Fate weaver’s convergence

V2 C112 Krakens prescience

Heres the next chappy~ Hope yall enjoy!

“You notice that?”


I asked Beryl, nodding to the guards ahead of us. We were only a few parties away from the arch, and our proximity revealed its fine details. An iron-barred gate opened and closed one at a time to let each given group through. It was clean, free of blemishes or rust, denoting its relatively recent addition to the gate guards' procedures. The gate in and of itself was not the thing that piqued my interest, though it was a burdensome sense of deja vu. Beryl leaned closer, following the subject of my attention. Sabine's group seemed curious as well, all idle talk ceasing as we got closer and observed. No one was rejected as of yet, leaving the thought of what actually would happen if the guards found what they were looking for. 


“That’s… odd? Miss Hatsumi never mentioned anything like that for a parasite or any diseases. Maybe it's from another region?”


Beryl herself was just as confused, slithering forward some to get a better look until she seemed to be next to Marissa. The two seemed to strike up a hushed conversation, mumbling back and forth to one another without taking their eyes away from the procedure. 


“Any thoughts, Vaughn?”


Something drew me closer to his side, nearly making full contact with our shoulders. 


This is familiar… Where have I seen this?


The guards held up the next person in line, a candle in hand, as they lifted It to the person's face. They moved it back and forth, looking for something.


Photosensitivity? Something in the eyes? Maybe coloration?


Vaughn grimaced for a moment, eyeing the process.


“They made us do the same thing when we arrived at Brenton.”




I looked at him, drawing his attention for a second. He leaned closer, whispering.


“No one was pulled aside from our group, mind you. They did the test over the course of a week, no one had anything. But it looks like the same test.” 


The guards finished up their current group, double-checking their marks and knives before waving them through. Everyone seems blase about it, a calmness signaling no one has been pulled aside just yet. 


“It is our turn it seems.”


Sabine began stepping forward as the group ahead walked down and out of sight. The guards looked at each other for a moment.


“Well, get on with it.”


Sabine kept her arms crossed, no doubt staring the guard administering her with the same scowl she held against me. The flame of the candle grew for a moment, increasing in intensity with a slight blue hue. He paused a moment, nodding to another guard to the side.


“If you could, ma'am. Could you step aside? We have a few questions.”


The guard held the most gentle tone he could manage, careful not to insinuate any adverse outcome. Sabine didn't speak, holding back whatever expletive was probably anticipated by everyone present. She simply clicked her tongue, stepped to the side, and leaned against the stone wall until directed further. She stole a glance at me, which was not odd given her disposition towards me.


For fuck’s sake, why does she seem to have an issue with just me?


Next was Marissa.




Marissa was meek in tone, drawing a surprisingly gentle expression from Sabine.


“They will take care of you, just meet me at the guild.”


She said, nodding to Jeane and Logan.


“We'll be waiting, Sabine. Take care of your work first. We'll be waiting.”


Jeane spoke, placing a hand on Marissa's shoulder.


“It's okay girl. The Lady will join us shortly. It's simple business.”


Marissa nodded hesitantly. She was easily the shortest of the group, dwarfed by the guard. He had to bend over, passing the fire in front of her eyes slowly. He nodded to himself, waving for her to stand next to the gate. He repeated this step for Jeane and Logan before waving them through just the same. All the while, Sabine eyed me like I was something offensive. 


“I'll go first.”


Beryl said, handing our knives and paperwork over for checking. The same routine, fire in front of Beryl's eyes. They waved her along as far as they could, awkwardly stepping over her tail as she bunched herself up in an attempt not to block them.


“You're next, girl.”


I perked my head up, slowly dropping the head behind me and setting it to the ground. The viper-vine mane rustled, drawing a glance from the guards as Vaughn struggled to lift it. 


“I can carry it the rest of the way. You have already had it for the last few days. It's the least I can do.”


He grumbled, heaving the mark onto his shoulders and back.


“Damn, this is heavy.”


He complained quietly. I stepped forward, the sense of deja vu growing its fiercest as the fire passed across my eyes. I felt my back stiffen slightly, a small glimpse of the ultraviolet lights we used on earth to check for mutations crossing my mind.


No, it couldn't be.




He waved to the side, directing me to Sabine. She seemed unperturbed, still staring in the same unwavering manner. The flame reacted once more, its hue changing to the same intense blue.


What the hell is this about? What is it searching us for?


