Fate weaver’s convergence

C68 Opening breeze, fading flowers 14 2/2

And here's part two of the arc finale! Please enjoy! Thanks for reading!


"Our best chances are staying on the defense. Granted if they all decide to move at once, we're done for anyway. But that'll come at the cost of probably one… no, two of them being lost."


Vaughn gulped at my assessment. 


"How are you feeling, Kiyomi?"


Beryl asked, possibly checking on my condition after just nearly passing out.


"Better, thanks to you Ber'..."


It was silent between the three of us for but a moment before I thought it best to get a thought off of my chest. In case the worst outcome came to pass. 


Unknowingly, but I lured these two out here… they wouldn't be in this mess if it weren't for me.


"Hey, uh… Beryl."




Beryl responded, looking over her shoulder for a moment.


"Sorry… about the garden… I just wanted to cheer you up… I can't say much to how you really feel… but-"


Beryl nudged back at my shoulder as she looked back to her lane of Wolverines.


"No, I'm sorry. You were just trying to help… I was still shaken over the thing with the Bulette."


Beryl's voice sounded like it would crack if she continued speaking without pausing.


"It was nice, we should go back when we're home. Y'know, after your Mamma lets you see the light of day again after this."


Beryl joked, attempting to alleviate the mood. A first for her, but it was welcome as Vaughn let out a soft chuckle. As we all had our small laugh, one of the Wolverines lurched forward, attempting to find an opening. With all three of us startled and bringing our guards up in response, the pack restrained itself. With our guard now up, I nudged Beryl.


"Think you can manage some kind of magic?"


"Mn-mm. I can try, but no guarantees. But-"


Beryl shifted her tail, her form moving to that of a rattlesnake warning a predator.


"I can hit the hell out of them with my tail. It'll just hurt really bad… and it's risky."


"Hm hm, try your best to only do so if I or Vaughn are compromised. The last thing I want is you getting mauled cause I slipped up."


Each of us stared at our respective Wolverine, eyeing them for any sign of movement.


Think, if we can't sit here all day… we need to dupe them… but-


I looked to the alpha that slowly wandered around us until it was in m periphery.


I need to make sure that one doesn't get close. I may have a chance, but they won't. 


"Hey, Kiyomi."




Vaughn grabbed my attention.


"I think I have a plan, how's your throw?"


Vaughn asked, looking to me over his shoulder.


"What do you mean?"


Vaughn nodded to the ground. Looking down, he nudged a rock towards my front with his heel.


"You should be strong enough to plant that right between the eyes on one, right? Maybe wing it at least?"


He wants me to- I might be able.


Taking my sword by its grip into my right hand, I slowly knelt down without breaking eye contact with my Wolverine. Picking up the rock, I got a feel for its size as my fingers curled around it.


Slightly smaller than I'd like but I can work with it.


"What now?"


I asked.


"You right or left-handed?"




I answered, shifting the rock to my right hand while readjusting my grip to the sword with my left.


"On the count of three, Beryl, I'll be swapping positions with Kiyomi. Kiyomi, give your hardest throw right towards my wolverines head and I'll cover your back. At the least, We'll stun it and get one of the others to try and attack us."


I looked over my shoulder quickly to get an idea of where his monster was located. 


Directly behind me. I can get a full power swing in there, I just hope the alpha won't be the one to jump in.


"Say when."


I signaled Vaughn to start his count down, readying the rock in my hand.



I could hear Vaughns's hesitation but we all knew waiting them out wasn't an option.




Come on overgrown weasel trash.




On Vaughn's count, I pivoted as I moved for a full-powered throw.


I can't have these two at risk when I'm the reason they're here!


Releasing mana break once more, I pulled back my arm. Launching the rock overhand, I was sure it would at least have gone one hundred miles an hour or so minimum. The least I expected was the impossible sound and percussion of something breaking-




In the blink of an eye, the dust around us was thrown into the air and obscuring our vision. The only signifier of my throw making its mark being the violent splatter of blood now covering the ground now in front of me.


The fucking sound barrier?!


Moving into place, I could barely hear much else other than Vaughn and Beryl's muffled yelling. 


"T- one- charging!"


Vaughn yelled again, just barely heard through the ringing now filling my ears.


Looking back, the silhouettes of both of the other lesser wolverines were nearly on top of us. Beryl was nearly crouched with her tail coiled back whilst blue light could be seen around Vaughns's shield as he brought it up. 




 The first to land atop us was the one charging Vaughn as it tried to bear its weight down on him. Slamming down onto Vaughns's buckler, I'm sure it would have at least staggered him. With the beasts slamming into the shield, Vaughn staggered for a moment as it clawed and snapped its jaws just out of reach. Pulling his arm behind him, Vaughn thrust the short sword forward. Metal cut through flesh, dripping streaks of blood across Vaughns's shield as he tried to hold out against the Wolverine, the small additional shield of mana pouring out from the shield edges keeping his arms and head just out of reach.




