Fate weaver’s convergence

C85 Winters Crescendo 4

thanks all for the continued patience! I am truly sorry this one took so long, still these chaprers as of late are challe ging to thoughtfully make it through.ill have more for you tomorrlw vua an updated note, or through the linked discord server. I will be posting the next couple of chapters on a ASAP schedule rather than weekly as they'll be closing up this section of the story! Can't wait to get them to youall! As always, thank you for your patience, kindness, and for reading! I hope you enjoy!



How could I be so damn distracted?

And that brings us to the present, healers rushing to Beryl to mend any wounds wrought by the Wyvern. Myself, barely breaking away from the fear and anxiety that still grasped me. And Vaughn, who was just now forcing himself from the small crowd of healers out of spite. 

Beryl. Vaughn. They're not going to say anything.

The two took hit after hit trying to maintain the spacing I asked for. Each attempt to strike back was thwarted by our own consideration of each other's position. The very real fear of them being injured outside my reach and outside the insurance of the healers was eating away at my reason, controlling my ability to coordinate with them.

They're trying, so hard… to simply give me my peace of mind.

I glanced between each of them, then to my hand.

Come on, stop trembling, damnit! Stop!

My hand steadied with each beat of my heart.

That dream wasn't mine! It's just what it was, a dream! This fear isn't mine!

I had been shaking throughout the entire confrontation, even more so when I felt a strange need to shield the other two. A foreign intent to protect the others no matter what, which I couldn't do past sword length. The only reason I could bring myself to accept it, was that the dream had imprinted Kiyomi's fear onto me. I wasn't going to let that hold us back, not when this would result in a better future. A future for the girl whose life I’m robbing.

Not by choice, but through fate. I will use this second chance to be better!

This fear…

I looked at the wyvern as it circled, careful not to turn my back on the cornered beast. The concept would be laughable given I'm the one cut off from my team. But this monster knows it can't escape this place, so it has nothing to lose.

Your fear isn't mine, Kiyomi. We have no need for it, not when we’re this strong! Be steady, girl!

My grip grew evermore firm.

While I temper these hands!

I gulped audibly, sweat beading down my brow as I opened my mouth to breathe easier. In the next moment, the wyvern lurched forward as if to cut my moment of reprieve away from my grasp. Its massive weight flew through the air at me. Had it been heavier, I would have been able to redirect it. But as it stood, from earlier discovery, my weight does not very well back up my strength. I don't have the leverage to wrestle a beast to the ground when I simply lift myself instead. I thought through my options as mana flowed through Wyrms-Tooth, taking its signature hue. The wyvern's scales glowed intermittently with a teal hue, humming to life just as I swung Wyrms tooth in an attempt to trade blows.

It can use mana-break just like the wolverine!

Mana swirled where the blade contacted its underside, the flow of mana being output insufficient to pierce the Wyvern's own. I rolled to its left hips flank, kicking back off the ground to keep up momentum outside of the roll. 


Vaughn yelled from across the arena, grabbing my attention. His clothes looked worse for wear, his hair ruffled and dust sticking to him.

"We have to take it down with individual blows! There’s no coordinating strikes on this one! Not with the space we have!”

For the first time, one of the two spoke up about the plan. 

Instead of striking it at one single point like we did the Bulette, should we branch out our effort? Granted each of us can manage to land a successful blow, we may be capable of overpowering it multiple times over! A shattering blow or Cleave from my sword, the searing of Beryl’s Arc-bolt, and the crippling blunt impact of Vaughns's earth magic coupled with his Aggro skill!

"Right, we-"

I looked to where Beryl landed, one of the adventurers patting her to try and wake her up while others brought her upright.

"We need to hold it at bay until Beryl is up! We'll wear it down! Then strike as hard as each of us can! One after another!"

With a nod, Vaughn acknowledged my words before closing the distance to the Wyvern's opposite side. 

 Buying Vaughn time to catch up is my priority.

I continued my maneuvering towards the monster's rear, keeping its eyes trained on me in order to buy Vaughn the time he needed for an adequate setup

 If I tried to down the beast here and now it wouldn't do us any good!

There were two possibilities in this situation. Either the first, I struck with as much power and mana I’m capable, risking their ineffectiveness and throwing the effort solely onto Vaughn and Beryl’s shoulders. Or the second, completely crippling or killing the beast and stealing away the true opportunity for us to show our might as a team.

I can't risk failure for her, nor them!

It wasn't exactly confirmed but I felt it was the truth. I'd seen it in training before, a forced display of a team's efficiency. Should the strongest link step out of line, the exercise was repeated to force every team member to show their strengths properly.