“Step aside, next to her. We’ve only need to ask a few questions.”


Beryl straightened her posture, stealing a glimpse at Sabine with furrowed brows.




She asked, catching the attention of a guard.


“We’ll send her along shortly. It may be a half hair at the most but we don't intend to keep you long. Apologies.”


I waved to her and Vauhgn each. 


“It's fine, it's fine. Just wait for me to show up at the guild before you two start hunting for the engineers, aye?”


I looked over my shoulder at Vaughn, receiving a nod.


“Do you want us to keep the mark for the head then?”


Nah, I just want the mane.


“Cut the mane free and hand over the majority of the head. That's not the part I want to get checked out so-”


I shrugged, stepping back to the wall Sabine leaned against.


“We should look for housing after you get payment, rather not sleep on the guilds benches tonight.”


I gestured for Vaughn to continue, crossing my own arms in a chipper reflection of Sabine.


We can't all play the mean bitch act.

Oooh, they seem ahead of the gaaame. Glorious! And you and her stuck in the same room too? We didn't anticipate this level of interaction juuust yet, but we'll take what we  can geeet~.


The voice ate at Sabine's subconscious, drawing a weak growl of pain from her. She wasn't used to the intrusive nature of her benefactor. The constant conversation was grating, almost as much as the walking horror she stared at across the table.


You speak now, but not her? 


Sabine glimpsed between two women, just barely keeping her sense of anxiety in check. She masked it with anger, always angry. Fear and anger went hand in hand with the girl she sat across from, a sense of foreboding danger practically emanating from Kiyomi. Aside from that same fear, her eyes, anytime Sabine watched her observing someone. It was analytical, as if she were one of the house officers or her father's advisors. Sabine couldn't handle the thought of that analytical nature being leveled by a girl her own age, let alone one that carried a weapon not unlike hers. Like the spear, Sabine was given shortly after Solah's blessing. 


Oooh, no- no- no. She's the strong and silent type, she's not one for words. You should see her when she tries, it's like watching a Da trying to console his son. A beast of action, not of poetry~.


Sabine took in the figures of the two women. One whom she'd seen on and off for a week or so, whilst the other was seen for the first time ever. One spoke in a sing song manner, never missing a beat of energy in her tone. Whilst the other glared at Sabine. Staring through her, whether out of anger or simply taking in Sabine, she herself could not tell.


And here I thought she simply aggravated me.


The first one, with her singing tone, was supposedly Nyx, the goddess of darkness and the sea, prancing around the table as if she were an excited schoolgirl. She was human for the most part, the only hint otherwise protruding from her layered robes and from the mop of hair on her head. Two fleshy and blue appendages protruded from her hair, the fins of a squid, appearing no different from the ears of a dog as they flopped forward over her head. The other, was a series of tentacles, fat and flowing through the air where they protruded from the small of her back like half a dozen tails. An aquatic demi-human, if they ever existed, taking the features of a kraken. Her size for the time discounted, Sabine had seen Nyx at her full-size atleast once in her dreams.


So she surely must be–


Sabine looked to the one who'd remained silent, looming over the girl she supposedly represented. She was tall, taller than most men. Her frame was large, nearly monstrous as she hulked over Kiyomi as the girl rocked back and forth in her chair, her boots resting on the table between them all. The woman was an Oni, her head crowned by raven black hair, wild and curling as it flowed down to her waist. Black horns stood upon her forehead, transitioning to the dull red color of her skin whilst her face was illuminated by the same orange eyes as the girl below her. Clad in furs, the only other revealed aspect of her clothing was dulled and grime covered armor that revealed itself through a seem within the center of the fur cloak.


Ding dong ding, one of your siblings, has truly revealed herself. Solah has yet to show though, so–


The prancing Nyx pulled her fingers along her mouth as if to zip them closed.


Don't discuss her presence openly~. Lest I be forced to give you a fun little seizure to shut you up again~. I'd like to avoid such unpleasant means, however.


Nyx smiled, leaning close to Sabine's face as she skipped by. 


One of my siblings?


Sabine looked back to Kiyomi, who maintained the rocking motion. She was looking up at the roof, either thinking over why they could have been singled out, or doing her best to ignore Sabine thanks to their already tense interactions. She didn't hate the girl personally, she just feared her. Sabine had been acclimated to responding to fear with anger for years, her father pressing the behavior at every turn. Thats how she remained untouched. Aside from that, her team was singled out by Sabine’s father as an enemy. Something to be beaten. Something that couldn't be allowed to outshine a nobleman's daughter. 


