Fate weaver’s convergence

C62 Opening breeze, fading flowers 9

Right on schedule, this one's a treat too. Nearly 4k words. Usually, I'd split chapters this large, but it seemed to hurt the pacing when I tried. So here ya go~ 4k~

Thanks for reading, hope you enjoy~


"So… no?"


It felt like I'd had an iron weight in my stomach suddenly. With Mother shaking her head and frowning as if she didn't want to, it made the answer sink in.


"But- I have the money… I asked the clerks. They said it was enough to pay your commission for a few days."


I tried to argue, pushing down the welling feelings that were starting to boil to the surface. 


"Kiyomi, it's your safety. Not the money. I get that you want to help Beryl, but putting yourself in danger for something that might not work is out of the question."


I looked down as mother responded, taking in her words and trying to rationalize both my argument to go and why she would also refuse.


She's right. If I were a parent- I think I'd say the same, after last week? But- but Beryl! This is our only chance! If we don't do it now, it could be another three or four years before we can do this!


"Mamma, pl-"


"The answer stands, Kiyomi. No, and I'm sorry for that. I know you want to help, I know this probably hurts. But it would hurt you, and everyone else, if this trip went bad."




I could feel my hands balling up for a moment, it felt like I was a small child arguing with my mom on earth. Tears began welling up, I could feel my eyes glazing over as I refused to let them flow outward. 


Don't let her make you cry, that would make her feel worse. It's not gonna change her mind. All I'll do is make it worse. I'll just make it-.


"Sorry for arguing mama."


All I could do was to try and move us on from the conversation as fast as I could. But I was too late to avert any tears from falling.


What am I, 12?... ah


"Kiyomi, you wanted to do a good thing. Don't be sorry."


Mother stood, looking worse for wear as she stood from her chair. Placing a hand on my shoulder brought up some kind of innate need to hug her, so I let it run its course.


"It's okay, sweetie. If it were another time, I'd say of course. It's just not now."


We stood there for a few minutes as she let me wind down. 


"Shall we eat dinner?"


She asked though it was muffled to me since one ear was buried into her clothes and the other covered by one of her wrists.




I nodded, the ruffling of her clothes being my answer.


"I'll have Maria start preparations, the others should be here later to join us."


From there, the evening passed as any other. Granted the conversation was minimal and just involved the same recounting of what I told Mother with the rest of the team. We bathed together, brought some of our clothes to be cleaned, and even visited Auntie Avery, as her and mother shared some drinks. It was just a normal evening until mother managed to fall asleep before me.




I looked over my shoulder, waiting for some kind of response.




I could hear her breathing but received no response. Doing my best to sit up without waking her, I looked over at her. She was asleep, possibly knocked out from alcohol. I could still smell a hint of the drinks she'd had with Avery an hour before.


She's probably out cold given before. Granted she usually drinks after I'm already asleep.


I looked to the floor for a moment.


I packed everything already. I didn't expect her to say no.


I spent maybe a few minutes sitting there. The thoughts of the day came back, along with the feeling of immature defiance.



If I do this, I'll catch hell. I'm sure it won't end well when I return.


I debated with myself, attempting to talk myself out of the first thing I'd be doing with Kiyomi to get me in trouble. I truly didn't know how my mother would react, but I'm sure it wouldn't be good anyway.


But if I don't, this opportunity will be lost.


I sat there a little while longer, thinking of my options. Only to remember a particular conversation from an adventurer party I overheard that afternoon.


They do need the money, and I could give them a little less than the commission fee.


The last of my reasoning went as I slowly crawled out of bed.


Quietly, let's do this quietly.


It was hell, but after roughly half an hour of awkward shuffling and being startled by mother tossing and turning, I managed to get dressed.


There's no taking this back. Be ready for it.


Pep talking myself one last time, I grabbed my sword and the pouch of coin I'd stashed under the bed. Grabbing my satchel from the top of my dresser, I noticed my new winter coat hanging on a hook to its side.


