Fate Online: Shadow

Chapter 204 - Were just doing a rehearsal! Sorry!


"Are you still going to come back here and harass Cathy?" Viper said coldly as he once again landed a slap on the man’s face.

The teachers and even the principal came, they really wanted to stop what’s currently happening because there are students watching them, but they are also afraid that they would anger Viper, risking losing him.

After all, Viper had just become the largest donor of the school after he had donated a total of twenty million dollars just a few days ago, and which....probably didn’t even hurt his wallet.

In actual fact, the other retired hitmen like Genesis and the others had also donated some of their money to some schools around the country and even some third world countries, especially those schools that really need the help of "Money", especially places like where gangs are ruling in the shadows and causes troubles everywhere.

They might be people who have a lot of blood in their hands, but that doesn’t make them cold-blooded that they would just ignore the people around them who truly need help.

The man was already crying, and he looked at Viper with horrified eyes and said, "Yesh, yesh. I-I wo..won’t be bothering her anymore"

"Not just her, that also includes Olivia, especially Summer," Viper said as he walked before the man and squatted down so that they could see at each other eye to eye.

"If I find you that you had gone back on your words..."

Viper placed his mouth beside the man’s ear and whispered coldly.


Viper smiled, while the man suddenly had an illusion that he was actually looking at a smiling demon from hell!

"Hiiiee! D-demon!" the man suddenly screamed like a girl and ran away towards his car.

"Huh? Is that guy mental or something?" VIper stood up and scratched the back of his head, as he was confused about why the guy suddenly acted he had just seen something horrifying.

"You okay?" Viper said as she walked over towards Cathy.

"Uhmm" Cathy nodded meekly.

Viper just smiled and ruffled her hair.

"Hey! My hair!" Cathy quickly turned from a kitty earlier into a tigress.

"Smile, don’t worry about that guy anymore. He wouldn’t dare bother you anymore, else I will throw him to jail"

Viper then looked at the crowd that had gathered around them and students watching them from above the school building and smiled.

"Sorry about that guys, we were just rehearsing for an upcoming tv show! Hahaha!" Viper started laughing.

"Yes, they were just rehearsing a tv show. Now, go to your classes kids!" the principal quickly stepped forward and urged the kids to go inside.

And the student quickly started talking about what happened as they slowly made their way towards their respective classes.

"Rehearsing my as*! He was clearly slapping that guy, but it was so satisfying watching it though!"

"Yeah, I’ve never seen someone as shameless as that guy. I really feel sorry that Cathy had a father like that"

"But her new dad was so cool, did you guys see how fast he slapped the daylights out of that guy!?"

"I didn’t even see it, all I saw was a blur and then followed by the sound of the slap. Don’t tell me he practices kung fu or something!?"

"And he looks so scary with those muscles in his body, and that face that looks like he was some kind of a mafia boss or something"

"He looks more like a Yakuza though. You know, those people who have a lot of tattoos in their bodies?"

"But he only has a single tattoo though, so I doubt he’s a yakuza"

"I wish I have a dad like him. He’s so freaking cool! I’m pretty sure no guy would dare hurt me if they know I have a dad like him" said a female student to her friends.

And Cathy who was walking through the school corridor with her two friends had a somewhat embarrassed look on her face hearing that they were talking about her soon to be a new dad.

’But he was seriously cool back there. Should I call him Dad like Summer from now on?’

"Was that person your mom’s boyfriend? The person whom you were talking about before?" asked Cathy’s friend called Alicia, the one who has copper-like hair.

"Yeah, he’s some ex-military guy or something" Cathy answered as she opened the door to their classroom.

"He was seriously awesome back there, I wish my dad is at least two percent as amazing as he is. I bet any boys from now on who try to bother and flirt with you better think twice" said the dark-skinned woman called, Jada.

Hearing her, the girls laughed.

And when the three girls entered their classroom, all of the other students looked at them, more specifically towards Cathy for a good few seconds before they turned their heads away and minded their own business.

"Well, he’s still isn’t my...dad though," Cathy said as she shrugged her shoulders and sat on her chair and put her bag beside her feet.

"Well, he will be. After your mom marries him" Alicia said with a laugh, as she took out a book from her bag and placed it on top of her desk.

"Morning class!"

The students quickly went back to their respective seats the moment their teacher entered the classroom.


"Amanda said that we’ll be meeting up here," Michael said as he started looking around his surroundings.

He’s currently at the park where he had previously saved a runaway little girl before, who had almost gotten herself pushed down and forced to lose her innocence from a pedophile.

And around them are people who are jogging around the park, couples and families having a picnic on the grassy fields of the park, children laughing heartily as they played around with their fellow little friends.

Michae walked towards a nearby bench and sat down, he looked at his watch and saw that there are still five minutes left before the appointed time, and so he started observing his surroundings.

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