Fate weaver’s convergence


Sorry for the late release. Life is putting a damper on things as it always does. Also, have a side story in the works. Hopefully, it turns out well. Expect tomorrow's chapter a little late or possibly the next day. Doing my best to avoid split chapters.

On to the NSFW subject, the vote has been decided. On that note, just because there will be NSFW does NOT mean the story will devolve into smut happening literally every chapter for no reason.

I think that's everything, as always, thank you for reading, and I hope you enjoy!

"Wow, they really do work fast."

I was currently gawking at the progress that the caravan of refugees had already made as I walked alongside Lorn. Within a matter of a single week, they already managed to lay down the foundation work for nearly a dozen longhouses. The level of progress they'd made, Lorn claimed, was thanks in part to the Lord lending the cities guard as security and additional labor. The reason for the sudden hurry was thanks to the biannual winter that was fast approaching; while we didn't feel its bite just yet, it was fast approaching.

"In large part, it's thanks to Vaughn's father. He's already an astounding engineer; he makes just as good a foreman. They wouldn't have made this much progress without him."

"Do you think they'll be done by snowfall?"

I asked, looking up to Lorn. Shrugging in response, Lorn continuing looking around as we walked and taking in the state of things.

"Possibly. They won't be completely be finished, but enough will be done that no one may have to spend their winter out of shelter."

Lorn said this as we were entering what looked like a tent city. Just outside of the already farmland outskirts, most of the refugees that couldn't afford board at an inn were here, within their wagons or tents made of tarp and wood. 

It doesn't matter the world or setting. This many people getting uprooted... It always looks the same. I hope those people found home's just as these people will. 

I thought, remembering a small part of the events on Earth. 

"It's good to see everyone doing well and getting settled."

"That it is... that it is, Kiyomi."

"Ah, hey, Miss Lorn. I almost forgot, but were we gonna talk about the class stuff later?"

"In due time, Kiyomi, you've got time to kill. We can discuss it as you and your friends take on your first hunt. Hatsumi said that would be by year's end, right?"

Lorn asked, looking down at me as we continued to walk.

"She did say that, but going by the talk, we'll be hunting in the dead of winter, won't we?"

Lorn shrugged. 

"Aye, but with the trade-off, you also get peace of mind that most of the insect and reptilian monsters will all be sluggish or burrowed away. Spider-tortoise in particular."


Lorn's words managed to pry a shiver from me with the mention of the cursed creature.

"I hope Mama doesn't make us hunt one... "

"Kiyomi, you won't have a choice in what you hunt down the line... well, you will, but choosing not to take certain hunts can result in lack of work."

Lorn said as she looked back down once more, placing a hand on my shoulder as she did so. 

"Enough of the speculation though, we're almost here."

Lorn pointed back to where Vaughn's wagon should have been, now replaced by a single-room house built to the side of their wagon. 

"They definitely made progress. I don't remember it being this built the other day."

"Well, I shouldn't have expected less. Gregor will be working almost all day, every day. Considering he has a plethora of floorplans and other schematics, he and Vaughn definitely need the shelter."

"He's that much of a work-a-holic?"

Looking back, I could remember Gregor actually working from bed the day I lifted the cart off of him. He truly must have been married to his work.

"Well, he's a single OLD widower. It is not as if he has much else to commit to other than Vaughn, and he's entering his teens."

Widower or not, to find nothing else to do? Maybe he finds joy in his work... wait, how old IS Gregor?

"How old is Gregor? I don't think I could ask him directly, and you put a big emphasis on that part."

"Eeeeh, I think he was around his late sixties; I didn't catch much on it on our last meeting."

"How many times have you met before?"

Lorn held up one of her hands; all fingers except the thumb were spread out.

"Mostly in meetings regarding the plans for the town. This is the first time I'll be meeting him for other business."

"What is it for?"

I found myself prodding even further just as we stopped at the door to the small house. Just as Lorn was about to answer, we were both caught off guard by the sudden yelling of a rather angry Engineer.

"Are you fucking with me?! Because Lawrence, by the God's, you better be fucking with me!"

