To See How Far . . . IV

Squeezed from above by Rhongomyniad and bellow by Excalibur, Jun was in quite the pinch but he was not out of moves just yet.

While his Door to the Starry Sky held the holy lance at bay, Jun faced downwards to fight back against Excalibur as he made a series of moves, nearly instantaneously.

First Jun used Ideal Craft to reinforce his vessel to the limit and then, he began using the powers of his available Nine Crown's to both strengthen his vessel so that could handle more power and then pour as much power as it could hold into it.

Blessings of Starlight from his Crown of Stars: Ark, boosted all of his abilities, Cosmic Furnace, the pinnacle of Mana Burst skills from the very same Crown, filled him to the bring with apocalyptic power.

Darkened Bastion from the Crown of Heroes: Camelot, increased his sturdiness while Heroic Might from the same Crown further increased his power.

Investiture of the Sky for his Crown of Heaven: Celestia, bestowed upon him EX ranked Divinity, the most it could in its restrained state as normally, it could even create a powerful Divine Core for Jun.

The bestowed Divinity held many effects as Divinity provided different things based on the source and the holder.

For example, goddesses like Stheno and Euryale possessed actual Divine Cores but their Divinity only made them forever young and beautiful, provided no other benefits, making them goddesses weaker than most mortals.

On the other hand, one had Oryou, dragon type being, closer to a great serpent than an actual dragon, whose mere B ranked Divinity made her virtually invulnerable to most attacks, even making it possible for her to block noble phantasms with her bare body and no damage whatsoever.

This was because Divinity was a sort of booster that enhanced one's main characteristics so it granted its possessor effects based on their domain of ability. Making a dragon tough, a goddess of beauty beautiful, a god of strength strong and so on.

Investiture of the Sky could birth and develop all kinds of Divinities to fit any who may bind themselves to the Crown of Heaven but when Jun, its master, made use of the ability, it granted him a master divinity that became an overall enhancement.

His toughness, power, charisma, beauty, wisdom, intelligence, skills, etc. They were all increased based on the rank of Divinity acquired and whether a Divine Core was formed or not.

With all the power accumulated through the overlay of various abilities in hand, Jun convergend it all into a single mighty attack through the use of the True Severance ability of the Crown of Heroes.

This action resulted in his vessel, unable to handle all the power he was using despite its enhancements, to begin cracking.

The Affirmation of Life ability from the Crown of paradise: Eden kicked in, repairing all the damage as it occurred but it was clear to all that Jun would not last long in his current state.

And so, he had to claim victory with swiftness, ending the battle with his next strike.

True Severance was unleashed with a simple looking fist strike, but one that unleashed roiling waves of power that near instantly overwhelmed Excalibur's torrent of light.

Artoria realized her impending defeat and made moves of her own to avert it.

She knew True Severance created an attack that even a perfect defence like Avalon could not stop but no ability was perfect, the greater the wall True Severance had to break, the greater the energy required and so, while the ability could not be literally stopped, it could be exhausted.

That was Artoria's plan.

Being bound to the Crown of Heroes: Camelot, she too could draw upon its abilities for personal use and that was exactly what she did.

Using Heroic Might to boost her attack power and her own True Severance to further refine it, Artoria intensified Excalibur's might, increasing the energy Jun's own attack required to reach her.

Since her use of True Severance was far inferior to Jun's whose personal mastery of it became the basis for the Crown's version of the ability along with the fact that Jun had harmonized a huge amount of powers in his single strike however meant that Excalibur's resistance was still short lived.

Nonetheless, its role was fulfilled as part of Jun's attack was offset before Artoria activated her Avalon and Darkened Bastion from the Crown of Heroes, not boost her defense.

Avalon protected its user by sequestering them in Avalon, the Land of the Fairies where no attack could reach.

True Severance however, was basically an Anti Everything Class attack and so, through a massive expenditure of energy and in spite of drastically weakening, it still reached Artoria who, along with Darkened Bastion, used her Mana Burst to the limit to create a virtual armor of magical energy around her while enhancing her body at the same time.

And so, holding Excalibur in front of her, Artoria ate the remainder of Jun's attack head on.

Weakened as it was however, it still plowed through Artoria's defences and blasted her away, knocking the holy sword out of her hands, dispersing her Mana Burst based protection and shattering her armor while delivering devastating fatal injuries upon the King of Knights.

Artoria laid flat on the ground, missing a limb or two while her insides were all mush but Avalon began doing its magic and enhancing her already significant self recovery to obscene levels, it would take some time before she could move again though.

This was it, all Jun needed to do was deliver on final attack and victory would be his.

Unfortunately, he had his own problems to deal with.

Jun who was originally flying, had fallen to the ground because his vessel was far to damaged from the backlash of his own attack to support the use of his Ideal Craft. He simply laid there, kneeling in the vast plains of the duel field, paralyzed and unable to muster any strength.

Like Artoria's however, his state was also temporary as Affirmation of light rapidly repaired his broken vessel.

The question was, who would recover first?

Rhongomyniad was still looming over the battlefield with Jun's Door to the Starry Sky progressively exhausting its power in order to hold it at bay.

Door to the Starry Sky was currently Jun's mightiest attack in terms of raw energy as it did not rely on his vessel to channel it but by employing Rhongomyniad and pouring all of its power into a single attack, becoming unable to use it for anything else, Artoria had denied Jun his mightiest ability.

Artoria and Jun quickly regained functionality but they were both still quite weakened. Gambling on the fact that Jun was weaker and unarmed however, Artoria decided to charge in her weakened state, judging it preferable to letting Jun fully recover. Her enhanced instincts told her to do so.

And they were right.

Jun smiled at the charging Artoria, knowing her Shining Path skill had led to her making a critically good decision based purely on instinct. If she had held back from attacking until she had recovered more, Jun could have used his Cradle of Life to create a powerful shell body around his vessel.

This would cover for many of his disadvantages, even though he could not create a truly powerful shell like a true dragon body due to his current restraints.

Thanks to Artoria's masterful decision though, she could now enjoy a significant advantage in the final brawl to decide the end of the battle between her and Jun.

And so it was, that the King of Knights strode forth, shining golden holy sword in hand, facing down Jun who filled his damaged vessel with the might of Cosmic Furnace and under the light of the holy lance and the starry sky, the grand melee to determine the final victor of the duel began.


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