Fate weaver’s convergence

V2 C93 A priests countenance

Here's a continuation! Thanks for reading! Time to continue.

“Should those attending be ready, be seated.”


The same gravel-filled voice of the elderly man rang out. I looked to the end of the room, to the stage set upon the marble steps at the base of Solah’s figure. 




An elderly man walked up the steps, robed in gold and mahogany. The sound of hoofs clapping against marble echoed in the now-silent room while he climbed. As he turned, we were all greeted with the figure of a Higher Demon, a Higher Imp to be exact. His skin was drawing, whilst sunken eyes adorned a face framed by white, wiry, shoulder-length hair. 


"Before dawn, we drifted. All was dark."


He held out a hand, tracing it along the edge of a pulpit as he took his place and looked over the crowd of attendees. 


“With time, the Gods brought their light to us. Tyr flowed his heartbeat back into the land, bringing the forests with it. Once a barren world, now lush with life. Nyx filled the seas and cleared the great fog that obscured the stars, seeding the rebirth of life in each of its forms. Myr returned knowledge of ages lost, our ability to remember. She returned to us our voice, and our love and thoughts to recognize our fellow man. To think.-"


The old goat paused, placing a staff he held into a small nook within the pulpit. He seemed hesitant in his coming words. As if he detested the words he spoke in the breath following.


"Orion, with the hunt, brought the beasts to the fore. The wilds were filled once more, no longer an empty belly for the people to suffer in limbo. He gave the many races their cycle of evolution. And with the beasts, the cycle of life in which we return to them."


 Limbo, as we know it, was ended. The flow of life returned to the world.”


Aethelwulf looked down for a moment as if relieved at the passing of Orion. He was taxed, his shoulders falling and rising once more as he collected himself. Given everything I experienced since interloping in Kiyomi’s life, it wasn't a matter of associating events to understand why. Everyone within the city and surrounding it has a uniquely intimate feeling toward the church of Orion. It was only a few short moments before he raised his head with a greater sense of energy than before.


“Thus we come to the Dawn's birth.”


Aethelwulf raised a hand to the ceiling, motioning to the Wyrm that embraced the world in the mural. 


“Of each boon that the gods birthed unto the world, Solah brought the final and most volatile.”


Aethelwulf lowered his hand, his eyes following his fingers as he did so. He snapped his fingers, prompting abrupt and violent flames to spawn within his palm. 


“From her vast maw, she pried her own fangs. Presenting them to man, she bade them to grow and change as their purgatory had.”


His focus seemed to be beyond the flames within his palm as he continued, looking, sifting through the crowd of attendees. 


“Her fangs brought forth a surge of energy to our world, reenabling our ability to venture forth. To break the structure of one's self-imposed sanctuary. And with that, the ability to tame the world around us.”


The flames dissipated, as he lowered his hand, bracing himself with it and taking his staff in his opposite side. He pointed to the crowd.


“I see many a young face. So many have come to pass but a face is never lost to me.”


He motioned to the rows opposite our own, across the aisle. 


“Come forth as I speak, the recollection shall mark the blessings of you few young. You know yourselves, stand.”


Aethelwulf's tone was stern, almost commanding in a way. 


Why do i-


I felt compelled to stand.


“Not yet.”


Mother whispered, her fingers hooking onto my gambeson. Looking over to her, she nodded as first one, then two, then three people rose. Five in total approached Aethelwulf. 


“I’ll say when.”


Mother's grasp on my sleeve felt tight. 


Is ma’ preparing herself? 


I sighed inwardly, feeling for Mother in some small way. 


“The wyrm found man huddled behind his spear, desperately clinging to the life they now held the mind to cherish. In him, she found a desire for expansion. To leave the boundaries of our sanctuaries.”


His motioning hand passed over the side of the room the two of us were seated on.




Mother whispered with a sigh, releasing my sleeve and patting it lightly. Taking Hatsumi’s cue, I slowly stood alongside two others in the rows in front of us. 


“The wyrm came to man, and to man, she surrendered something so dear that it supplanted the cycle of existence other gods placed in motion.”


Aethelwulf placed his empty hand back onto the pulpit before stepping forth towards those already approaching. As he moved away, he could be seen pulling a small wooden box from the pulpit. 


“But, in her gift to man, the other gods saw not a threat to the framework they had set in motion.”


He pointed his staff to the first of several gathered in front of him, motioning them one by one to kneel and lower their heads. Continuing our approach, myself and the two seated ahead of me approached the rear of the group. I could feel the vague presence of another walking just behind me as we did. Given I would have noticed them regardless since their boots were eating at my own heels.


“They saw the metamorphosis of the cradle they nurtured.”


A robed figure approached Aethelwulf's side, taking the box and opening it for the old goat. From the box, Aethelwulf produced a pendant identical to the one I already sported. 


“The fangs taken with the blessing of the Wyrm, a great light overtook the world in a way man had yet perceived. A garden of violence, of inevitable rebirth, now became a great frontier within reach of their chosen children.”


The first pendant was placed around the neck of the first that approached, and with it, the first newcomer looked up to Aethelwulf. 


“Steel and iron were molded once more, Myr granting the boon of memories past to channel the Wyrms gift. Spears no longer of stone and shelter of thatch. The eldest god welcomed whom she recognized to be long-forgotten kin.”


Aethelwulf produced another pendant, placing it onto the newcomer. I came to join the several kneeling before the old priest, doing as they did. At that moment, the presence just behind me came to my side. 


Ah, the brat.


The human girl, her blonde braid falling just into my periphery as she lowered her own head.


“The land flowed with mana as if a spring had flowed forth, further elevating the gift the Wyrm bestowed. Tyr blessed man's newfound gift with vigor everflowing, safeguarding it from impermanence.”


