Fate weaver’s convergence

V2 C98

Apologies for the wait, going to force through the next few chapters as fast as possible. Preferably at the speed i can move us along to the next series of events.



“That's disconcerting…”


I mumbled whatever expletives came to mind at the sight before me. Spider-tortoises weren't exactly known, as far as I could research, for being an easy prey item. 


“What in the grody-Florida-swampy-fuck happened?”


I was looming over the loose pile of rocks, staring down at what was, clearly, a dead arachnid. Inspecting the corpse, it looked as if its insides were sucked from its exoskeleton. Loose bits of sinew and flesh hung within the exposed openings to the monster, with some off-color bile settling in a small pool around the openings. 


What the hell could do this?


I thought as I slowly moved closer. Nothing could be heard around us, nor was there any flow of air around the entrance of the small burrow.




I shivered. Something about the scene gave me a foreboding sense of dread.


“Nuh uh, gotta get the nephrite!”


I shook my head, fighting off the feeling of wanting to abandon the search. Lingering selective arachnophobia or not, I needed to follow through on the fetch quest. 


“Okay, so-”


I stood at full height, looking around the small arrangement of stone surrounding the mouth of the burrow.


It's exposed rock that's been passed over who knows how often, maybe some of the surfaces have been polished? 


I sighed in resignation, pulling Wyrmstooth from its sheath. Being as I lacked a torch, the sword would have to serve as a glorified light source. Channeling mana through the blade, the traditional message filled my eyes for a moment.


Mana break active

Gods, this is gonna wreak-


With the blade's glow bringing dim but usable light to the darkness of the burrow's mouth, I used the buckler in one of the most disgusting first uses I could find.




With a sickeningly wet crunch, followed by the sudden overwhelming scent of spoiled innards and the splatter of whatever moisture was left inside the shell. Flowing down the shield's face, some small bits of fur and sinew adhered to the spikes. It was an odd feeling to see gore that actually made me want to toss the piece of metal as trash.




I shook my left arm, trying vainly to shake off the viscera.


“Well fuck.”


With the obstruction that was the Spider-tortoise’s exoskeleton now partially collapsed, I got a better look into the now dimly lit burrow. It was polished, glistening with web fibers and a strange, wet sheen to the interior. A loose web crackled from contact with Wyrmstooth as I reached forward, cutting loose strands and partially burning them away. 


Anything in here? Wonder if the shitstain managed to dig- thank fucking-


I sighed, leaning against the roof opening of the burrow once obstructed by the upper half of the monster's abdomen. Moving around the sword enabled light to glisten just effectively enough to show a green sheen on the rock. My job had been made relatively simple by whatever predator managed to leave its mark, though I wasn't going to waste time and recreate my last solo trip to the pass.


Though, it could just be some type of quartz… I don't have much to go on besides “jade is green.”


I gave the rock another once over, debating the gamble whether to call it here and now. With just a split second of deliberation, I yelled out.




The red slime's smooth head poked around a boulder, peering down at me. I waved away, the slime misinterpreting my motion as a summoning. 


“Lapsha, boy-”


I stamped my foot against the gravel as if to tell him ‘back off’. Seemingly confused, Lapsha slowly backed away, giving me the breathing room I needed to ensure he wasn't harmed.


“Okay, here it goes-”


I whispered, holding Wyrmstooth behind me as I reached back with my shield arm.




I grunted, pivoting my hips and flexing my core as I slammed the absurdly thick buckler’s lead edge into the rock comprising the burrow ceiling. It was all I could manage to squint as hard as I could to shield my eyes from any possible would-be shrapnel of rock.


Violent impact


The closest comparison to the noise it made was that of an excavator slamming its bucket into concrete. I maintained my stance, looking back at the rock to check if I'd somehow managed not to crack it. Sure enough, though, with the shield at my disposal, the rock cracked down the center. At the point of contact, flat shards were chipped free. Underneath what had been unpolished dark rock, a dull yet marbled green was revealed. 