Vaughn yelled.


"On it!"


Beryl brought her hands to the ground as she posted her upper body to stabilize herself. With her points of contact established she released her coiled tail, rippling muscle and scales cutting through the smokescreen of dust. 




The sound of her tail slamming into the Wolverine was enough alone to relay how much force she could muster. The wolverine staggered, its weight thrown from Vaughns's shield as it fell to his left. With the first of the trio down, and the second wounded and staggered, I searched for the third through the dust.


That's one down and one wounded, where's the- 




As Beryl was regaining her composure, the silhouette of what I assumed was the third was rapidly approaching. Pivoting to my left, I swung my sword backward. Hoping to land a blow, I was caught off guard as the paw of the beast that charged us managed to divert my blade with a swing of its paw.


Fuck, the alpha!


My mind panicked as it took its next step, nearly atop Beryl as its Scarred face and bare yellow hue became clear. Pivoting my stance, I kicked off of the ground the same as before. 


"Fight someone who can actually hit you, fucker!"


I yelled as I slammed into its shoulder, sending it back into the dirt. Scrambling back to my feet, I looked up to see the Alpha already righting itself and taking a defensive stance. We were just outside of the dust cloud now. The material only settling enough to at least spot Beryl's and Vaughn's heads


They can handle the last two… hopefully. But I need to keep this thing off of them!


Moving my trailing foot back, I brought my sword to a tail guard before kicking off once more. Swinging horizontally, I was aiming to keep the alpha on the offensive as I pushed. Mana flowed through the air as the sword cut through it. The wolverine pushed off with its leading paws, twisting its body and forcing itself forward and down in an attempt to catch my shoulder with its teeth.


Close but that's a miss!


Pushing off to the left and pivoting my trail foot once more, I managed to avoid having my collarbone crushed. With my trail foot planted, I allowed more mana to slip into my sword as I swung it to the right. Managing to hit my mark, the sword dug through the Wolverine's right shoulder. With the sword slicing through, blood splattered against the ground and both the sword's own blued mana and yellow mana from the Wolverine followed. 


It was shallow, but a wound is a woun-


Instead of recoiling, the beast used the opening created to continue into its push and forced its weight forward while I was off balance.




With the sound of its jaws snapping closed in an attempt to put me in its grasp, I struggle to claw at its hide with my free hand. My sword hand was hit and pinned under one of the massive paws and my attempt to leverage it only rolled my body. Pulling one of my legs up, I kicked at its stomach and managed to roll it to my right. Clambering up, I looked at the monster that was now recovering. The alpha was panting, the glow of its mana flowing from its fur beginning to fade slowly as blood oozed from its side where my kick managed to glance it. 


I have the fuckin space now, asshole!


Gripping my sword in both hands, I placed it back in tail guard. Looking to my mana in my periphery, I still had at least three-quarters of my pool left. Pouring more energy back into the blade, the faint glow of its interior now began to light up vibrantly as energy concentrated within it. 


Now, to the offensive-


The dust shifted to my right, where Beryl, Vaughn, and the two other Wolverines should have been.


What are y-






From my flank, the wolverine unaccounted for in the initial fight made its move. It leaped from the dust cloud, its momentum giving it enough of a lead to avoid my reaction. 


“Aa- Aahhhh- Fu- Aaaaah!”


With the loud snapping of its jaws, I’d felt the newest, searing pain I never thought I’d ever experience crumple my legs from underneath me. The beast managed to clamp its jaws down on my tail, proceeding to drag me rearward against the protest of my feet as I fell facefirst.


It hurts! Fuck!


It felt as if my whole spine were being forcefully stretched as my body reflexively struggled. Looking back, I attempted to at least turn my torso. To try and swat it away with all the strength and fear of death I felt coursing through my body. It was a fear I’d only experienced twice, incomprehensible to even recount. But with each attempt to struggle, It yanked back and snacked further up until it could slam its paws onto my rear legs. 


Fuck- Fuck- Fuck- Not here, not without getting them away-




The Alpha made its place in this confrontation apparent with its reverberating roar. With my death, they ensured their prey was had. They’d have no difficulty as a trio against two. The last of the lesser wolverines having abstained from the fight so the Alpha could draw me out. With the alpha pouring mana back out into its body, it lurched forward and prepared to make its kill. 


Think- rock? S-sword?!


My mind raced in the next second attempting to clamber for any hope of delaying the inevitable. 


Pour it all out! All of the mana! I have to maximize my defense! But-


*Alert! Further use of mana reserves will render user unconscious, please refrain!*


The system alert blared as the Alpha was nearly atop me, its jaws widened so clamp upon my neck and end me. 


Not yet, plea-


“Arc bow!”


