Fate weaver’s convergence

C65 Opening breeze, fading flowers 12

Next chapter! As always, thank you for reading~ Hope you enjoy~

“So this is it, huh?”


I looked over Adrian’s shoulder, peering up at the cliffs that flanked either side of the road ahead of us. Snow powdered the ground lightly, and the thick undergrowth we’d seen hours before opened up from the redwoods to display a pair of mossy, snow-tipped crags. Through them traveled a road, with what looked like a few makeshift shacks littering its entrance.


“The shelters should all be empty, used as an emergency shelter if the snow gets too bad to continue through either direction. There's more within the pass and on the other end.”


Graf said aloud as he peered to the north of the entrance. 

“Going off of memory, those flowers should be that way. There are bushels of them tucked in between boulders and such. Probably along some caves as well. If we follow along our level now we shouldn't have to walk up much.”


Graf turned to the side from his place on Alick’s back. 


“Any conflicts with the hired help?”


Somehow I feel his asking isn't necessary, but to hell with it. 


“You’re the professionals here. Not me.”


I responded honestly, if I gave a smart-ass answer it could have brought on unnecessary bickering. Thankfully, while I was a lot more impulsive thanks to Kiyomi, I wasn't full of myself enough to ignore someone's experience. 


One of the first mistakes in an operation, is when moving on the fly, to ignore the advice or input of those more experienced. I’ll always remember that… I won't make the same mistake that they did then.


I thought back, reminding myself of my experience on earth just to remember myself being here was a result of doing that exact thing. 


I should really apologize to Mother after this, she must be worried sick. Probably trying to find me right now… I hope these three don’t get in too much trouble, they're good people. 


I shook my head, pushing away the thought of reality.


Focus, we’re close to our objective. 


"Maybe you could walk the rest of the way?" 


Adrian asked, letting me down.


"Oh yeah, I should be fine. Thanks again."


With the party moving forward, Graf and Alick took point, with me next to Adrian. Walking for what seemed like another hour, the smooth ground along the crags built up until we reached a spur. Slowly built up with boulders, rocks, and loose earth; it forced our party to slow our ascent. 


This stuff looks tough, but there's enough greenery here. Could this be a good spot to search?


"Think this is it?"


Alick turned around, yelling to Adrian and myself from higher along the spur.


"Maybe, I wanna head up a little higher myself. Is that fine?"


Yelling back, I began walking up to Graf and Alick's position. 


"Sure, we'll start checking lower along the ridge here."


With that, our search began.


Hopefully, this search is easier than I think it'll be.


 It was beginning to approach late afternoon by the time I'd made my way along the top of the spur before it terminated into a crag. Each step was Turing since I lifted my whole over everything I wanted to move from boulder to boulder. With the rocks being so spaced yet also so close, I ran the risk of skipping and getting stuck if I wasn't careful.



End me. Earth's mountains were hard enough. What did I expect to be different here? Yeah, it's not as tiring, but it still isn't exactly fun climbing half the time.


I complained to myself, climbing from rock to rock and checking in between them.


We've been looking for a couple of hours and there is still nothing. Did I just screw myself for no reason? 


Grumbling, I reached the top of the current rock I was traversing. Turning around to take a seat, I was met with the view of the tree tops. I could see to the horizon, for the most part, I was even able to see the main keep in Brenton. 


It's a good view, but it isn't nearly as fantastical.


"I just wish we could find the flower."


I say there for a few minutes staring at the horizon line. Absorbing the sight since I probably wouldn't see it again for a whole. Looking downhill at the others, they seemed at a loss as well. Each was spread across the jagged rocky surface of the spur. Even Graf had dismounted from his usual spot on Alick's shoulder and began searching. There wasn't much to do otherwise, given they were looking for a flower that may have not been there at all. But it was something to at least aim for. It kept me from feeling hopeless, and fearful for Beryl. 


 Not that it makes things better. Eh, Kiyomi? With how much turmoil I'm feeling, you must be broiling into there…


I layer back, looking further to the north from our position as I shifted to my side. Spurs and draws, continuing along the mountain range until they disappeared from sight. Then at that moment, it came into view.


Wait- is that it?!


It was difficult to see and had the breeze been hard the flower would have surely been kept down. But there I saw blue speckling, along the northern slope of the spur leading down into the next spur. Planted between a trio of boulders, small pine peppering the area around it.


It's there!


"Hey, guys! I think I found it!"


I suddenly yelled across the mountainside down to the others, eager to descend.


"Just wait a moment on us kid, we'll be up there soon! Hey Alick!"


Graf yelled out in response, attempting to rally the others to him. Surely they at least wanted to keep close to me given I technically needed their protection, but nothing surely would hurt to move down ahead of them. The afternoon had been uneventful, and the usual oversized reptiles and rip-off dinosaurs should be sluggish if not hiding away at this time given the winter coming on.


Let's meet them there!


And this was the moment my impulsiveness took its grasp.


It's here, it's actually here!


Moving down from my rock, I did my best to keep from slipping any as I moved with sword and satchel in tow. It didn't seem like much to my own strength but my balance was still affected while trying to move through the rocky surface.


I can't wait to get these things back. I wonder how they'll look when pressed? Maybe I could get one in okay condition into my satchel?


