New Mission and Results of Refusal

Meeting with Iri, Natalia, Maya and calling for Asako as well, Jun decided to give them a task to perform back in the Nasuverse.

"Calling us so soon after that disappointment?" Natalia joked.

Maya said nothing, maintaining her stoic silence but Jun could actually feel the disappointment just wafting off of her. Hers was in fact more serious than Natalia's who had actually spoken.

Iri was the most understanding and didn't at all mind the waiting period but she decided it would be fun teasing Jun and so she joined the other two throwing looks of disappointment at him.

Asako didn't at all know what to do and was a bit at a loss since as an heroic spirit and Servant, she actually got the privilege of binding.

She felt out of place in the group of four but was also secretly very plased with the fact that she had the privilege of eternally binding herself to her beloved master when some who had known him for a longer time did not.

"You all need need to learn some patience. The binding will come, it will just take a little bit more time than I expected alright." Jun said and thought that didn't lessen their disappointment, it did help them, mostly Maya who was the most disappointed out of the three move past it somewhat.

"Let us move onto the mission however." He continued and the women got more serious.

"I'm sending you all back to the Nasuverse along with Sakura and Illya." Jun revealed.

"Why?" Iri was confused while the others, being more used to the way mission briefings went, simply waited for Jun to elaborate.

"I'm sure Sakura is missing her sister despite all the care we've given her and this is a chance to let her have a proper school life in her hometown along with said sister. It is also an opportunity to let Illya experience this as well." Jun explained.

"My, my! When you put that way it does indeed sound like a wonderful idea!" Iri seemed to be thrilled with this "mission" of theirs.

"I'm glad you think so." Jun commented before moving on.

"Natalia and Maya will be setting up connections to the Clock Tower and other magical institutions for our merry band's future endeavours. Do some missions, earn us some favours, the works." He assigned them their own mission.

"Understood." "You got it." Maya and Natalia accepted their given role.

"Asako will be going to secure the entire operation. Spying with her presence concealment and guarding everyone from possible threats they are not equipped to deal with. Our binding based connection will also allow us to maintain contact even while on different worlds." Jun continued.

"Yes master." Asako accepted her new duties as well.

"Will you visit? The girls will definitely miss you. In fact, they already do since you're really not around that much." Iri criticized.

"I'll definitely try. No reason to to be able to since I can manipulate the difference in timeflows between the two worlds and am not expecting anything too critical in DxD for quite a while." Jun replied.

Iri was sufficiently pleased with the response and nodded to indicate it. Giving them all a day to prepare before being sent off, Jun and Iri went to talk with Illya and Sakura for the temporary goodbyes and to tell them the news.

"We're going away!?" Illya was shocked by the sudden reveal.

Sakura remained quiet but seemed to be quite unsettled as well, looking at Jun like a thrown away puppy.

He quickly hugged the two girls close to him in a warm and comforting embrace that somewhat calmed them down.

"Iri will be with you and Asako along with Maya and Natalia will also be around. I can't always be there but I'll visit regularly okay? I need to replenish my reserves of cuteness after all." Jun cajoled them, making both girls giggle at the included compliment.

"You promise?" Sakura cutely questioned.

"I promise my little princess." Jun assured her.

"Besides, with this you can both go to school and make some friends your age. You'll even get to see your big sister again." He explained.

Sakura seemed to be quite surprised by the news, pleasantly so as she quite missed Rin. Illya on the other hand, too a different stance.

"Hmph! I don't need snotty brats with underdeveloped brains that just look like they're the same age as me!" She exclaimed.

"I only need . . ." Illya's voice drifted off as she shyly glanced at Jun after ending on such a note, an obvious enough indication that wanted Jun and no one else.

"Hoh? So you only care about Jun huh?" Iri seemed to be making a smile that was not really a smile as she looked at her beloved daughter, though said daughter was not feeling much beloved in that particular instant.

Wisely taking Sakura aside and spoiling her a bit, much to the little girl's delight, Jun avoided looking as Illya pleaded to him for salvation with her gaze while Iri taught her to value her mother's efforts and affections.

After that talk however, everything fell into a stable rhythm during the following days.

The previously mentioned group of four took the two little girls back to the Nasuverse whereas the rest of th group remained in DxD for now but there were some changes.

One of them was the opening of the Dun Scaith Boot Camp presided over by Scathach and meant to whip up every single member of Jun's merry band or Harem as he secretly called it into shape.

In particular, there were three very dedicated participants in the three DxD girls that had refused Jun's offer, Sae, Natsume and Shigune. To answer the question of why that was, onee merely needed to look at the results of their refusal of Jun's offer over the following days.

Jun went to talk to them as he planned and comforted them that not only would the offer still stand, but also that he was proud of them for not rushing into a decision, especially when they are still relatively inexperienced.

While this talk somewhat assuaged their doubts and they were immensely grateful for Jun's attitude towards the matter, they also began feeling unworthy of him.

Out of the considerable number of individuals that received the offer, they were the only ones to not accept it, even Kuroka whose age and experience sat around the same level as them made the decision to join Jun in eternity without hesitation.

It made all three wonder whether they truly were deserving of all the Jun provided to them, all the care and protection he gave them.

They were even among the weakest of those the offer was extended too and stood to benefit the most from it but still refused. Looking at it logically, they had made the greatest blunder of their lives on impulse.

The worst part about it, was while that decision did not lower their worth in Jun's eyes, it certainly earned the trio no favour from the rest of the ladies.

All this combined left them feeling inadequate both power and mentality wise to become a true integral part of Jun's fold.

When they rejoined the group after Jun's comforting, they had noticed the others were not nearly as welcoming as they once were and some no doubt thought that Jun was being too good for them.

Cleria along with Lavinia and the young ones like Shirone were the only ones that still treated them the exact same as before.

It was then that Cleria spoke with Scathach who was thinking of creating a training program to help her beloved husband improve the forces at his disposal in quality since his current like of resources prevented an expansion in quality.

The Queen of Dun Scaith was of the mind that the trio that rejected Jun's offer were unworthy but didn't really bother with them, treating them like they did not exist which was arguably worse than some of the judgemental looks they got from the others.

Cleria however, who was technically one of the Four Queens of the harem that had the honor of sharing Jun's bed for more than simple sleeping, persuaded her sister to give the three girls another chance through an opportunity to receive her training.

She was successful and when she shared these news with Sae, Shigune and Natsume, the trio were jubilant but she made sure to warn them in a grave tone.

"Jun has repeatedly said the Scathach's training, while incredibly effective, is not for the faint of heart and demands outrageous mental fortitude so don't think of this as an easy path to redemption." Cleria explained.

The three girls nodded with a firm sense of purpose, determined to shed their unworthy former selves to become women deserving of standing be Jun's side and receiving his care.


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