 We're all being assessed, it would do us both good to do this all over again. It's obvious we could each take this thing down by ourselves, but-

I looked at the remnants of Vaughn's stone wall as I ran, stopping only to jump back once more at a sudden billowing flame that licked at sand and stone. 

This thing won't give us a leg up, is it slowly realizing what's up?

I grabbed a golfball-sized pebble on reflex, pausing momentarily as I remembered my surrounding. 

Each of us working to our full potential at the same time might make it harder.

Vaughn ran through the lane of fire I thought to use, forcing my eyes to refocus and see the half dozen healers watching from behind him.

 We have to be mindful of where we are. Beryl can't use Lightning-strike or any magic that requires space to set up. I can't use violent impact for risk of collateral structure damage or worse, not to mention mana-break is on a biological timer! Meanwhile, Vaughn- 

My thoughts began to race at the birth of an idea.

That's it! Vaughn's our setup! Come on, let's hope this works!


"He- wa-"

Someone was yelling at Beryl, a light slap against her face and the occasional shake rousing her.

"W- wha?"

"Wake up kid! Your friends are holding out for you!"

The face of a woman greeted Beryl, the same woman that Kiyomi had hired in the fall to escort her to the pass.

"Come on Beryl, you're healed up. You need to get back in the fight!"

What was her name? Ah-

"Miss Adrian?"

Beryl asked, her mind still swimming thanks to the impact.


Adrian turned Beryl's head by her jaw, facing her toward the ongoing fight.

"They're holding on so you can fight together!"

Adrian yelled over the echo of the wyvern's howls. 

Kiyomi and Vaughn flanked the monster from each side, trading off its attention as each one struck. Kiyomi jumped forth, throwing herself into the beast's hip and throwing it off balance. This was followed up by Vaughn summoning a pillar of stone from the ground, the material shooting up into the Wyvern's agape maw and slamming it shut with a sound, not unlike a giant alligator, and forcing itself onto its back through the momentum. 

I need to get back in the fight, we're supposed to finish this together! 

"I'm- ngh- I'm up!"

Beryl yelled out, her body straining as she pushed forward with her tail. Kiyomi smirked upon Beryl’s voice reaching her ears, a look of confidence returning to the face that was only on edge moments earlier. With Beryls voice to supposedly egg her on, Kiyomi leapt forward and over the wyvern. Her weight fell against the monster's underside as it struggled to flip itself, incidentally tossing her further towards her purchase point.

Is she-?

Beryl's thoughts were confirmed as she slowly righted herself from stumbling. The Wyvern was slowly wrested from the ground in a rather clumsy manner. Its body rose, and for a moment it seemed close to regaining its footing. Atleast, it would have if not for the sudden propulsion through the air and into the walls of the colosseum. 

Kiyomi used her inertia to gain purchase for a grapple!

Beryl's mind was catching up with events as they occurred. Kiyomi grabbing a hold of the upturned rib cage, and grabbing a hold of it just before landing. She used the initial momentum to shift the wyverns weight onto her back, then her shoulders. This enabled her just enough leverage to throw the beast as if one was throwing a large stone from their shoulder. 

"Beryl, as soon as it comes for me, you need to go to its flank!"

Vaughn yelled out, a sudden bout of red lines reminiscent of eyes sprouting from the front of his shield. 

"Kiyomi, I'm using aggro! Give me the signal when you're ready! We need to break down its mana-break shielding, right?!"

Vaughn was yelling out, desperately trying to communicate with Beryl and Kiyomi both.

"Aye! As soon as you two whittle it down enough, I can Cleave its head off!"

Kiyomi ran backward as fast as she could manage, choosing the awkward movement over turning her back to the scrambling wyvern. In time with Vaughn activating aggro the wyvern turned its huge head towards him, it's eyes growing wide with an inhuman anger.

If Vaughn's playing bait, Kiyomi and I both need to be at the ready!

Beryl urged her body forward, her tail swiping dust into the air as she moved as fast as she could manage. She clawed at the ground with her hands even, all in an attempt to be faster. The wyvern continued its charge towards Vaughn, its rage induced trance tunneling its vision on the boy. 

His shields grown since we all last fought, possibly more than I thought. Kiyomi was thrown off guard, and even Mr Callum was surprised! 

Beryl moved into position, forming a perfect triangle in relation to Kiyomi and Vaughn. 

What should I use?! Arc-bolt? Sol's spear? Can I even throw Sol's spear? What If I-

Beryls hands crackled with raw mana as she skidded to a halt, the pain of rolling gravel against her body making her wince. 

Screw it! Just move as they do!

