Fate weaver’s convergence

C74 Winter’s story 4

Thank you all for your patience as always, it took a moment to get through this chapter. Went through three revisions before it felt appropriate to post. As for a life update, I was dumb enough to re-enlist a second time with the army. From there, I'll be taking a one-week break to solidify some story direction so I don't get ahead of myself and fuck things up. Aside from general story prep, I just need some time to grieve. Grandfather passed away today and that coupled with work stress is very poorly timed, coupling that with writing and I'm afraid I'd put out trash compared to what I already released. All of you have a good one! I'll keep regular updates on the profile or the discord linked in the story description. Thanks for reading, please enjoy.


Long story short, expect the next chapter a full week from now. If we're lucky it'll be sooner but don't hold your breath.


PS Holy fuck 300K views and 1700 readers, god damn thanks for fuckin reading!




The sound of someone's voice roused me from my post-breakfast nap, the sound of the fireplace crackling with activity filling in the white noise of air flowing through the room. The warmth and crackle of the fire stacked upon a filled stomach and the cold outside; I was easily lulled off to sleep.


"Kiyomi, wake up."


"Hyuh? Huh? What's going on?"


I woke up slowly, my eyelids slowly opening as I was nudged awake.


"Mornin' kid, sorry I was late."


Looking up from the couch, I was shadowed by Stanis. 


"Morning Uncle Stan."


I sat up slowly, posting on one arm as I wiped the other over my eyes. At a glance, he was just wearing his gambison, boots, and trousers unlike his regular get-up.


"What are we doing today? Mama said something about looking at the wall. Going to the barracks?"


I asked in a groggy tone, my memory of the morning foggy thanks to the strange dream that left me with a slight headache.


Grabbing me, Stanis lifted me over his head and shifted me, placing me on his shoulders.


Holy shit slow down, I'm too damn tired for this!


"Dizzy- Ugh. Mean!"


I lightly patted Stanis's head, earning a chuckle from him.


"You with me now?"


I leaned over his shoulder and nodded.


"Mhmm, I think breakfast floored me. I'm not used to staying home right after."


"Well, I hope you got some energy in you for this. You're gonna help me inspect the troops, maybe watch a mock battle. We'll grab some lunch, then inspect the wall in the afternoon. How does all that sound?"


"Sounds great. As long as I can spar with you Uncle Stan."


Stanis laughed weakly, tilting his head slightly.


"Eeeeh, maybe Kiyomi. Wouldn't do the troops well to watch their Captain get whooped by a little girl though."


I patted his head once more as I teased.


"It's fine, I'll only beat you barely~."


"Alright then, maybe. Let's get your sword before we go."

"And these are the barracks!"


We walked through the city haphazardly for roughly half an hour before reaching the barracks. I was unsure of what to expect, but it wasn't the fortified square that jutted from the wall. It was just short enough to be obscured to the outside, but from within it seemed like a sorely obvious military structure compared to the housing around us. Walls jutted out and came around to meet at the front, being split only by large wooden doors. They were peppered with windows and small openings, presumably for spears and arrows. Along each corner, a guard stood as they idled. One was smoking while another stood watch, and a third simply pushed snow from the battlement with the flat side of a rake. Flags were raised along the center point above the main door, one was green, for the state of public safety. The other, however, held the crest of the Lord's family. 


"This is the guard's Barracks?"


I asked looking upward as we approached. I'd always assumed they would have been based out of the structures around gates, or the keep. The structure looked as if it was built into the wall, its structure flowing as if the barracks preceded the wall.


"The barracks were initially separate from the rest of the town, back when it was still young. They were originally part of some older structure, but around two hundred years ago it was renovated when the wall was started. Our stables were here, as well as farmers hired to make separate crops for war rationing."


Walking through the wooden doors, my eyes were filled with the sight of rack after rack of worn weaponry lining the walls. Each series of racks was flanked by shields, aged and worn armor, and piles of equipment such as rope, building materials, and tools. In front of these racks were the occasional table, hitching post, and small cot. Accentuating the view, were the old imperial-style granite pillars that separated the confines of the overhang area and the yard. Above everything else, the pillars supported two floors of rooms on top of the base level. Far more windows were present here, and one could even see into some of them as they were swung open allowing the air to flow. The courtyard itself was surprisingly sparse, clear of any snow or grass. The yard was perfectly maintained, spilling and gravel compacted to create a solid foundation with no risk of shifting. 


"This is our armory and training ground, We'll be doing an inspection of the troops' weapons and armor. If it's poor, We'll pull out oils and go through rubbing down the equipment. It doesn't smell the greatest, but it preserves the metal- oh, did Callum ever impart any of his work to you?"


Stanis asked, lifting me over his head and placing me on the ground. 


