Results of Training I

With his business in DxD handled and with nothing else there requiring his attention, Jun decided to leave once more.

He made sure to visit his DxD team, spend some time with them, evaluating their progress and such, as well as taking care of his husbandly duties with Cleria. Jun then gathered his wives and informed them about the results of his meeting with the Yokai leaders.

They had no opinions in particular, though Morgan considered Jun to have gone too soft on Nurarihyon for his disrespect, Penthesilea, being a less the reasonable queen in her previous life, also felt the same way but deferred to her husband.

Cleria on the other hand, was much more interested in Yasaka and decided to make her own evaluation of the nine tailed fox, after all, the DxD Verse was her home ground and she had no intention of being superseded by someone originating from the same world as herself.

Lastly there was Scathach, who hear what Jun had to say, nodded in acknowledgement, and then swiftly returned to her tort-training of Jun's forces.

After this brief interlude however, Jun returned to the Nasuverse so as to meet the second group who seemed to be looking for him quite intently.

Apparently, only two of them actually came to meet him and they both had very different aspirations in doing so, all would only become clear however, once he finally met with them face to face and so, that is exactly what Jun set out to do.

In the meanwhile, Morgan returned to her pet project, started very recently, at the time of Jun's duel with Artoria, yet already showing quite promising results.

Said pet project, was split into two halves, the task Jun requested namely, turning Magdalena, Gray's mother into a useful resource and Morgan's own endeavour of letting Mordred who now had a body capable of growth, reach her true potential.

And being as capable as she was, it was nothing if not expected for her to have already achieved significant results on both fronts, thought she wanted to wait for both her projects to reach higher degrees of completion before she called Jun to show off her success.

Magdalena was already reaching the top of modern magi, nearly at the limit of power that they could wield while being sure to surpass them very soon.

The woman's abilities were not the only thing to change however, Morgan had her synchronize with her own existence and, as a result, Magdalena's features, began to gain a marked resemblance to Morgan's which turned the woman who wasn't particularly pretty in spite of the relaxing warmth and kindness in her face, into a veritable beauty.

As for her abilities, it couldn't be simpler. Much in the same manner that Shirou in the Unlimited Blade Works Route of Fate/Stay Night was able to easily absorb Archer Emiya's skills and abilities, like pouring water from a glass into another, Morgan used the established connection between her and Magdalena to quite literally cram her skills and power into her.

As a result, the formerly powerless normal human without even magic circuits, was on her way to becoming a peerless witch of unquestionable magical power and skill.

Morgan's second project however, was the one she was truly invested in. Jun had previously given Mordred a very degraded Dragon Core extracted from Sieg who got it from Siegfried, this greatly helped in the development of her Factor of the Dragon.

The plan was simply to refine it even further, and supplement Mordred's skill set with some magical skills. Morgan had no illusions, and knew Mordred would lack the patience for magecraft but there were ways to make use of her innate talent.

At the moment, Mordred Dragon Heart was still inferior to Artoria's but only because Artoria herself had gotten significantly more powerful than before as her "son" had already caught up to her previous self, at least it terms of raw power.

Morgan then used her knowledge of Divine Constructs to upgrade Clarent from B rank to A, resulting in an increase in the power output of Mordred's Clarent Blood Arthur, making it into a rank A++ Anti-Fortress noble phantasm, same as Artoria's Excalibur was in its sealed state.

She also guided Mordred into further refining her Crimson Lightning. Being an expression of her Mana Burst which was actually standard, Morgan helped to fully make it into a lightning type Mana Burst.

As result, the boost in speed Mordred got from her mana burst drastically increased and though it now burned extra energy, the raw burst power was further boosted though her body couldn't handle it being kept up for too long without a break.

As for the aspect of magecraft, Morgan just taught Mordred one simple skill that drastically improved her kit, how to direct and channel her new Mana Burst, which had now been turned into Crimson Lightning (A+) on her saint graph, and turn it into powerful and varied ranged attacks.

This simple change made Mordred a much more troublesome enemy who now had a fast and hard hitting ranged attack she could use with decent precision and very quickly.

All this progress mande Mordred extremely excited to show off her new abilities and prowess to Jun and her father, eager to earn their recognition. Morgan however, dumped water on her excitement, as she wanted her to refine her skills further.

Convincing her "son" proved to be quite simple however.

"Will showing half baked skills you have yet to properly master, really earn you honest recognition?" With that one question, Morgan secured Mordred's cooperation and further boosted her drive to improve and refine the new abilities she had obtained.

There was yet another who was showing rapid progress however, the young Gray who was now under Scathach's tutelage. And despite the toughness and brutality of the training, the young girl seemed to be up to the task, earning her master's praise, something which did not come easily . . .


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