In the next split second, a bolt of lightning flashed through the air and slammed into the Alpha. The light was blinding as it made contact, forcing me to flinch and close my eyes as it pierced its target. The wound it created was alike one that split the hardened armor of a Spider-tortoise. Blood poured forth from the now smoking and seared fur of the alpha. Following the violent expulsion of blood from its mouth. With a momentary labored breath, the Alpha collapsed to the ground; mana flowing from its body for the briefest of moments signaling the monster's demise. With it, the Wolverine pinning me had released its grasp in an attempt to finish its Alpha’s goal of taking down the herds bull. As I tried to shift in time to avert the approaching jaws, I was saved a second time within a matter of seconds by a young man, Vaughn slamming into it with his shield and bringing his sword up through the bottom of its jaw. The sword continued as Vaughn lifted, the show of strength possible from an overwhelming flow of adrenaline. With that stab upward, Vaughn managed to send the sword through the beast's spine. The blade's tip projected from the beast's spine on its opposite side, killing it and forcing it to crumple as he freed his sword from its flesh.


Please- You two… made it… ah- hahah


With the air silent of any growling, yelling, or movement, the sound of two children panicking echoed in the air as they clambered around me. Their voices were slightly muffled as a ring began to develop in my ears. 


Hah- they’ll, they’ll be fine. Thank Solah…


“Kiyomi?! Kiyomi! 


Soon after Beryl managed to immobilize the wounded Wolverine, allowing Vaughn to land his killing blow, Kiyomi could be heard screaming in pain. The dust cleared enough at last to reveal Kiyomi pinned to the ground, her tail mangled and in the jaws of the missing wolverine as it tore at her tail and her back. To Kiyomi’s front, the alpha began charging, its muscles flexing and relaxing as it launched towards Beryl's friend. 


Not again! No, not again! 


Beryl moved on reflex as her body coiled back into the position she’d learned before.


Not again! You won’t take her! Not like Aisha! Not Kiyomi!


Beryl was unsure, terrified that her magic wouldn't work. However, she knew if she physically intervened, she stood no chance of stopping the beast. The lesser option of simply delaying the inevitable only made the fear worse.


Work! I’m not asking, work!


With her arms in position, Beryl willed her mana forth. Mana formed rapidly, the crackle of electricity resounding as it emanated from her hands. The bow formed rapidly, its arrow materializing instantaneously as she raised it, aiming for the side of the alpha. 


Arc bow!


Beryl yelled with all the fury and fear in her heart, electricity violently coursing along the arrow as she yelled the name of the very weapon she summoned. With a Violent flash of light and the crashing sound of lightning, she released the arrow with as much mana as she could gather. Launching through the air, the bolt found its place deep within the Alpha’s side. Fur seared, and flesh burned as it knocked the beast off of course and forcing it to collapse barely a moment later. Soon after the wolverine on top of Kiyomi released its grasp, attempting to deny Beryl and Vaughn of their only other friend as it lurched in an attempt to claim Kiyomi’s neck. 




Beryl yelled, further pushing forward the already charging shield user. Slamming into its side, Vaughn felt a strange intense rage as he slammed into the monster before burying his sword in its throat. Pushing his sword into, and through the wolverine's spine, the final monster fell with an anticlimactic wheeze as blood poured over Vaughn’s hands. The two stood by in silence for the moment after, the realization of victory, no, survival, sinking in. 


“G- ha- ah-h- a-”


Kiyomi’s pained gasps were the only thing to snap them from their pause, the demon rolling to her back as her head dropped back to look at the sky. 


“Kiyomi? Kiyomi!”


Beryl yelled, her body surging her to Kiyomi’s side as the adrenaline was still flowing from the fight. 


Her tail! I have to roll her over!


“Kiyomi, I’m sorry but I have to roll you over! Vaughn, help!”


Beryl commanded, signaling Vaughn to grab Kiyomi’s left arm. Remembering what she could, Beryl followed the mental checklist she memorized from Hatsumi. 


Gently roll the body over for spinal injuries!


Beryl crossed Kiyomi’s legs next, providing a sort of kickstand for Vaughn so holding Kiyom’s arm was not his only point of leverage. Some beings had a far larger nervous connection with their tails than others. This factor could lead to nerve damage and partial paralysis if not cared for properly. This was the reason Hatsumi directly referenced Kiyomi in one of Beryl’s lessons. Demons were one such species, and Beryl needed to know how to save her as the healer. 


“Pull her arm and belt loop towards you, carefully.”


Beryl directed Vaughn with a shaking voice as she tried to survey the wound. 


Okay, ah-


Vaughn rolled Kiyomi toward him, the demon whimpering and irregular sobs beginning to leak from her mouth that she’d clamped shut. 


“It’ll be over soon Kiyomi- I’ll handle it as fast as I can.”