"Mnmm, all he does is spar with me and teach me fighting stuff. If my sword needs cleaning or any of that, he usually handles it."


Stanis looked over my sword, pulling it from its sheath for a moment to inspect the blade. Looking over its surface, he shrugs and hands it back to me.


"I'll teach you general care. It would keep the troops busy while we're on the wall."


Stanis motioned for me to follow, leading to a door just to our side that led into a stairwell. The air was rife with dust as we walked through, hints of cooked meat still remained as Stanis passed the staircase through another door as he slammed it open.


"Captain! Everyone, up!"


"First thing I get in the morning is my soldiers squandering their time playing dice and eating old meat?"


Stanis yelled, an almost uncharacteristic and forced anger filling his voice. The change in volume was enough to make me flinch for a second thanks to his usual gentle demeanor.


I've never seen Stanis being stern before. Granted these are his guards. I haven't heard forced anger in a military setting in such a long time. Is it normal in this world?


Walking through the doorway, it was a picturesque version of what usual deployment barracks would look like. Within the center of the room, a long stone hearth with short walls of brick. Within it, interspersed racks for food and a handful of small tripods for pots or kettles. The walls were lined with racks holding a variety of scattered weaponry such as pikes or crossbows. Armor was haphazardly placed along the wall on the floor, as well as a collection of leather or cloth bags. A set of tables was also scattered throughout the room to include a workbench in the far corner. Lastly, standing nervously at attention, roughly a dozen men and women of varying races were present. They were clad in simple trousers and gambisons either fully closed or hanging open like coats. A set of dice and other random objects along with some food were scattered about, possibly being the source of their nervousness.


"Good morning Captain, we were expecting you this afternoon for the inspection."


One of the men spoke.


"Aye, well you may have misread the posting yesterday. Inspection is this morning, with practice formation in the afternoon."


The guard nearly began to sweat as he looked around awkwardly before Stanis waved his hand.


"I'm fooling with you Barry, all of you relax! Sit down, I have someone to introduce to you."


Stanis's tone softened as he spoke, waving his hand to the side.


"This is my niece, Kiyomi. She'll be joining us for today, so be on your best manners." 


With the relaxation in Stanis's voice, everyone loosened their posture. Some took seats back at their table, while a handful of others approached.


"So this is the sneaky little rogue that snuck by Bucky?"


"She's cute for an eleven-year-old, most kids her age are brats."


"You know Stanis here tells horror stories about you kid! You really hit a tree so hard it shattered?"


Each one leaned in or kneeled towards me, getting a look at their spectator for the day.


"Easy there, Kiyomi here's a talkative one but you've all just met her. Why don't we give her a rundown of the guard and its purpose? The inspection starts now, so we'll make the informational portion educational for her. Everyone, pull the chairs up next to the workbench and We'll go over everything together."


Stannis nudged for me to follow, grabbing my sword by its grip right after.


"I'll just place it on the racks, they'll eye that thing the whole time. You don't see many greatswords around the city."


"Captain, you scared us senseless for a moment. You don't sound like that very often."


"I have to keep you all on your feet, you know how it is. Can't drill you as they do in the Legions, otherwise, we wouldn't have any volunteers."


The guard is a volunteer force?


Hopping up onto the workbench, I looked to Stannis before asking.


"You don't volunteer for the Legions?"


I asked aloud, earning a look from a handful of the guards and Stannis himself.


"Well, here's the first bit of information. Ladies and Gentlemen, what is the Brenton Guard?"


Stannis pulled up a chair, placing it beside the workbench as he asked.


"John, I figure you're still new enough. How about you enlighten us?"


Stannis crossed his arms and nodded to one of the human guards who'd just pulled up a chair of his own.


"The Brenton guard is a volunteer force consisting of everyone from those knighted by the Lord of the city down to the beggar who offers to clean horses. The pay isn't great but it's not like we have a constable or anything of the like."


Stannis pointed to the man as he finished speaking.


"That's John Egger, your Ma bought that chicken you and your friends keep from him."


John raised his hand before crossing his arms.


"As he said, everyone here is a volunteer. Either full or part-time. It's a sharp contrast to the Empire's Legions. They'll enter a territory and take a tithe of men and women."


Stannis shifted in his chair.


"Alright, next question. What is the purpose of the guard."


Stannis pointed to a woman that was leaning against a beam. She appeared to be an Orc, towering over the other women in the group. 




The orcish woman nodded, rolling her eyes as she did.


"Entrusted by the Lord, not as night nor Mercenary, but as the citizens of his land to safeguard the people from crime, raiders, monsters, or the Empire itself."


That's a mouthful. So a volunteer force?


