Fate weaver’s convergence




I was listening to myself yell at nothing at this point. All I could do is watch my own memory replay in front of me as if it were a recording. It felt like an out-of-body experience. My reactions were instinctive, I could feel myself committing to them, but it was also not me performing them.


We were somewhere along the border of Czechia and Austria, some portion of area that was once woodland. The landscape now was completely alien; the trees and undergrowth were all a strange mix of yellows and reds. It was unearthly, to the point that even the air felt unnatural. If I had to ever explain it to anyone that had never experienced it, I would say that the air would leave a soapy taste on your tongue if you simply breathed with your mouth open and the faint scent of chlorine was clinging to absolutely everything. Even if you were standing over a ripened, rotting corpse, the smell would still have a clear attachment.


We were here because the area was trying to stabilize; we were in year three of the war, which most would mark as the turning point where the modern world was starting to get a hold of itself. However, even though we were fighting an enemy with a clear face and unmistakable intent to absolutely rend our reality, humans still found a way to absolutely make things worse. We were here because a cult was active in the area and suspected of gathering resources to open a portal. Not wanting to take a risk, the coalition of forces sent out a mixed battalion of infantry and engineering companies to the location. Originally, it was thought of as a simple reserve assignment to give another place for soldiers being rotated off of the current front more time to recuperate. No one anticipated the situation was far worse than even intelligence did.


“Lucas, come on, please. The VTOL will be wheels down any second. Hold on.”

I continued to beg my friend, whose bleeding at this point had slowed. If I were in my right mind the first time around, I would have known he was actually dead.


He’s already gone, don’t think about it. Move on. Move on, damnit!

I thought to myself, as it was all I could really do, being forced to spectate.


I had adrenaline running through my body, and I was stricken when I realized I had used up everything I could to help him from both of our individual first aid kits. There were no medics nearby, and our area was chewed up by the portal actually opening, and the only people we managed to link up with was a squad of engineers.


“I can hear the props, it’s close!”

One of the engineers was yelling to the rest of the squad and I.


Around this time, a high-pitched ringing tone started to make itself known. I stared below me, at the body that was laying there still, pale, blood absorbing into my trousers and the dirt around it. My hands were still on the wound, trying to hold pressure. I couldn’t hear anything other than the ringing at this point. And soon after, I looked to my left, the culprit, the creature responsible.


Don’t look damnit! Look the fuck away!

I was pleading with myself in vain, knowing the sensation that was going to follow well enough.


These things terrified us to no end, and they were the most common of the otherworldly entities, dangerous, intelligent apex predators. It appeared as if it were some strange mix of a lizard and a furless bear. It was bipedal, roughly two to three meters in height, and accompanied by a long, whipped tail. Its weapons were natural, long, sturdy claws and teeth that were stout yet pointed, similar to a killer whales. Its flesh was a deep red with speckled black and brown along its backside. It was a monster out of some kind of horror movie that was made a reality. It was slumped onto the ground, dead from the wounds we gave it as it began ripping Lucas open after ambushing us. I was staring at it now. Unable to hear anything other than the ringing. And then the sensation hit.


Fuck! Nnnggh!

My back felt like it was locking up, and my body was thrown into convulsions for just a split second before I woke up.



I woke up from my nightmare, sweating lightly from my heightened pulse and the adrenaline now in my system.


The convulsions felt real, they always did, but thankfully this time, like all others, I hadn’t actually convulsed.


Looking over my shoulder, Hatsumi was still clinging to me. The sensations I felt coming back to me, I could feel once more that I was cradled by her arms and tail. I was naturally seeking comfort in it at this point, nuzzling into the limb lightly to give myself a distraction to focus on. This was the first dream I had of events back on earth since being here. I was not looking forward to seeing if they will persist. I hope for my now extended life that they would not.


When I looked around after waking, I could see that it wasn’t time to get up just yet. The light was creeping over the horizon, but the sun had yet to crest.


Ah, I had to wake up just early enough not to get any more worthwhile sleep, huh?

Grumbling to myself quietly, I blocked the light with Hatsumi’s tail, the fluff managing to block any light that bled into the room from penetrating my eyelids.




I groaned into the fluff out of frustration.





And may have accidentally caused Hatsumi to stir.


I should rest as much as I can. If I don’t try to, then today is going to suck.

I reasoned with myself.

Alright. Clear the thoughts. Head empty. Actually, I feel a yawn coming on?

Yawning soon after, I managed to fall back to sleep…at least I hoped to. The moment I felt my consciousness slip, Hatsumi began grumbling suddenly. Shifting me in the bed and pulling her tail free, Hatsumi proceeded to stretch with her whole body. After her body quaked for a moment, she relaxed again, she fell still, and I could hear her yawn.


“C’mon, Kiyomi. I know you’re-“


Hatsumi yawned once more.


“- I know you’re awake. Let’s get you up and stretched. I don’t want you getting hurt from exerting yourself.”


The long-haired cat began prodding me and nudging me to rise from bed, but I continued to pretend to be asleep.