It is getting colder, and I'm going to a pass. Maybe I should bring it? Yeah, it'll only come in handy.


With that in mind, I left the room as quietly as I could manage.


"Hey, wake up."




"Helloooo, is the reason you're broken cause you spent your money on booze?"


Graf awoke from his slumber, groggy and with a mild headache. The stress on his team was enough that they made the call to use one meal's worth of money on some cheap beer to loosen their nerves. That, however, did not pair well with their already exhausted state.


"What do you want?"


The Goblin grumbled, turning his head in the direction of the voice.


"You're broke and need money, I've got money."


For the life of him, Graf swore he'd heard that voice somewhere. The mention of money alone being enough to entice him, he lazily opened one of his eyes. The sight before him was that of a girl, probably just past ten, kneeling over him as he lay on the bench. A particular girl that he remembered from her directions.


"Go away, Brat, I'm not interested in having my hopes played with."


The Goblin grumbled, turning his head away. He would have easily passed back out, awaiting the staff to force the trio to leave if not for the sudden sound of coin being dropped on wood. 


"That should be enough."


Graf slowly rose, looking over onto the surface of the table. Sure enough, the sound was coins', a sizable bag of them.


"What in the fresh hell? How do you have this kind of mon-"


Graf stopped himself as he reacted, the slam of his two small hands waking Alick and Adrian.


"Hmm? What?"


Adrian was the first to speak as she wiped her eyes with her sleeve before lazily opening them.


"Hey, it's the kid."


The first thing she looked to was Graf who'd awakened her, as well as a familiar girl standing next to him.


"What's up?"


Lastly was Alick's turn, as the Ork sat up and brought his arms over his head. With a stretch and a few pops, the largest of the three joined their eyes on the child that interrupted their nap.


"Oh, hey kid. How ya been?"


Alick of all three greeted the child with a smile.


"I'm fine, I have a job for you."


The way she responded in such a flat tone with her serious expression roused a chuckle.


"Are you sure kid? It's not like our work is babysitting. Need us to escort you home?"


"Alick, I don't think she needs someone to walk her home."


Looking over to Adrian, she was tugging Alick's sleeve and nodding toward Graf. The Goblin was opening a leather pouch on the table. As he did, the slight reflection of gold and silver coins shone on his face. Obviously caught off guard by the amount of money the child placed on the table, Graf hurriedly composed himself and closed the bag.


This could not just set us up for more work, this could get us back to the east!


Graf debated with himself for a moment.


If she has this much, she might have more? Whatever it is, this kid might have more. This is enough to set us on a predator hunt, what exactly is it for?


Looking to the child, she seemed serious. She was fully clad in what at least looked like clothing intended to travel outside the city. Over one shoulder was a satchel and a rather padded coat that looked like it was coated with monster hide on its exterior. To the other was a rather ridiculously sized sword for her stature. 


Is she trying to run away?


"What's your name again?"


Graf asked.




"Listen Kiyomi, we don't deal in run away's."


Kiyomi shook her head at Graf's reply.


"I'm not running away, I just want you to take me to the pass and back."


Kiyomi responded, taking a seat next to Adrian before continuing.


"There's something there I need to get for someone. I need to be there and back by tomorrow night… or at least the next morning."


She actually seems serious.


Graf thought for a moment.


And naive- a trip to the mountains, right now, and back that quickly?


"Listen Kiyomi, there's nowhere near enough money for that trip. We'll need more. Supplies, bed rolls, compensation in general."


Graf's first thought was to maximize their income, hoping a child with such money would be naive enough to at least bring more. Realistically, they only probably needed a quarter of what the child brought them. With his statement so a matter of fact, he was sure she'd take the bait.


"Fine, I'll just find another broke party to take me there."


Instead, Kiyomi grabbed the top of the pouch and stood up. 


Wait, she's serious?


Kiyomi turned and faced the next team she saw, barely taking two steps before Graf called out.


"W-wait! Deal!"


Alick and Adrian looked to Graf for a moment before Kiyomi turned around, dropping the bag on the table.