A pendant followed once more, then another. 


“Nyx brought forth her blessings, promising her seed of life to man so that he may continue to spread. And with her gift, she bestowed her watchful gaze upon him as he slept so that the remnants of purgatory haunted him not in his stupor.”


Another pendant, six, had been placed at this time. Aethelwulf stood at the front of our group of four. I did my best to focus on his words, to search for any trace of where I could start my research. Wyrms-tooth sheath balanced me as I used it to prop my right hand upward, appearing as If I approached with a staff of my own. 


“And for all the threat this gift presented, Orion was the last."


Only one person was left besides myself and the girl next to me.


"Orion's gift was bittersweet. Interring within it the need for violence. For without the ability of the natural order to keep pace, humanity would surely fall back into its barren purgatory."


Aethelwulf now stood amidst the final two newcomers, myself and my begrudging companion. He paused for a moment, though I was unable to discern his expression. 


Why the pause?


Aethelwulf stood in front of us, perhaps taking a moment to breathe before continuing. 


"Orion presented another gift aside though, one not for man, but the Wyrm herself."


I felt the touch of his hand against Wyrm-tooth's pommel, its weight shifting as if he looked it over by touch. He kneeled, his expression coming just within my upper periphery. It was almost quizzical like I'd amused him in some way. I could have sworn he was close enough in that moment, that had I raised my head I would have poked an eye out with my horns.


"This gift he presented, do you know what it was? Hmm, wayward child?"


He asked, staring now at the pendant on my chest.


Hm? Should I… answer?


I attempted to speak, though I never was good with being called out. 




I attempted to speak, being cut off unceremoniously.


"Do not answer, you already know this I am sure."


What do you mean? I don't-


A smirk could just barely be made out before he stood once more at full height. 


His hooves took another two steps as he settled to the girl on my left. 


"What was his gift, daughter of house Moreau?"


He asked aloud, a pendant swinging now within his free hand. The girl was silent a moment, looking up slightly as she answered.


"A name."


Aethelwulf shifted, his posture fully upright as he replied. 




His hand raised, slowly lowering the pendant around the girl's neck.


"Do you know why?"


The girl stuttered for a moment, unsure of an answer.


That's right, struggle.


For a moment I sensed an unnatural need to enjoy her stammering.


"No need to struggle child." 


Aethelwulf seemed amused himself.


"When Nyx parted the great clouds, light blessed our world in that exact moment. The reason for this was a great fire that burned many worlds away. The Wyrm's heart."


Aethelwulf, along with his assistant, stepped away. He continued to speak as he approached the pulpit once more, turning around only at the steps.


"And for the gift given thoughtlessly, she was deemed 'Solah, she who burns."


Aethelwulf stared out at the crowd. 


"And now we stand, a testament of her gift on the edges of a great frontier. In the light."


His conclusion of the recollection was unceremonious as he stared about the crowd. 


“Brother Kane, see to any services or requests in my stead. I shall stay for a moment to contemplate my thoughts.”


With Aethelwufl's words, the room sprung to life as person after person rose from their seats.


What was the smile about?


I looked up at Aethelwulf as I stood, even from here I could see that we’d locked eyes to each other. He chuckled to himself, though it was inaudible at this rate. I felt the need to go to him, a compulsion that was just as quickly wiped away by the quick swipe of an elbow to my upper arm. 




“And ‘Hollowpoint’ walks away without a blessing too? Tell me, that little handsy motion he gave to your sword, was that supposed to be something?”


Her tone was one of mockery, her face did poorly to match it. Her eyes stared through me as if to say ‘What makes you special’ whilst her subdued expression was written of self-controlled frustration. Looking her up and down for a moment, it was easier to see what exactly had her so worked up. 


Hollowpoint… my team name. Ah…


I shook my head.


“Simply enough, maybe because I carried my weapon in hand-”


My eyes trailed to her shortswords hanging from her belt. 


“Or because I already have one?”


My hand raised to the worn pendant of silver on my chest, I glanced at it as I rubbed it between my fingers and released it to let it hang as it did. 


“You speak like you know me, but I don't know you.”


Maintain a steady tone here, the last thing I need is a catfight in a temple. Let alone one where I beat the brakes off of this girl. It wouldn't even be fair. 


I’d used a tone that I’d hoped wouldn't make things worse off than they were. However, it seemed from the start this girl wasn't keen on making peace given what followed.




I raised my free hand in a bid to shake her hand. 


“Apologies for earlier, I truly didn't mean to-”


My hand was slapped to the side by the girl's opposite hand. 


“I’ve no need for sympathy from someone who can’t even recognize a contemporary.”


The girl's sudden bout of aggression came under control as rapidly as it was freed of it. 


“Sabine Moreau. Remember it.”

Just as quickly as she stated her name, she turned, joining three others who seemed as hesitant to intervene as they were to speak to her as she passed between them. Their eyes shifted to me before turning to leave as if to give an unspoken apology. It did little however to stem the whiplash I’d suffered from the confrontation. I was simply glad she chose the moment everyone was taken in by the constant drone of the crowd.


What even?


The touch of someone's hand on my shoulder drew me from my confusion. 


“Not everyone will take to the attempt of friendship, the effort was made at least.”


Mother patted my shoulder. 


“You seem as if you wanted to linger, dear? If so, any part of the temple off-limits is walled off. Feel free to roam, I’ll fetch us our lunch.”


I sighed.


“Aye. I’d like that.”


Mother nodded, moving past, and left me to my curiosity. 


Well, I’ve another library to sift through. Time to check with Brother Kane.


I looked back at the pulpit, surprised to still see Aethelwulf looking directly at me. 


What is that smile about, old man? It’s actually starting to annoy me. 

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