We stood there in silence, both looking between the door and each other as we awaited the 'conversation' to end.

"No sir, as I said, the mine had to be evacuated. We're currently down on work... we can't bring in any more stone."

What sounded like a meek youth gave his explanation.

"Just as we broke ground on another site to avoid making shafts, as you said to do, we opened up to a den of rock lizards... we lost an entire mining crew, sir..."

"Gods fucking damnit... "

The sound of someone slumping back onto a wooden chair could be heard through the walls. 

"First, we need protection from the guard to keep monsters on the woodline from preying on us... and now this... an entire crew... FUCK!"

Gregor could be heard rising from his chair, then throwing something against one of the walls with a loud thud, startling both Lorn and myself. What followed was some strained breathing, then a sigh.


"Yes, sir?"

"Send the rest of the mining crews home, don't keep them on standby for nothing. They're done for today."

"Yes, sir."

With the end of their conversation, Lawrence made his way to the shack's entrance and opened the door. The figure that greeted us as he exited was that of a man that looked no older than twenty.

"Ah, sorry if you had to hear anything."

Lawrence turned from the door to speak back to Gregor.

"Sir... Guests, the demon-girl and a High-el-"

Lorn suddenly placed a hand on Lawrence's shoulder and spoke.

"Be less observant, will you? On your way."

Lorn Directed Lawrence to leave without continuing his words. As he made his way, Lorn sighed and entered the small house, waving for me to follow. Entering, we saw Gregor sitting at a hastily built table. His hair was disheveled, and his eyes had bags under them; he was the personification of an overworked man. Before, you'd have never guessed he was in his late sixties, considering he appeared as if he were still forty. However, with the apparent compiling stress, his years were becoming slightly more evident. Layed out in front of him were a steaming mug and a plethora of assorted papers. Behind him, we saw Vaughn, who was seated at what appeared to be a drafting table. He appeared in much better shape, but he was currently focusing on what he was doing to the point of never looking up. There was a short pause before Gregor said anything, rubbing his face before greeting us. As we walked forward, Gregor dropped his hands and placed them on his knees.

"Well, Lorn, seems our discussion we were going to have was well-timed."

Gregor leaned back in his chair.

"I apologize for anything either of you might've heard."

Gregor apologized, referring to his language that easily bled through the thin walls. 

"I've heard worse over my time, and Kiyomi knows better; she won't go copying you."

Lorn nudged one of my shoulders, but I could only awkwardly smile as I replied, considering I swear to myself in my own thoughts regularly. 

"Mama taught me better than that, sir."

"Speaking of your mother, why is she here, Lorn? Hatsumi out on work?"

Gregor asked, seeming disappointed by a sudden revelation. 

"Aye, I was forced to send her team out to deal with a 'Skullker' that's currently assailing the trade routes. I wasn't able to wait on a regular commission."

Gregor sighed once more before pointing to the corner where another chair sat, prompting Lorn to sit. 

"Well, hopefully, we can find any other number of adventurers to deal with our issues."

Was he hoping for Mama?


Gregor looked over his shoulder, calling for Vaughn.

"Yes, sir?"

"Take the girl and go about your day. This isn't talk for young ones to sit in on. You shouldn't have even been here for that report."

Gregor waved his hand towards the door as he said so, showing his exhaustion as his hand slumped and he shifted his position. 

"Yes, sir?"

Seeming confused at the sudden release by his father, Vaughn took a moment to stretch and right his posture. Turning around, Vaughn's face lit up, contrasting from the bored expression from a moment before. 

"Oh, hey, Kiyomi!"

Vaughn was clearly happy to see someone that wasn't the stained paper behind him. 

Did you not hear me just a moment ago? 

I raised a brow before responding, wondering why he could have been so unobservant. 

"Hey, Vaughn! Miss Lorn said I should come to visit. Feeling okay?"

Thinking back, I'm surprised he wasn't staying in bed, sore from the training. Instead, on off days he must have been working with his father. I'll give it to you, Vaughn; you are dedicated. Maybe being work-a-holic runs in your blood?

"I'm feeling okay enough, just a little sore. Enough of me though, how are you doing?"