"Seventy-five percent now."


She said, straight-faced.


"What? No deal!"


Once more, Kiyomi grabbed the bag.


"Kid, do you know how much it costs to fill up on supplies?"


Graf explained, trying to recover his standing.


"Not this full bag, this is enough to pay commission on a stay-in adventurer. That alone is more than you need. To top it off, half this bag alone would cover labor and supplies. I'm not stupid."


The child continued her straight-faced ploy, refusing to waver, even back to her initial offer.


"Besides, you need the money, right? I heard you were stuck camping outside town after the guild closes."


Graf could be seen clenching his jaw at the response, attempting to think of some other argument. 


She's not wrong, she's, unfortunately, smarter than I thought… and not a pushover… from how full that bag is, that's at least double a normal hunt or gathering fee…


Graf looked to Adrian, then to Alick.


"We need the money, and it's just to the pass and back."


Graf said to his team.


"I love taking care of kids, so you two could leave her to me."


Adrian smiled as she spoke her mind. With that said, the two looked to Alick and awaited his thoughts.


"She's nice enough, we owe her for earlier. We spent three hours looking and Noone but her talked to us anyways."


With Alick's mind spoken, Graf looked to Kiyomi. 


"When do we leave?"


He asked, leaning onto the table's surface.




"Now, kid?! We need to at least set up some supplies. We're dead in the water here."


Graf exclaimed.


"Fifty percent advance for supplies, but we leave within an hour and a half."


Kiyomi replied, a smug grin forming as she posted her elbow on the table. She seemed like she knew they didn't have much of a choice. Graf’s break in his behavior was too much of a flag, hinting at their desperation. Her job could easily make a six-month labor of saving into a few weeks at most to secure passage.


“Okay… what could it hurt… we meet at the main gate in half an hour?”


Graf looked to both of his team members, receiving nods of confirmation, albeit unsure ones.


“So we’re in agreement. I'll meet you there. As for payment.”

Kiyomi emptied half of the pouch onto the table. 


“I don't have a second pouch, sorry..”

“It’s a quarter past eleven, I swear they better not have skipped out on me.”


I stood near the main gate to the side of the closest building, checking a small hourglass I used to keep track of time.


The gold I gave them already was way past what it should have cost, but I’m desperate here. I’m lucky my bluff to cut costs worked. But seriously, fuck that goblin dude. What was his name again? Grub? Grass? Er- Graf? Trying to swindle me just cause I’m a kid. For real, prick.


I grumbled in my own thoughts.


“Where’s the kid? She said to meet her here close to now, right?”


Hmm? Ah, that's Grub’s voice.


Looking up, I spotted the trio. They seemed lost for a moment as Graf sat atop Alick’s back, with Adrian to the side. The de facto leader was peering around the area, presumably trying to find me. 


I can't yell out, too many of the guards know me through Uncle Stannis and Callum. 


I looked to the ground, finding a relatively small pebble. 


This should do.


Picking up the pebble, I was mindful to watch how much strength I put into tossing it at Graf.


And, throw!


“Ow, shit! What even-”


The pebble made its mark a little too accurately, as it bounced off of Graf’s head. Sufficiently aggravated, Graf looked for the perpetrator only to see me waving to him from my corner. Tapping Alick on the shoulder as he grumbled some form of expletive, the three began walking over to me. 


“Hey, Kiyomi. We’ve got everything we need, and some surplus to boot. We didn’t know if you needed a bedroll, so you can share with me just in case.”


Adrian was the first to greet me, a kind smile adorning her face. 


“That’s fine, I’m used to sleeping in the same bed as my mama. I might make some noise in my sleep though.”


I can’t blame her since she didn't know, but I hope she can handle some tossing and turning. 


I awkwardly scratched my cheek, deciding to keep my sleeping issue to myself for now. For now, we needed to get through the gate. That was the hardest thing I could anticipate, considering there weren't a lot of demons in the city, let alone demon children. 


“So where to from here kid?”


Graf asked as he leaned over Alick’s shoulder.