Huh, so it does have its uses.


I was satisfied with the results, the shield seemingly justifying its purchase rather quickly. Serving its purpose as a rather crude ‘hammer’ given the opportunity. However, the combination of friction welds and leather straps holding it to my forearm was found to be lacking.


I should put it to use in another way.


I resigned, inspecting the improvised sledgehammer with a hint of regret. While it appeared to have one more barely visible hammer strike in its edge, it wouldn't be promising if I had to repair it every time I wanted to use it. 


“Well, time for plan B. At Least the base is cracked.”


I nodded to myself, affirming my own thoughts.

“Stick back, boy.”


I shooed Lapsha once more, standing over the burrow from its perimeter. However, instead of the buckler, a new improvised tool was purchased within my grip.


Method as old as time, can't break something made of rock? Hit it with another rock, really, really fuckin hard!




The jagged chunks of stone that must have weighed closer to a thousand pounds, didn't spend much time airborne, considering it traveled only fifteen feet or so, but it was more than enough to achieve the intended results.




The stone crashed down upon the rock I'd first hit, a chain reaction of the burrow caving in and the surrounding boulders toppling over, serving as a satisfying climax to my effort. The dust slowly settled, revealing the amalgamation of rock and monster innards. 


“Worst comes to worst, I can haggle with him… right?”


“No, secure it there! You id- behind the knee! If you hook it below the knee joint, the Bronto’s rear leg will slip forward, and then we'll be dealing with a rollover. Do you want to deal with that bullshit? I don't! Now, secure it behind the knee so the leg folds under its weight!”


Avery motioned with her arms in an exaggerated manner, waving them through the air before making a flat blade with her hand and pointing towards one of the more junior of the recovery workers.


“For Sol’s sake.”


It had been nearly a full day by the time they'd gotten the correct cuts placed to facilitate the extraction. The excessive mass of the Brontosaurus required a specific field dressing technique. In most nation or city states, as well as the Empire at large, anything not immediately harvestable was to be burned. It was Brenton’s unique decree from the Baron that forced them to go to such lengths. Anything salvageable for food or material was pursued with fervor. 


“Willful waste makes woeful want. Though, having Kiyomi would've made this easier…”


The Arachne whispered to herself, pacing along the perimeter of the constantly shifting quarry. 


Looking at each of her workers, she was reminded suddenly that her current team was rather inexperienced compared to the rabble she'd taken along some years past. Kiyomi, first and foremost, was the current heavy hauler. Enabling the recovery operation to function with fewer horses.


Aside from herself or Kiyomi, their current party consisted primarily of humans. The exception was Myles, a knoll of middle years with grayed fur working as a g,uard thanks to his detection skills. He essentially acted as an alert system should any predators venture close for a free meal. He stood atop the first cart that housed the Brontosaurus's head, spear in hand.


The rest of the team consisted of Jude, Marcus, Phillipe, Kostyantyn, and Lykos. All human adventurers of varying experience, finding themselves in the much more stable employment of the guild's services. 


“We’re doin' our bloody best! Easy to back seat the cuttin' when- Uhn!”


Lykos grunted under the weight of the rear left leg of the beast, struggling as he could to provide slightly more cutting room to Jude and Kostyantyn.


“Quit yer yappin, Lykos. Rather be out here since the lil’uns doing the hauling for us. This is basically a short vacation for us.”


Jude yelled, a large serrated blade hooking itself into the Brontosaurus leg as she turned. 


“Would be nice if she were here though. We came with less people specifically for that reason… and we already sent back the party that killed this thing, damnit.”


Kostyantyn said, looking to Avery with tired eyes. It was as if he was trying to rub in the fact. Avery sighed in response, looking to a timer she'd set within her own system screen. 


“She’s due back within an hour. This was our agreement, I told you all beforehand her duties… though…”


Avery shook her head, turning to the road ahead as she did.the mountains in the distance just breaching the treetops coverage.