Great, so she does this too. Can’t I just rest in peace?

Suddenly I felt something grab my tail near the base, and she began to pull slowly.


“Ah! Bad touch! Bad touch!”


The sensation managed to force my body awake, and I nearly leaped out of bed to escape the discomfort. Thankfully, Hatsumi had the foresight to let go.


“Hmmm? So you have that kind of reaction too?”


I popped up onto my hands and knees and looked to Hatsumi, who looked like she was holding back the urge to laugh aloud at my reaction.


“It felt like my finger was being pulled but on my butt!”

I complained.


“That’s the first time I’ve ever heard it described like that.”


“You’ve heard it described other ways?”


Hatsumi shrugged, choosing not to answer.


I hope to god this doesn’t become a habit.

“We need to get up and get some breakfast in that little tummy of yours. Want you to have plenty of energy for today.”

Hatsumi said, stretching her fingers as she sat up.


“Oh right, we were going to one of the fields outside the city, right?”

I asked, curious of where today's little “demonstration” would be held.

“That’s right.”


“I think I asked before, but I don’t remember. What’s this whole thing about my strength? This seems kind of normal with how everyone’s treated me.”

I asked, flipping the covers off of myself and swinging my legs over the side of the bed. I could feel my tail pry fully free from the confines of the covers as it began to flow freely through the air.


“Hmmm, we never went over it with you because it’s something that reveals itself when you begin bleeding. For girls, at least, I’m not versed on how abilities should make themselves known for boys. Still, you're quite out of the norm in terms of power.”

Hatsumi looked up and pondered for a moment.


“Abilities can make themselves known earlier, but it’s only if your body is going through enough stress to force them into activity…”

She stopped and looked at me before smiling.


“We shouldn’t worry ourselves with why you have them, but that you managed to recover after we found you. When Lorn told us you might have been hiding your actual stat’s from us, I was hard-pressed to agree, but that old elf was right.”

Hatsumi paused and looked out the window.


Does Lorn have some kind of analyzing ability or something?


Hatsumi called my name, still looking to the window, a slight frown on her face.




“Why did you hide your stats?”

Hatsumi asked.


They already know, giving her a half-true answer wouldn’t hurt.



Damn, is it hard to even tell half a lie right now? Why do I feel like I’m lying to my own mom right now?

“I was really scared…Not remembering anything, knowing no one, and then getting shot. I was just following everyone. I didn’t know who to trust at first.”

I actively held my shirt in my fists to help distract myself from a waning feeling of discomfort.


“And what about now?”

Hatsumi asked, turning to look me in the eye.


God damnit don’t give me the cute smile and cat ears.

“I trust you…and Lorn…I think…Avery…”


I trusted boobie spider only because she put up with my boredom and was quickly spoiling me in my free time. Lorn because she was guiding me through my education, and as inhuman her lifespan made her seem, she was still a person that felt like she had my best interest at heart. And Hatsumi…Hatsumi is-

I thought for a second, my hesitation in answering making Hatsumi’s expression shift slightly.


No, I know what she is…I should wait to say that to her… it's way too soon.

“Mmm, I definitely trust you!”

I said in a more affirmative tone, to which Hatsumi’s smile was brought back to life.


“I’ll do my best not to make you sad, Kiyomi~.”

She answered before standing and stretching once more.


“W-aaaaaah, we should get ready and head to the fields. Everyone else went to handle their own parts for today.”


“Wait, we aren’t doing anything to help set up?”

I asked, tilting my head.


“Hmmm? Kiyomi, you’re a child. You cant handle a lot of the stuff we would ask of you.”


Oh, right…I can’t do a lot of things anymore…huh. Wait, yes! No more bathroom cleanup! No more motor pool! No more bullshit!

Amidst my internal celebration, Hatsumi walked around the bed and picked me up.



The sudden lift and shift through the air disoriented me.


“Time to get dressed, Kiki~.”


Wait, only Avery can call me that!



A few hours later, Hatsumi and I were sitting at the edge of the wood line we studied at earlier in the week. Hatsumi was tending a small fire in which she brewed a makeshift coffee in a tin cup from the sap she’d shown me before. She had a vial of honey and goat's milk to mix into the liquid to make it more palatable for both of us. Personally, I questioned why she was giving caffeine to a child, but given today's events, it might be necessary. Me? I found myself playing with a stick just a few yards away from her.


I felt like if I were in any other place, I would feel judged and embarrassed. But I now had two of the best excuses in the world. The first was I went from a world saturated with entertainment like books, manga, movies, shows, and videogames at any whim, to a world where I was now having to find entertainment in oversized animals being cut apart, and this stick in my hands. The second? I am a little girl now, and no one is going to question this! Wait, I’ve only seen a handful of other children in town.

After my mind made its way around, I finally realized there were no other children freely roaming around the place. I had to find my entertainment and distraction in adults that would put up with me.


Will I grow up normal?

I thought for a second, now standing still and catching my breath. Not long after, Hatsumi called out.


“Kiyomi! Coffee is done; come get it!”

