Bolg Alternative!"

They were both sure hit attacks and so they clashed tip to tip.

Jun's was more powerful tough and busted through after knocking the thrown spear aside but it had lost power so with her second spear and runic protections, Scathatch managed to stop it.

'This won't work.' 'This won't work.'

They both though at the same time but Scathach decided to stick to her guns and see Jun's next move. Jun pulled out a crystalline dagger reminiscent of both an Azoth Sword and the Jeweled Sword Zelretch.

'Let's test her defenses with my Idea Craft.' He decided.

Phantasmal Origin had been made with countless noble phantasms so it had an unbelievable power and energy reserve within it, the Crystalline Dagger form of Idea orce allowed Jun to tap into it and either use it for a raw heat based attack or to power his magecraft, now Idea Craft.

Immediately, Jun swund the dagger and a massive beam of energy swepth towards Scathact who heasily avoided it but the folloiwng attacks were no longer that simple.

Miniature Suns, world wrecking lightning strikes, tornados of cutting winds, Jun launched spell after spells at his teacher but it was to no avail, she dodged the concentrated ones that could harm her while blocking the others with her Rune Magecraft.

Being in her domain, she would never run out of magical energy and she was significantly strengthened as well so Jun could not steal the victory just like that.

'Fighting her in close quarters will just be playing on her field of expertise . . . Guess I should play my trump card and see how she deals with that . . .' Jun decided.

"Idea Force: Deus Ex Machina!"


P.a.t.r.e.o.n is officially up!

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You'll get to read up to FOUR week ahead, a full month, but I'll still post here.

There's also my other novel Archon of DanMachi, do check it out!

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