"Kiyomi! Now!"

Just as the Wyvern closed in on Vaughn, mana crackled outward. Giving shape to his shields full reach just as the Wyverns maw slammed against it. Its full weight bore down on Vaughn, forcing his heels into the ground as it pushed with each successive attempt to reach him. All until the wyverns' massive maw opened in frustration, a billow of black smoke poured forth as mana concentrated in its throat. 

Just be ready to hit it hard! Come on Beryl! You can do this!


Kiyomi yelled aloud, pulling Beryl from her thoughts. Kiyomi was pointing to the domelike ceiling. It had changed, albeit slightly. From the few exposed stone faces, jagged formations of pillars now reached downward.


Come on! Please follow through with it!

Vauhhn screamed within his mind, trusting in Kiyomi and Beryl to read into his intent. The smoke nearly choked Vaughn out, his sight obscured as light now emanated from the wyverns throat. He couldn't truly tell if he was under his trap anymore, but that was the risk he'd have to take for them to truly show off their teamwork. 

It's your turn once these pillars come down!

Kiyomi was actively waiting for his signal, for the falling of the pillars to ensure the Wyvern. Should it work, Kiyomi would have the opening she needed to use cleave with mana-break at full output. She would tear a hole straight through the Wyverns armor. With the armor torn open, all Vaughn and Kiyomi would have to do from there would be to provide Beryl her cleared shot.


Vaughn channeled his mana through his feet, the flow of mana branching back out through the earth. It branched out, contacting wood throughout the structure until it finally made contact with the stone rods that awaited his final push.


The wyvern roared as fire now followed the smoke, heat washing over Vaughn in its attempt to wash flesh from bone. 

Please don't miss!

Vaughn pleaded to himself, sweat beading from every pore on his body. 

Crack- thud!

Within the span of a moment, the heat retreated and the relentless flow of smoke was quelled as rock came crashing down atop the beast that belched it forth.


Vaughn coughed, his lungs burning as he stepped backwards in an attempt to breathe clean air. 


The smoke cleared ever so slightly, just enough for Vaughn to see the vague silhouette of the wyvern. It was locked under the rocks, but for how long, he couldn't ascertain. Even with the wyvern jerking around and struggling to escape, it was a far greater chance than they had before. Kiyomi's one chance for a cleave free from the beast's ability to out step her reach was here. 

I've shown my worth, now each of you can show yours! 


So that was your game? You couldn't have guaranteed that smokescreen! Dumbass!

Anger ate at my reasoning as I watched intently, the rubble settling over the Wyvern as it struggled to move against the spears of solid rock that struck over its back. With the monster's mana-break in play, they wouldn't have pierced its armor. But as a trap, as a stone cage to lock the beast in place? They served their purpose to the letter. 

Where is he?


Vaughns choked voice could be heard seconds before he backed out of the smoke cloud. Cinders lit up sections of his boots and one of his sleeves, but for the most part, he was unharmed.


I felt my body tense at his words. 

"No holding back!"

Vaughn yelled, his voice trailing off as he dropped to one knee. The strain from the heavy use of mana getting to him for possibly the first time. 

Shit, Beryl, please- she can't do marginal damage without that mana-break being brought down. Not without a sufficient enough window.

My legs tensed as I lowered my body to the ground, the feeling of my muscles twitching as the energy within was waiting to be released.

Come on! We can do this!

The energy within my legs released and the explosive force of my legs propelled me through the air. I brought my free hand to Wyrm-tooths grip, my hands grasping it tightly as my body began twisting through the air.

Wyrms-tooth, don't fail us now!

I dumped mana into wyrms-tooth, the flow of mana lighting the blade up as if it was superheated. What looked like embers trailed behind the blade as I brought it down in time with my descent.

This is for all we're worth, Kiyomi! We hit it fast! We hit it hard! Then, we pass the baton to Beryl!

My heart felt as if it was jumping into my throat with those thoughts, the excitement and blood pressure building as I fell into the cloud of smoke.


I screamed within my mind as the Wyvern was now fully unobstructed. The scaly armor surrounding its neck was my target, my sight closing in on it as the tension rose.


The sound of metal sliding along metal resounded with the wet sound of flesh being sliced. It was almost too fast to process, my feet impacting one of the stone spears and my balance giving, the smokescreen parting with wyrm-tooths blade, mana crackling and suddenly combustion from the powerful impact. But there was a significant factor that was terrifyingly obvious, wyrms-tooth blade was still smoldering and planted into the ground whilst the wyvern recoiled in pain. It's head swung towards me.

Fuck! I overshot!

The swing I made was shallow, its scaly armor sliced through, but not open enough to allow Beryl her shot. 