The image of the long-haired cat girl waving to me got my attention, and I began to run back to Hatsumi.


After Hatsumi poured us our cups, we sat there at the forest's edge and enjoyed the breeze and scents of nature while sipping our coffee for another twenty minutes or so before the others turned up. The ones that came to watch were Lorn, Stanis, and Chessa. Maria was absent since she would remain at the guild, and Avery was apparently caught up with an influx of monster corpses, Callum however, was late. Not without reason, however, as he soon crested the hill and was approaching us. He seemed to be carrying something. As he got closer, it looked as if he brought a sword similar to my own with him.


“Morning all!”

Callum greeted us after getting within a few meters of the group.


“Morning, Callum!”




“Good morning.”

I, Lorn, and Hatsumi returned his greeting as he was a few steps away.


“As I said, I’d supplement Kiyomi a sword for the day.”

Unwrapping the thing from a tightly wrapped cloth, it looked like a crudely made clone of my own sword. None of the runes or patterns, but it looked very similar in weight and balance.


“She’s going to start swinging that hunk of iron, little brother?”

Stanis asked, scratching his head.


“It’s honestly best she swings something as close to what she already has as possible.”

Callum replied, shrugging at Stanis’s obvious joke inquiry.


“It’s all well, but we should not expect her to commit to some strange feet honestly. She’s not superhuman. For a demon, she’ll be par. If a tree looks like it will fall on her, it's on myself and Chessa to grab her while you two try to redirect the tree itself. Understood?”

Lorn directed to Stanis and Callum, who nodded in response.


“Well, we’re all here. Hatsumi, she’s your girl. Set the first test.”

Lorn prompted Hatsumi.


“Hmmm, we saw so far that she had strength well beyond a child. We can test that first.”

Hatsumi looked to me and snapped her fingers like she had an idea suddenly.


“How about you try and kick one of those coffee trees! Sound good?”

Hatsumi asked.


Wait, actually kick a tree?

I looked around the trees surrounding us, and not a single one looked as if it weren’t already some mature aspen or oak.


Is this a joke? Actually kick one?

After looking around I looked back up to Hatsumi with concern.


“Sweetie, you’ll be fine, we just want you to kick one. Like this.”

Hatsumi then feigned a slow high kick.


“Just try and force your heel into the trunk. Try to kick the air behind it.”


They’re serious?

After looking at Hatsumi once more, she reaffirmed the task with a smile and nod.


Seeing they were serious, I walked to a few different trees and found myself settling on an oak. Honestly, I picked it so I knew I wouldn’t slip on the trunk and hurt myself. But looking at it now, it was probably a good choice because of its bark as well. It looked like it would soften my impact so that it might hurt less.


Let’s just disappoint them and move on.

I told myself as I shifted my position. I stood where the tree was to my right, and I could easily pivot my hips. I wasn’t confident with kicking this thing, so I just stood awkwardly for a moment, trying to get my footing before following through.


God, this is so stupid. What do they expect me to do?


I sat there a moment longer, collecting myself before taking a sharp breath in.


Pivot on the heel, use your whole body’s momentum, move your hips and gather all the energy you can, connect and push through.

I recited the steps of one of the kicks I had learned from my time on earth, in the different stages of combatives. We were taught later on how to actually fight one-on-one and learned a limited number of kicks within the courses. If I did this correctly, I would push against the tree and fall backward; that’s the worst that would happen.


Or at least I tell myself that.

I exhaled the breath I held within my lungs before inhaling sharply once more. At the height of my inhale, I moved. My body twisted, and I felt my muscles relax and contract as I moved through the stages of the kick. At that point, I could feel myself exhaling and forcing all of the built-up energy into my hips and legs, and I reflexively yelled as I sprung my leg out towards the tree’s trunk. The next moment was stuck playing over in my mind. It felt like watching a car crash in slow motion. When my foot impacted, I expected just to push myself back, but that didn’t happen at all. I didn’t even feel the impact all the way through my body. What I did feel was the wood suddenly compress and give way before I felt a storm of splinters get sent in every direction. When I impacted, the tree began to splinter around where my foot landed, and it began to spread as I was still expending energy. I could see from the edges of the tree that parts of it were shattering on the other side and being sent flying, accompanied by the load flexing and tearing of a falling tree without the oak actually falling. The tree was still standing until I kicked off of it to return to my stance. When I kicked off, the trunk was split in two, then was forced back. At that moment, I saw the upper half of the split trunk land on the ground next to myself and the newly formed stump before it began to fall back.



I was perplexed; all sound had stopped after the tree finished its impact on the ground. Only the wind was actively breaking the silence.




I found myself asking, confused by the feat I had somehow managed just now. I stood there staring at the oak I'd just fell until I heard someone running up behind me before hugging me and raising me over their head.


“That’s my girl! That much strength for such a little kid! Tortoise spiders, beware! My tackle has nothing on you!”




I was still asking no one in particular as Hatsumi placed me on her shoulders and paraded me in front of the other four.


What did I just do?!

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