Not by blood, but by bond. Why else would she be so attached to that monolith of steel next to her?


Sabine looked at the sword that Kiyomi carried everywhere with her. It's blade was obscured by its leather sheath, but telling enough in importance thanks to the few exposed runes on its surface. Stealing a glance at her own spear, wrapped in cloth to avoid tarnishing its finish. 


What do you mean by bond?


Sabine asked, doing her best not to trail Nyx's movement. The Kraken was clear and earnest enough to follow through on the threat of seizure, having displayed the authority once before.


My lips are sealed, same as before, not a lie nor truth will be revealed until their time.


The same tone, annoying and protective at once.


Why her presence?


Sabine eyed Solah, the massive Oni staring her down. The woman only glimpsed away as Nyx passed Kiyomi closely on her next trek around the room. 


One too many babes tend to manifest when my tendrils get too close~. Solah fears me rearing my little head into business not my own~.


Nyx looked back at Sabine and laughed.


Not that you are the threat of fathering some errant child. The girl has two teammates who’re prospective enough, the Wyrm fears I'd give in to my baser desire to–


Nyx grinned.


–facilitate nature's cycle~.


Nyx stopped suddenly, slinking around Solah and running a finger along one of Kiyomi's horns, coaxing a shiver from the girl before she lowered her boots from the table. Solah swiped a gauntlet at Nyx’s hand, narrowly missing the Kraken as she slinked away once more. 


I'd ventured a touch before and she wet the bed so badly she asked for a different one. It's funny, playing with that shattered little web in her head.


Nyx smirked at Solah, drawing the first words from the Oni since they'd each appeared.


The web is fragile enough as is! To take Tyr at his word, should you touch her again I will venture something closer to a maiming than a touch. Though I can little afford to exclude you from this, it would please me far more than hinder.


Solah’s words were borderline on the guttural. This was the terrifying presence from Kiyomi, nature's violence manifest. Solah was as much the God of War as she was the God of Light, and her supposedly attached to Kiyomi’s hip twenty-four-seven did little to calm Sabine's nerves. 


The babes will come as time unwinds, regardless if now or laaateeer! Try as you might, through me or not the seeds will be sown by naaatuuure~.


More with that damned tone. Would it kill you to stop the singing? It's making me want to spike out my eardrums!


Nyx shook her head, resigning to humm. Solah continued to eye the Kraken, a sense of hostility no longer directed at Sabine but at the prancing Godess.


Is she your concern? 


Solah nodded, Looking back to Sabine.


For what it is worth, I apologize. 


The goddess spoke, looking back down to Kiyomi. 


If you recognize this, then I would ask a favor, you keep Nyx away from this one. 


Solah placed a hand on Kiyomi’s shoulder. She was unresponsive, reminding Sabine of her loneliness in their ability to perceive the two gods.


You do not have to like her… but it would behoove you to move past this idea that she is against you. You will need each other's help.


That's easier said than done.


The two looked at each other for a moment longer before Solah spoke. 


Mayhap you could do something small for me. Would you protest, Nyx?


The Kraken stopped her prancing for the first time within the room, grinning widely at her name.


And what is it I could do for my oh-so-benevolent older sister~.


Nyx spoke, Sabine unable to read past her usual coy wording. No words were exchanged, simply a short glimpse of eye contact. Nyx broke out into a fit of mischievous giggling and laughter. 


Once more? Oh, dear sister, a web of spider silk can only weather so fierce a wind, especially the ones to come. The dearest wyrm of old could not weather, must hope the hatchling is made of tougher stuff, hmm?


Nyx giggled, resuming her prancing.


A story, a mind, so riddled with fractures one couldn't tell one from another. A path, one high, one low. Not truly a fork but most definitely so. A spoon it does not make, but it can serve the same purpose if desperation drives one so!


Nyx nodded as soon as she had Herself under control.


To her temple, here you will go.


Nyx leaned close to Sabine, placing her hands across the girl's shoulders as she whispered.


At dusk, when the surprise is revealed, one must find the snake~. This one will need her. I will tell you when.


Nyx motioned across the table. 


Alas, dear sister. Here, we should part, leave these two to discuss what little words they will~.


Nyx disappeared with little explanation and along with her Solah as if she was never present.

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