“Me and him trade swords.”


I pointed to one of the Falcata to Alick’s side. 


“I’m too much of a sore thumb If I hang onto my own sword.”


I pulled the strap to my sword's sheath over my head, holding it out for the Ork to take. 


“Hmm, sure thing kid.”


Alick took my sword, slinging the strap over his shoulder and unlatching one of the sheathed swords from his hip. 




Taking it in hand, the sword had an entirely different balance to it. Unlike my sword, which was designed both for chopping, and succinct stabs like a spear or similar weapon.


This is the first non-western sword I think I’ve held. It’s kinda weird, I shouldn't need it outside though. This is just for avoiding suspicion though, from what I remember, something bad will happen if the big lug tries to use my sword. 

“Thanks, and as for this- “


I lifted my cloak and wrapped my tail around my waist as tightly as I could, hiding it under my tunic. 


“This is the best I can do to break up my form so the guards don't stop me.”


My insistence on hiding apparently piqued Adrian’s curiosity, as she was tilting her head slightly.


“Are you sure this is the best Idea considering they might apparently recognize you?”


Adrian placed a finger to her chin as she asked, seeming as innocent as she questioned my reasoning. 


“I’ve thought that through, I can't very well jump from the wall though now can I? I’m paying you to escort me, so I figure the sharp-tongued Grub might be able to talk us through if they get curious.”


Graf rolled his eyes at my grub comment.


“It’s Graf, and I’ll do my best. Just don't blame me if they send ya back to yer Ma.”


The aggravation was evident, yet all I could do was display a smug smile as Graf attempted to brush off the teasing. 


“Here, ya wanna hold my hand while we go through? I imagine you’re a bit nervous?”


Adrian leaned in, sure to keep her voice down from her partners.




I looked to the side, my face becoming flush.


“Yeah, that’d be nice.”


I’m not gonna lie, my heart feels like it's gonna jump out of my chest. This is the first time doing something I REALLY shouldn't in this life. I’m still dreading the after result. 




Adrian straightened her posture, offering her hand. Hesitantly, I took it. 


“It’ll be nice to actually take a stroll to the pass. I hear there are some good views of the city from its summit.”

Alick was the final of the party to say anything, apparently looking forward to the view more than the first of their tasks. Deception. 





"Evenin’ Cap’n.” 


Buck, a human guard, greeted his officer, just arriving from a surprise summons by the Guild mistress. The Captain of the watch on main gate three, the gate pointing to the western frontier. She was a rather lithe Elf, entrusted to the position in good faith for the guild mistress by the will of the city's Lord.


“Evening Bucky, how’s the shift going?”


Thanks to her position as a stay-in mercenary for the guild, she was much less predisposed to driveling about rank and talking with any form of military etiquette.


“It goes easy Ma’am, a merchant coming and going from time to time. The stray team of adventurers.”


The Captain nodded, looking to the main road outside the gate. 


“It’s rather peaceful tonight at the least.”


Without much time ever spent on the gate itself, she was more so in charge of shift exchanges. That being said, the Captain did show herself from time to time as a show of vigilance. Being a scout, she usually had a more keen eye. 


“Aye, here comes a team as we speak from what it seems.”


Bucky motioned back into the city, bringing the Captain's attention to a small group of people. Four to be exact, two females, and two males. From what Buck could tell, there was a Goblin, Ork, Human, and what he thought was a halfling for a moment. 


“Aye, onto a late contract is it?”


He prodded jokingly. 


“Aye, got to make the coin somehow.”


Buck smiled, he always enjoyed it when passersby replied enthusiastically. It at least made the long hours of boredom tolerable. 


“Aye, that ya do. Let’s get a look- hmm?”


Buck's eyes drew to the team as they came into the light of the gate's torches, and with that, their identities were made less obscure. Three of them matched his original assessment. True to comment, they were also fully loaded with packs, bed rolls, and their weapons. However one seemed out of place. 


That halfling, she looks familiar. 


“Excuse me, could I see your face?”