I need to go for another shot!

Mana formed within the Wyverns' throat. 


Flames belched outward, nearly enveloping the right side of my body. I rolled to the left, wyrmstooth just barely held within my left hand as I pivoted my right side away. 

I only have one shot!

I rolled backwards, using my momentum alongside my tail to force myself back over my shoulder and onto my feet. The fire continued following behind, the wyvern insistent on repelling my advance.

Never thought I'd be using a shoulder roll against a damn dragon, fuck!

My right arm and waist felt faintly light, leading me to realize I may have been caught within the flames. 

I really have to make this one count! Let's hope it works!

I dove forward under the Wyverns neck as it attempted to follow me, wyrms-tooth clattering against the ground as I did. Just barely giving me an opening to strike in the same place as before, I took my chance and brought wyrms-tooth to bare.


Violent impact!

I shot upward, blade tip pointed to the lowest part of my cut within the wyverns scales. Dust and the remaining smoke shot outward, revealing the scene to the world as I flew into the wyverns shoulder. 


Wyrms-tooth went in cleanly and with little protest, burying itself near to the hilt. Bone popped and the sound of flesh searing against hot metal rang out beneath the crash of stone being shattered and the wyverns wails. I'd hit the beast hard enough to destroy the cage it was trapped beneath, causing the beast to recoil. It's turned its body in an attempt to escape, enabling the plan even further.

Alert! Mana reserves below minimum threshold! Further use will enable forced hibernation!

Almost there! Hold on a little longer girl!

I used the momentum from the Wyverns throes of pain to continue my path, my body being flung just over its shoulder at the top of my cut. 

Give her the widest berth you can! 

I just barely hooked my right leg behind the wyverns shoulder, my opposite foot finding purchase on one of the wyverns spikes.


I yanked back against Wyrm-tooths grip, bone popping and the wyvern screeching further as it reared its body upward in a vain attempt to escape the pain. Blood oozed forth, nearly causing my to lose my grip. 


I screamed out, unsure if my voice could even be heard. Hoping, praying that she'd fire before my grip could give out. Had it been a moment earlier, we may have lost our open shot. That was until I heard the resounding crack of lightning that echoed through the arena. I'd only caught just a glimpse of it, but her shot was filled with the same confidence and sureness of action that I'm sure I'd shown her as she called out to me earlier in the fight.

Roooaaaa- aaaaugh

The lightning from her shot found its mark with nearly explosive force as it arched through the beast's shoulder. I'd taken my chance and jumped last minute, just short of fatal timing as electricity arced into Wyrmstooth. My kick off of the wyverns back saving me short of a minor jolt throughout my body, forcing me to land on my side rather than my feet.

"Ooof- fugh-"

I groaned under my breath, the fading groans of the wyvern drawing me out as it's body quaked. I looked on as If I were a deer caught in headlights at that moment, ready to retreat from my position as fast as I could. But as the groans died out, and the wyverns body crumpled not unlike the Bulette we'd felled earlier in the year, the outcome became evident.

"We- hhh- we did it?"

I asked under my breath, weakly clambering to my feet. To either side of me, I saw an exhausted Beryl, and an exhausted Vaughn, both covered in dried blood, dust, and sweat. We looked to each other before each of us inched closer to the wyvern.

"We did it."

Beryl nodded sheepishly, failing her attempt to hide her smile.

You did good. Sure as shit you're a good shot too, Beryl.

As we approached, it was clear I'd finally gotten my own links as well. I was sure I'd broken my shoulder by using myself in violent-impact, now that I was loosely dragging my sword along the ground. The burns on my right arm was also quite noticeable, charred skin and material from my clothes marking how close I came to being enveloped. 

Thankfully I can't feel that much of it. Hopefully the healers aren't slow about it.

I thought Idly as we approached the wyverns corpse. Standing next to the beasts head, it was a strange feeling to realize that our limited teamwork and skills even at our age enabled us to fell such a creature. In a scratchy voice, Vaughn spoke and pulled both Beryl and Myself back to reality.

"We did it! We're a team! We're fully fledged adventurers now!"

He pulled the both of us into a hug, his shield clattering against the ground. His excitement spreading to us and bringing our own happiness to the surface. 

"We are! Gosh did you see that shot Beryl took? It was a hell of a tight hit!"

I weakly leaned into the hug, wrapping my good arm over Beryls shoulder to fully join in.

"Are you kidding? How'd you slam into the wyvern like that?"

The three of us stood there rambling like that for some time until the healers closed in, mending our wounds and gossiping amongst each other as they processed what had occurred.

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