Meeting Aftermath II

To say Morgan, Scathach and Penthesilea were pissed . . . Would be a massive understatement.

Scathach cared very little for the fact that [Shiki] had been spying on all of them and so, she little to not anger towards this woman/mysterious being they had never even met.

She was however, beyond pissed at herself for failing to notice it.

Scathach valued her skills and her knowledge to the highest degree, to the point others needed to have obscenely high qualifications just to be considered worthy of her teachings. Her pride in her skills and might was one of the things she treasured the most.

Yet, [Shiki]'s success was, to her at least, ironclad proof that she was far from being as good as she thought she was. That complacency had made her stagnate in a position far beyond the pinnacle she once sought as a Warrior and Mage.

But the the fire of rage reignited her lost drive to improved, fueled her dying ambition to reach higher plateaus of strength and once again cursed her with the unending thirst for power that once brought her to her current level.

For the first time in countless years, Scathach, the Queen of Dun Scaith, was ready to put her everything into training herself to reach heights beyond anything she had once thought possible. one could only imagine what kind of monster may result from such an endeavour.

Penthesilea, was the exact opposite but had a similar conclusion. Rather than being pissed at not having noticed such an intrusion into all of their privacies, the once queen of the Amazons was beyond enraged at [Shiki]'s audacity to commit such an act.

She had to face punishment no doubt, however, to punish someone, greater power was required. [Shiki] was a being that even Jun recognized as more powerful that he ever was and that only once his final transformation is achieved will he instantly surpass and go far beyond her.

As such, for Penthesilea who wished to dole out punishment with her very own hands and strength, [Shiki]'s power posed an insurmountable obstacle for the current her.

The only option then, was to toss her everything into training, possibly submitting herself to some of Scathach's crazier training routines which, considering her tamest ones, was probably not a good idea for anyone.

Still, simply letting this go was not an option and as such, Scathach gained a training partner of around the same strength to collaborate in her extreme sessions that she was already planning for the very near future.

Then there was Morgan. while Scathach had issues with her inability to notice [Shiki]'s spying and Penthesilea had issues with the fact she actually dared to do it, Morgan was utterly enraged at both, effectively matching her two fellow queen wives put together in their wrath.

Unlike them however, mere training would not get her much further. Jun's summon had brought her into being at the very peak of her prowess with a Transcender Vessel.

Having lived for thousands of years and bearing obscene amounts of power built up over that time, there were limits to the way Morgan could improve.

But it was not like she lacked methods to do so anyway.

Things like increasing the power of the Crown of Heroes: Camelot with which her noble phantasm was fused for example, was one of them. Boosting her accumulated magical energy reserves would allow her to wield infinitely more power as well.

After all, Morgan was not someone whose power stopped increasing no matter how much energy she had available, in fact, it increased in proportion to that.

Now, if she could increase the power of the Crown of Heroes: Camelot, her accumulated magical energy reserves would also grow in turn, resulting in a two pronged increase in her power.

Originally, she wished to let Jun conclude his transformation before using his summoning abilities to help her accomplishing somethings but now, she was most certainly enraged enough to needlessly do everything herself.

It would take a lot more effort and there was an element of danger to herself she would most certainly not tell her husband about but there was most definitely a way to do things herself.

She had the opportunity to analyze Jun's summoning of Servants and she was fairly confident she could create a degraded replication of the ritual with the catch that she would only be able to summon beings with a sufficiently strong connection to her.

Thankfully, the main target of her summoning had a very strong connection to her indeed. In fact, it could be said she was simply another iteration of herself.

As for what that meant, all fairies were born with a purpose and those born with the same purpose looked the same and were basically more recent iterations of the previous fairies with which they shared their roles.

Naturally, as a fairy herself, Morgan had those who shared an innate purpose and role with her and it was one such individual she wished to summon. Artoria Avalon, the "chosen one" of the British Lostbelt after "Tonelico" in other words, Morgan.

If she could be summoned, her noble phantasm could be used to immediately improve the Crown of Heroes: Camelot, enhancing certain abilities and perhaps even adding new ones. This would in turn strengthen Morgan.

Her true path to power however, could b e found after the summoning was successful, with the two of them working together, they could achieve much more and reach peaks far higher than either could if working by themselves and that was precisely what Morgan was counting on.

As the three queens plotted their paths to power for their own reasons and bearing each a different mentality, Jun and Cleria watched in silence as they swiftly decided to extricate themselves from the stressful environment and enjoy some quality time just the two of them.

Jun had no plans to do anything about [Shiki] for the moment and could clearly sense that his three beloved wives did not nesire an inkling of his help for whatever they were planning.

As such, with Cleria who had no intentions to gestate hostility with [Shiki] and was far too bellow the others in terms of prowess and talent to consider some of their power seeking ideas, Jun decided to swiftly retreat and begin his holidays with a nice romantic retreat . . .


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