The four paused, stopping as Buck held out a free arm to block them. His suspicion may have been justified, as the human female of the group looked as though she saw a ghost. 


“Face? We’re just leaving, I get for entering. But you need to confirm to leave?”


The Goblin on the shoulders of the Ork questioned. 


“No, but not many within the city have hair that fades like that.”


Buck gestured towards the suspect in question. 


“Are ya sure? Anyone can dye their hair, do ya really have to make it an ordeal.”


The goblin argued.


“Caaalm down, Graf. Arguing won't get us anywhere. Apologies er- uh, what's your name?”


The Ork spoke up, holding a hand outwards, and attempted to assuage the situation. 




“Listen, Buck. Our friend here has a severe burn to the side of her face. It would be a severe blow to her self-esteem if she was forced to expose them. She likes to keep the hood on so people can’t see them.”


The ork’s response was much calmer, and reasonable compared to the rather argumentative tone of Graf. 


“Be that as it may, we can keep in between us. You need not show it to anyone'sides us. Our apologies, but we have to keep our tracking of people in and out of the city thorough.”

The four adventures looked to each other after the Captain interjected. 


“If your wish to complain further, we could go over it within the guard's quarters?”


The Captain once more showed her ability to flex her authority. While primarily an adventurer, she was appointed for a reason. Her ability to use act on her discretion in a timely, and selective manner. 


“Okay, we understand.”


The human woman of the group spoke out for the first time.


“Just, one moment okay? Come on, Kiara. We’ll just be a moment.”


The human held a finger up before turning around, still holding her party member's hand. With the two walking at least a couple of meters back into the city, the human woman knelt. She appeared to be pep-talking her friend. After a few moments, the two walked back up and stood before Buck and the Captain. 


“Apologies, I don’t think we introduced ourselves yet.”


The human bowed. 


“I’m Adrian, and this is Kiara. I’m the team's Cleric, and she is our Scout. She tends to be better for the role because of her size as a halfling. C’mon Kiara, show the guard your face and we can get back to work. I’ll buy you a beer later to get it off your mind.”


Buck looked to the smaller of the two women, feeling a slight bit of remorse for the forcing of identification. But it was his job, and children were at risk of being abducted in this town from how valued they were culturally. 




To Buck’s dismay, the halfling lowered her hood. True to their word, the girl was blushing awkwardly. She avoided eye contact, but it was easy to see her red eyes, the burn scar across the top of her cheek, and the bridge of her nose was there. She looked young, but most halflings appeared adolescent for some time into adulthood. Thankfully, the reddish-hued hair of the girl wasn't that of the child he suspected.


“Apologies for the trouble miss, we just have to be careful. It’s our job.” 


The Captain said in a rather weary tone.


“You're free to go.”

The elf stood to the side, motioning for Buck to let them pass.


“Have a safe hunt, apologies for the trouble ma’am.”


Buck apologized all the same, feeling a hint of guilt for making a scene. 


“It’s nothin', gotta expect something like this from time to time.”


Graf waved off the apologies as the four resumed their journey, passing by the vigilant guard and his Captain. 


That's a relief.


Evelyn thought to herself.


Buck almost blew my orders. Lorn said they would be passing through, but she neglected to mention Lady Kiyomi had a Cleric that could cast illusions with her. She did say to not let them through easily all the same. Thankfully Kiyomi played off her part as the shy one all too well. 


Evelyn sighed to herself, thankful her night would be easy from here. 


I should let Lorn know that Kiyomi’s little posse is tailing her though. 


Evelyn looked to the corner of her sight, following the faded teal scales of what was the last meter or so of a Lamia turning the corner. 


If those two hellions were a little less stealthy, Buck, the ever timely oblivious watchdog would’ve spotted them. 




Evelyn stretched her arms over her head before completing her sentence.


“- Off to bed, just felt like checking on ya Buck.”


With a wave passed between the two, Evelyn began her lengthy stroll back to the guild hall near the city’s center. 


“‘Night, Evelyn.”


“G’night Buck!”

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