From what Beryl remembered, while Kiyomi was sometimes shy, she had a notably high tolerance for pain. For something like this to make her mask crack scared Beryl.


The pain- How bad was-


With Kiyomi’s back exposed, the damage was revealed. Exposed bone and tattered muscle formed what was once her friend's dark red tail. At least a hand full of vertebrae were crushed and some strange clear fluid seeped from one of the crushed sections. 


Fast, I need to make this fast. 


Beryl began her work, the bone slowly taking back its original form as and sealing as muscle and skin resurfaced the raw framework. Moments passed, although to Beryl her work felt as if it took hours. The level of small adjustments she had to make almost overwhelmed her as she carefully metered her mana with trembling hands as her body came off of the adrenal high. With the care of her labor, however, her hopes were realized as Kiyomi’s whimpering subsided and died down to mere uneven breaths. 


That should be all!


Signaling Vaughn to release Kiyomi’s arm and lay her on her back, Beryl leaned over her friend in an attempt to say some kind of words of comfort.


“Kiyomi, how are y-”


The lamia’s words were muted as her friend leaned up rapidly, Kiyomi’s arms wrapping around Beryl’s own torso. With Kiyomi hugging her tightly, Beryl was caught off guard. Her upper body sank down as Kiyomi leaned back without releasing Beryl.


What is she-




Beryl spoke her friend's name softly. With Kiyomi’s head buried into Beryl’s shoulder, she was afraid to speak louder for fear of pushing her friend's embrace away.


“You’re okay, I-”


Kiyomi shifted her head in Beryl’s shoulder, possibly looking at Vaughn. 


“I was afraid you two would be next- if I was killed- If you two could’nt-”


Kiyomi released Beryl from the embrace, allowing her to slowly lift her body upward.


“Kiyomi we were terrified of losing you! You tried to play hero! I didn't-”


Beryl felt a surge of mixed emotions rise in her chest. 


“We couldn't lose you, damnit.”

Beryl began crying lightly as she clenched her fists, partially out of Kiyomi’s stupidity and partially out of the anger Kiyomi ushered forth with her next words.


“Ah, girl scout can use swear words now.”


Kiyomi let out a weak smirk. 


“Kiyomi- what the hell-”


Vaughn was even unable to hold back from the out-of-place comment. With both of her friends silently brooding over Kiyomi, she grunted as she rolled to her left, reaching to a small pouch to her right hip. 


“Sorry- ah… couldn't resist.”


As she silently struggled to grab at the small pouches latch, she opened it and pulled something free.


“Ah… oh…”


Kiyomi pulled the object free, cupping it with both of her hands as soon as her hip fell back to the soil. Looking at her hands, Kiyomi smiled gently.


“Beryl, I’m sorry.”


Kiyomi paused, catching her breath. 


“I wanted to give you this when I returned… but.”


Kiyomi paused a second time, causing Beryl to tilt her head slightly in further confusion. 


“I came out here- snuck out here for this.”


Kiyomi weakly held out her hands, opening them to reveal a slightly crumpled but mostly intact flower. 




Beryl flinched as she realized what was within Kiyomi’s hands. 


Azure- Azure lace…


Beryl slowly brought her own hands within Kiyomi’s cupping them underneath the fragile petals of the flower she’d never thought to see. 



Beryl felt as if her heartstrings were yanked, happiness, relief, and other feelings overwhelmed her for a moment as she raised the flower from her friend's grasp. Cradling the flower as if it were valuable treasure, Beryl stared with a blank expression as she allowed tears to well, and stream from her eyes. 


She did this- this was all for me…


Beryl adjusted her coils as if she were moving to sit at Kiyomi’s level to the ground.




Beryl paused, unsure of her words. Beryl looked down at Kiyomi, smiling softly.


“Thank you…”

Beryl’s smile was the last thing I saw as the system alerts began ringing off in succession. 

* Threat assessment: Threat - none


* System initiating temporary rest period, inducing rest state


* + 1 level per party member


* Kiyomi Jormanr - Skill- Mana pool lvl1 > Mana pool lvl 2


* Kiyomi Jormanr- Skill- Violent impact lvl 1 granted


* Vaughn Baros- Skill- Shield bash lvl 1 granted


* Vaughn Baros- Skill- Piercing thrust lvl 1 granted


* Beryl Halkias- Skill- Lightning overcharge lvl 1 granted


* Beryl Halkias- Skill- Mana pool lvl1 > Mana pool lvl 2


* Party member, Kiyomi, visible to user only, hidden title revealed


* Title revealed: Clan Matriarch


* Titles dispersed: Matriarch’s retainer


* Receiving users: Vaughn Baros, Beryl Halkias, Sarah Vakara

S-Sarah? Retainers? 


My thoughts faded behind my sight as the system rang off alerts, laying out new skills, levels and a status I didn't understand.




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