The questioning went on for some time, addressing each guard individually. John, Maeve, Janus, Max, and so on. As each spoke, I slowly started to remember where I'd seen most of them. Maeve worked odd jobs around town, being seen either around some of the bakeries in town or occasionally at the blacksmith. John was a farmer, coming to the markets every other day or so. Others worked with vendors or did construction along the city's outskirts for the new housing projects. After some time, Stannis grew restless of the talk and reciting policy before pushing his chair back.


"Each of you get a hearty meal in this morning?"


Stannis received muted nods and a few off-handed comments. With a sigh, Stannis stretched his wrists and stood.


"Well, you each know the drill. Grab your training equipment, We'll meet in the yard in half an hour. I expect you all to put on one hell of a show for the little miss."


There was a mix of groans and remarks of excitement.


"Finally, some time to vent on you dumbasses."


"Sure thing Maeve, y'know, abuse is a weird way to say you like someone."


"John, when are you gonna bring in some of those omelets you boast on about?"


The group joked as they dispersed. Some, however, stayed and moved to their bags and armor placed to the side. John and Maeve both were the ones that stayed with myself and Stannis. John raised an old bronze chest plate with chainmail leading from its bottom. Opening two latches on its side, it fit firmly over his gambison. Next, he picked up a spear and an old helmet that covered the head. Chainmail drooped from it, having two openings for him to see through presumably.


For a farmer, the kit looks surprisingly thorough. Inherited maybe? It looks worn enough to be a couple of decades old.


Looking at Maeve, her frame was heavier, but the kit she pulled out was much lighter. A simple chain shirt that led below her waist was all she placed on herself. The shirt looked hooded but she left it down, instead placing a framed helmet on her head. Her own weapon was a Halberd. It appeared heavier in comparison to the spear that John raised but equal in reach. In all this time, seeing the pair put on their equipment rose a question I never thought to really ask.


Wait a minute, I don't really see many adventurers wearing armor.


Thinking back, the only things I ever recall seeing are gambison, leather shirts, coats, and wrist guards. I can recall seeing a stray helmet or even full armor once or twice, but overall, most adventurers I've never seen actually go out in armor. Even in the case of the adventurers I'd hired six months earlier.


"Uncle Stan, why are the guards really the only people walking around in armor?"


Looking over to Stannis, I'd asked what seemed to myself at least to be an innocent question. Comparatively, I think Stannis was also the only adventurer I'd seen wearing armor regularly. Not just to the limit of chainmail or minimal plate, Stannis would sometimes set out in a fully built suit that one would imagine seeing in medieval Europe. My question seemed poor in choice though, as Stannis looked away awkwardly.


"Ah, how do I put it kid-"


Stannis muttered.


"We do it to kick bad guy ass."


Maeve spoke, elbowing John as she smirked.


"Ain't that right John?"


John nodded, tapping his chest plate.


"This one saved me from some stagecoach robbers."


John pointed to a small nick in the plate.


"Deflected the arrow into my arm."


With words of confidence, we all looked to Stannis for his reply. Awkwardly scratching his beard, he muttered under his breath.


"The girl doesn't need to know why you wear armor just yet."


Stannis scratched his beard for a few more moments before finally answering fully.


"I'll keep it simple Kiyomi, if a man wears armor, it's not for hunting normal beasties. It's reserved for monsters of a different kind."


Stannis pointed awkwardly between himself and the others.


"When you're full-blooded adventurers, you won't be wearing much normally. A bite or a hit that's hard enough and that armor will be your coffin. If you had gauntlets, and a gator or a river crawler clamped down, you'd lose that hand unless it's one that splits down the center. Same for slide-over armor, if that gets bitten down on."

So I take it, armor is reserved for other people. I would figure since half the monsters adventurers are loosed after are large enough. 

John and Maeve both sat down next to us, waiting for the others.


"So how are we splitting the teams this time bossman?" 


Maeve asked aloud.


"Well Baker-girl, I'll say you, John, Juno, Hector, and Fjord on team A. Everyone else on team B. Throw you five a handicap and say you have to keep the attackers from the Lady."


John and Maeve looked at each other before looking back to Stannis and asking both at once.




Both seemed confused for a moment before Stannis looked at me.


"Well, Lady Kiyomi. Would your highness like to be our prize for the day?"


"Wait, what? Seriously? Me?"


I tilted my head at Stannis.


"I figured it would be entertaining enough for ya. You've just been following me like a lost pup otherwise. What do ya say?"


Stannis raised a brow as he smiled, leaning towards me as he asked.


So the goal is to keep me out of the opposite team's hands. That seems easy enough to follow.


"I guess?"


Stannis clasped his hands together and took his weight off of the table.


"Perfect, let's go set up the field while the others are still preparing!"


Stannis was excited compared to his usual stature, motioning for me to follow.


"Trust me Kiyomi, it'll be fun."


What did I just get volunteered for?


My mind began to wander as we walked back outside, completely lost on what to expect of the mini wargame.



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