Gradually, the unstable ground gave way to gravel and soil. Thin patches of grass and moss lined the ground as I started nearing the small gathering of pine trees. With the original location I managed to spot the flower coming into sight, I dropped my satchel and brought my sword to my side in my hand. Figuring it best to just keep in my grip for security if not to at least cut the plant.


"Hey, Kiyomi, you down there?"


Alick could be heard yelling not too far away. Possibly because I'd broken line of sight with them as I moved down the hillside without them.


"I'm down here!"


I yelled out through the trees as I saw a small glimpse of one of the three.


“Kid, slow down! Just cause we haven't seen anything doesn't mean it's safe!”


“I think she’s down there?”


Graf and Adrian were communicating, signaling that they were approaching. 


“Shit, okay, let’s go!”


Why the hell are they reacting like that? It's not like I didn't tell them about my- Ah, they don't know about the strength.


Looking around, I moved further into the small cluster of brush, approaching the flowers.


“They’re much more vibrant than the illustrations.”


It was hard to describe how complex their petals seem arranged, and their stem was a strange yellow hue. Looking to the right, they appeared to become denser as they led into a crevice that followed the line of the uphill portion of the draw. 


“It wasn't lying when the book said they preferred small spaces. It looks like these things are spilling out. How good is the soil content here exactl-”


My question was answered as I looked to the center of the patch of flowers. From further you couldn't tell, and there didn't seem to be any flies or scavengers. The scent was non-existent, a further hint that the half-eaten deer laying deep in the grass and flowers was relatively fresh. Looking at the grass and parts of the flower patch surrounding it, something had been here relatively recently. 


Maybe… I should have listened… I need to be less impulsive.


Looking down, I’d figured at the least, that grabbing a handful of the flowers by the stem would have been safe enough at the least. I could grab them without a second thought simply cause they wouldn't have been rooted strong enough. Kneeling down I swept my hand across, hoping to at least grab a trio of the flowers. With the stems in hand, I closed my fist and pulled, the roots coming free from the soil on at least one and the others snapping along the base. With the fast and succinct snipping noise.




What was that?!


A noise of its own sounded out ahead of me, forcing me to look up on reflex.




And this was where the consequences of my impulsiveness truly reared its ugly, fat, extremely furred head.


What the fuck is that supposed to be some kind of cat? Weasel? What even?


I locked eyes with some kind of large predator, clearly returning for seconds. I never read anything on a similar monster locally, but it looked like an extremely strange mix between a weasel and a bear. Its body was stocky, heavily furred, and comparable in size to a polar bear.


A-... Wolverine? I think?


The lock between myself and the monster seemed to last an eternity until finally, I realized I wasn't breathing and I was already needing to take a breath of air. Gulping as I inhaled, the beast moved closer as it carefully placed its lead paw forward out of the brush it crept through.


Jesus the size of those fucking paws… 


Part of me wanted to run, fight or flight kicking in as I felt my stomach sink.


Calm down, what was it? Don’t turn my back? No that was mountain lions. Fuck, just make space. They're on their way, right?


Sure enough, as I listened, I could hear the noise of Graf, Adrian, and Alick getting closer. Adrian’s labored breathing and the Grunts of the group's fighter grew louder as they approached. 


Don’t panic, don’t yell. It could pounce if you do that. 


The beast took a much more aggressive step, lowering its body closer to the ground. 


Okay, panic!


I began flowing my mana through my body, preparing for the inevitable chase that was about to ensue. For some reason, the sap on my mana felt greater compared to before. It was negligible but it could be felt as my grip around the sword grew. 


What do I have maybe one more step? Move on that step, kick off hard! That’s my chance, otherwise, it's the sword that’ll have to get me out of this.


“Kiyomi? Are you there?”


As Adrian yelled out once more from just beyond the concealment of the pine, the beast took what looked like its final step in preparation. 






The Wolverine’s body flexed as its paws propelled it forward. Dirt, grass, and clay flung into the air as its huge body pushed through the air. Had I been a moment too late, it may have had me in its maw attempting to neutralize me. Thankfully as it did, my own legs flexed and propelled me just out of reach to the side. With its heavy body missing its mark, I could hear the Wolverine course correct as the sound of rent soil raining on grass and ground.




Looking just over my shoulder as I ran, I caught a glimpse of the Wolverine closing ground quickly. A green blur splitting through the pine and throwing it off course. With the beast rocked by the sudden impact, it rolled to the side and stood once more on all fours. As it righted itself, it took a defensive stance as a large figure imposed itself between it and myself. 


“Kiyomi, run! Meet us at the cabins!”


Alick stood, each of his Falcata held out to the side and his legs splayed in his own stance. 


“Remember the potions kid, get out of here! And arm use that damn sword if you need it! Dire wolverines are not a joke!” 


Graf yelled from his position immediately after forcing Alick’s head back into staring down the monster. 


“I have minor protection on all three of you now! Kiyomi, take off, that things not gonna let up on you!”


Adrian yelled from a separate entrance to the woodline, close to where I’d entered.


“I better see you there!” 


I yelled back, slowly backstepping before turning heel.


“You paid us enough, we sure as shit aren't letting that gold pay any of our funerals!”


Graf always seemed to need his final say as he wave for me to leave, a flame igniting in his hand as he did.

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