Vaughn tried asking awkwardly. It wasn't difficult to see that he stole a glance at Lorn, though. Considering both Vaughn, and Beryl, disliked how Lorn treated me in that one fight, I couldn't blame him. Feeling that drawing out the moment wasn't the best thing to do, I leaned forward slightly and gave the best smile I could. 

"Do you perhaps want to go for a walk with me?"

Seeing Vaughn's face light up in a different way was enough to nearly make me laugh. Suppressing the urge to tease, I waited for his response. 

"Y-yeah, sure. Let's go for a walk."

Vaughn struggled to keep his voice from cracking as he answered. 

"Any plans where?"

"We can discuss it as we go. Come on." 

Sensing our presence was wearing the mood thin, I pressed for Vaughn to simply follow me.

C'mon Vaughn. They have important things to discuss... we don't need to be here right now. 

"Sure thing, let's go."

With his understanding, I walked out of the still opened door and directed him to follow. Thinking on it, it may not have been the wisest choice, but I guided him along by wrapping my tail around one of his wrists. I wasn't sure of what led me to do, as it was almost a subconscious movement. Dragging Vaughn along, we cleared the room and went back out into the warm sunlight. 



Lorn was actually impressed with the change in demeanor that she saw from Kiyomi when she was around either of her friends. The girl's mood about her tended to change instantly in their presence. The difference was almost night and day. Even seeing Kiyomi trail Vaughn along with her tail was quite a sight. For all the girl's issues with her memory, she still exhibited some of the habits she should have grown up around. The sight almost warmed Lorn's old heart before she recalled why she was here in this shack to begin with. Having the scene in front of her cut away as the door slammed behind them, Lorn brought her attention back to Gregor.

Unfortunately, the entire reason for this meeting was to organize the very security that could have saved some of Gregor's workers that morning. Lorn was trying to work contracts for active security for the workers. Regular and upcoming adventurer parties were going to be hired in this case, but the negotiations for the areas they would work was still ongoing. With this morning's loss of an entire mining crew, the speculation of where exactly security would be placed was already done. Pulling the chair over, Lorn pulled out a small hand-rolled cigarette as she sat.

"I'm fine to smoke?"

Lorn asked, careful not to light it without permission.

"Do as you please; the children aren't here, and I already smoked in here once."

Gregor shrugged before leaning forward back onto his desk, taking a rather long drink from his mug. The smell wafting around as the fluid was disturbed; it smelled of black coffee.

"It seems both of us need the crutch today, hmm?"

Lorn asked, lighting her cigarette with a small flame.

"As always, I thought you said you couldn't do magic?"

Gregor casually asked, taking another sip after doing so.

"Enhanced items."

Lorn tapped a ring that was on one of her fingers.

"It's not much, but it makes things convenient... enough prattle on some trinkets. I take it we know where we're sending adventurers now?"

Lorn asked, taking a short drag of the now-lit cigarette. Gregor sighed in response, placing the mug down before continuing.

"A couple dozen rock lizards, and a hand full of 'Bulette's,' the mine will be out of use for some time. You can't honestly expect any work to get done as long as the dens aren't cleared out. How long until you think a team could get on it?"

Gregor asked, completely unsure of the situation. For a moment, Lorn sat there silently before responding, appearing deep in thought. 

"Mmmm... Rock lizards won't be hard... we could have them gone in a few days... Bulettes, though... that's going to take a more experienced team...I may have to put one together... it could be well over a week."

Lorn took another moment for herself to debate within her own mind. Thinking over the number of monsters already in the area, she'd need to get her own team together as well as a few teams to handle the Rock lizards. No inexperienced team would match up to a Bulette, and no experienced team would fight bulettes while outnumbered by rock lizards. The commission would be nothing but suicide unless they had the proper numbers. However, this left her with few options since Hatsumi and the others were all away, and Lorn truthfully didn't know when they'd return. She told Kiyomi that it would be two days, but this hunt had the potential to last weeks.

"Give me until tomorrow... I'll think of something."

Lorn took another drag from the cigarette.

"Now, back to why I'm here. Let's discuss the scope of security."


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