“For what it's worth, I'm more excited to see the demon girl pull the wagons with the horses in tow.”


Myles spoke now, tossing his spear from hand to hand as he scanned their surroundings.


“Knowing she can pull the wagon train with the beast is one thing, but i dont think I've ever seen it done.”


The knoll continued, shrugging as if he was unsure of the feat. Phillipe spoke next, holding the horses steady as the weight upon the carts shifted unevenly by Jude’s cutting.


“I'm more nervous about the trek back. Monster activity over the last couple of years is higher than it's ever been. This is the first megafauna other than an Apex or the Bulette from some years back.”


Phillipe held the leads tight in his grip as the horses irritation gre, though the group was marking it up to the massive corpse being jostled behind them. Myle’s skill as a scout and watchman assures them as such. However, their braying did little to ease his task. 


“Aye, but for the least, it ensures our paychecks.”


Myles sighed in resignation, his shoulders slumping against his spear momentarily before his ears perked up.


“Speaking of.”


Avery raised her voice, yelling at Myles. 


“Is she close by?”


Avery asked, expecting nothing else than Kiyomi. Myles shook his head, his nostrils flaring and ears constantly pivoting as he looked in all directions. 


“No, it's everywhere! Or… it's already here?”


Myles yelled as his spear raised.


“Everyone look alive!”


Avery yelled, drawing each of her Short-swords. Reaching out with her own Slayer skills. At first, just as Myles surely was, she was caught up by a vague presence inhabiting nearly every ounce of land around the group. 


“Gods- arms up!”


Aside from the vague presence overwhelming their senses, Avery could clearly make out at least two dozen dog-sized creatures moving in on them. It was a weak presence, but it was there. It was little solace in regards to the larger presence, but a clear enemy was better than an unknown one. 




A final unheard voice reached out from the opposite side of the Brontosaurus.


“What, Marcus?”


Kostyantyn yelled out to the out of sight team mate. 


“Get with Phillipe! He'll need coverage with the horses!”


Jude nodded to Kostyantyn and Lykos before wresting her toothed carving sword from the massive leg. 


“ I'll head to Marcus. Lykos will keep this front with you, ma’am.”


One of the most recent additions to the team, Jude, still took to organizing proper coverage on engagement. Avery’s initial reason for bringing the younger workers on duty. The only thing they lacked, however, was crucial for a larger engagement. Support, be it a professional bowman or magic.


“Everyone, keep your coverage tight, just within arm's reach!”


Avery's words rang out, echoing off of the woodline. the tension was thick, but a condition already worrying the team served as a boon now.


“With how quiet it is, it's not hard to pick up on anything louder than the brush.”


Myles yelled, his head pivoting from side to side. 




Myles, Avery, Lykos, and Kostyantyn stood at the ready with the sound of underbrush breaking underfoot.


“That's this side, Myles?”


Avery asked over her shoulder. The Knoll yelled in affirmation.




Myles Yelled, lowering his body close to the cart, propping his spear in anticipation of a charging foe. 


“I count several moving in!”


His voice wavered as his throat dried out; the pressure of two dozen monsters on the cusp of revealing themselves ate away at him.

From his periphery, he could see Lykos and Avery tense up, while Konstyantyn and Phillipe did their best to assuage the growing raucus of the horses. Almost as if edged forward by the sound of panicked prey, pack of monster revealed themselves.




Marcus could be heard yelling in the background.


“Shit, with those numbers?”


Myles Mumbled to himself, locking eyes with a trio of the hound-sized monsters sprinting through the open. Their feathered, lean bodies hugged close to the ground as best they could at full sprint. 


“Can't expect support when we're holding this many off.”


Myles mumbled again, nodding to Avery before resigning himself to his adversary. His spear raised, air rushing through his nostrils as he prepared himself. His pupils dilated, and everything seemed to slow as he pointed his spear to just under the ribcage of the raptor leaping upon him.

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