Fate weaver’s convergence

C51 2/2

Ho boy, so, serious absence. Sorry. Life is just getting ahead of me. Battle assembly went well, just a bunch of in-processing and a change-of-command ceremony. I will tell you, going from active duty to reserves... that uuhhhh.... its different. Editing will come later.

Next chapter on the way, asap. I hope I can at least get you a side story before Fridays chapter.

AS always, thank you for following along and I hope you enjoy! Cheers!

"Okay, now you take the rag and run it like this."

I was currently alone with one of Beryl's mothers, Maria in the next tent over preparing a meal so as to free Sophia to care for Beryl with my help. Sophia was currently instructing me on how to care for Beryl. Running a soaked rag along Beryl's body to supposedly help keep her hydrated while she's unconscious. For some reason, Lamia biology was quite strange because of their mixture of exposed skin and scales.

"It's incredibly inefficient, but this method can keep her from dehydrating."

She was squeezing the dry of its contents every foot or so along Beryl's tail as she described its purpose, careful to watch for any reactions from her daughter. 

Is this part really necessary considering she should be getting better?

"When will she be able to drink water again?"

I asked, steadying the bucket so Sophia could manage what was left of its contents until Vaughn returned.

"At best?"

Sophia smirked momentarily before shrugging and soaking the rag once more. 

"Possibly tomorrow evening or the morning after. With you and Vaughn here with her, she might try and press herself to 'get better' sooner than she actually might be... Watch out for her, will you? I'd love to be there for her every moment, but there are just some things Cressida and I can't both manage at once."

Sophia ran the wet rag along Beryl's tail one last time before tossing it back into the bucket. 

"Thank you..."

Sophia paused, looking over Beryl quietly before giving thanks. 

What does she- 

"For-... for being here?"

I responded awkwardly, unsure of her meaning. Sophia was quiet for some time without answering, settling back into her coils and placing her hands in her lap as she continued to look over Beryl.

"When we were forced to leave, Beryl lost so much; she and Vaughn both. She seemed helpless. Everything she did, she did with not an ounce of purpose."

Sophia stopped speaking, continuing to look at Beryl. After some time, her position shifted and I was startled as she suddenly locked her eyes to mine.

Talk with some fucking clarity woman! I'm supposed to be a pre-teen and even my old mind can't understand you!

I sat there, eyes locked with Sophia's for what must have been a couple of minutes, brewing in my growing frustration until she smirked and shook her head.

"I've seen the eyes of so many people... so many imperial troops... foreigners-"

Sophia stood, slowly shifting her way to the entrance of the tent.

"As an interrogator, I can tell someone's intent, whether they're being dishonest, whether they're troubled; and as someone who was an imperial, I can see when someone is weighed down by... events. In your eyes, I can see something. Something familiar, yet distant. I'm trusting you to look after them. Think you can do that?"

Sophia looked to me one last time, almost as if awaiting a response.

What the hell is she on... about... its that visible?...

I looked down for a moment, unsure of how to parse my words. Bringing my eyes back up to meet hers, I was met by the same judging gaze as before Sophia stood.

"I'm- not sure I follow."

My response caused Sophia to smirk as she looked to me from the corner of her eye.

"It seems you do."

Sophia looked out the entrance of the tent, looking back after a moment. 

"Food will be ready shortly, I will help Maria. Vaughn is returning as we speak... remember our talk. They refuse to talk to Cressida, I, nor Gregor... maybe you can get them to open up."

With a smile, Cressida continued to slither out. Left to myself in the tent, I was pulling apart each of the words that stuck in my mind.

The hell did she mean? 

I wracked my mind for what she meant, only a few thoughts coming to the foreground. 

The argument... Vaughn and Beryl's argument. When everything started, the first thing Vaughn thought to do was make himself bait... Beryl was on about it not working a second time.

I thought for a moment, recalling their purpose for moving to begin with. 

Displaced... refugees... They're the only children in the convoy not for being the only ones born... there were more.

I bit the inside of my cheek at the thought, trying my best to keep from making an extreme expression.

We all have our skeletons.

I looked to Beryl, then back to the entrance of the tent.

Yet who am I to also press? What about them?

"Miss Sophia, Kiyomi! I'm back!"

My thought was cut down by Vaughn's voice as he yelled out, the sound of his feet pounding against the soil and grass growing as he approached. 

Fuck, Vaughn's back- ok, wipe the fucking frown off your face, don't let him see it.

"Miss Sophia, I got the wa- Oh, she's gone? Where's Maria?"

Vaughn entered the tent, a full bucket of water to either side. 

"They're making some food for us all, welcome back."

I stood, moving to take one of the buckets and placing it next to the empty one.

Next order of business, ask how he's doing-

"You good Kiyomi? You look like you're upset."


Vaughn caught me off guard with his question, enough so that I nearly knocked the bucket over as I righted my stance. 

"Ah, yeah. Was just thinking about something... Hey, Vaughn... can I ask you- nah... nah, never mind."

I waved to the side as I took my seat next to Beryl on the empty bucket, flipping it over before resting my weight on it. Looking over her, she seemed calm at the least, just weak. 

"Miss Sophia tell ya how she'd recover as well?"

Vaughn walked along the bedside, posting against a stray Barrel. 

"She said to look after her, that Beryl might try and act like she's better before she's ready."

I responded with the barest recollection I could give.

"It's something she'd do... Beryl doesn't like being seen as someone to help... she wants to be the one helping."

Vaughn spoke softly, like he was trying to brush over his own words.

The fuck is a thirteen or fourteen something talking like this for?

An image of the state of the caravan lining up in front of the gates flashed across my mind; the images of blood-stained, arrow-riddled wood that was torn and chipped. Worn from a violent series of events I never bore witness to, yet Vaughn and Beryl more than likely had front-row seats. 

Is that why she gave that whole 'I'll be a sister to you' tirade was about when we first met? Was she trying to make herself the one to be relied upon?

We were silent for some time without saying another word, just watching Beryl sleep silently. The long pause in conversation allowed me to build up the ability to ask what I was searching for initially. 

"Vaughn... What was it that you and Beryl were fighting over?"

I could see Vaughn straighten in posture slightly before relaxing slowly. 

"You remember that?"

He asked, shifting in stance.


I nodded, continuing to watch Beryl.

"That... that's a long story... we should-"

Vaughn was interrupted by someone suddenly yelling from outside. Not in fear, but from a position of surprise and happiness. My own reaction to the yell was that of welling emotion. The overwhelming urge to run to its source and confirm for myself.

"Miss Hatsumi, is that you?!"

Maria yelled, possibly from within the yard as it was fairly close to the road. 

"Maria? What are you doing out this far? Usually, you stay within the stay-in quarters. Did Lorn give you leave?"

The voice of a particularly missed, and very dear person rang out into the early evening; sundering any idle thought on another subject.


"Another time, Kiyomi. Your Ma's back."

Vaughn pointed to the flap of the tent, waving for me to head out to see her. Following Vaughns's suggestion and the growing childish urge, I sprung up from the bucket, flipping it in the process as I ran out of the tent. As got through the canvas doorway, I was greeted by the sight that I'd been longing for as I worried over the last three days. 


There along the side of the road, Maria and Hatsumi stood side by side. Hatsumi's face appeared to light up as she heard my voice, her look of confusion turning into pure excitement and happiness as I ran towards her. Jumping into her arms, I felt myself lifted off the ground for a moment as we twirled in a complete circle before she slowed our rotation to a halt. As she kneeled down, Hatsumi gently squeezed as she hugged me, the next words leaving her mouth confirming the end of her absence. 

"Mama's back, Kiyomi~."


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