Fate Weaver’s Legacy

#056 – That’s not how the adventure was supposed to go

I groaned as I sat next to the tree to catch my breath.

“Chat… You reckon I just got super lucky the first two times? Because I'm losing hope that I’ll find anything here…”

It had been an entire day. A night spent under the canopy and then all the way until noon the next day, and I still hadn’t found anything of interest. Just trees, bushes, grass, an occasional life ooze lake, and sometimes, if I was really lucky, there had been a somewhat large boulder covered in moss.

uptonMIKE: maybe you should have just built a house…
Jeofffff: should have farmed the spaceship smh
GonguuH: hello
GonguuH: still walking?

“Yeah yeah, hindsight is twenty twenty, whatever… Oh, hey, Gong. Yup, still walking. There’s nothing out here, I swear.”

GonguuH: maybe the map can do something?

“The map? Oh, this thing…?” I reached into the backpack and pulled out the magical map I’d gotten in the last dungeon.

Unfortunately, it was completely blank. Not even the red dot that was supposed to represent me was there.

“...Nope, nothing. I mean, it said that it only worked in dungeons, didn’t it? Ugh… Maybe I should just return to the water park dungeon and try to see if there are any secrets there.”

Jeofffff: oh yeah that would be good
Irid123: there’s gotta be more stuff out here though
repeaeaeat: you can still go back?

I huffed.

“I mean, probably? I hope there’s something. Another dungeon, ancient ruins, or heck, a freaking desert would do! Just no more of these dumb trees!”

GonguuH: you could try finding a tall tree and scouting from there

“I already did that yesterday…” I grumbled. “I even sent John up, but I still couldn’t see anything but trees!”

An Internet age girl like me just wasn’t used to this much nature. Even if my body seemed to be handling nonstop walking way better than it should be, my mind was starting to scream in agony.

The worst part had to be the dead silence and the loneliness. Being in a dungeon had at least distracted me from it, but only having chat around was driving me nuts. I couldn’t imagine my mental state if I didn’t even have chat.

I sighed and thunked my head on the tree.

“This is torture… I wish I had ViewCube or Snitch here… or just something. I wanna watch Ebi’s stream, dammit!”

GonguuH: that was yesterday
GonguuH: you walked a good distance
GonguuH: you might see something now if you try again
GonguuH: scouting with John I mean

“I guess…” I grumbled before forcing myself to stand up and looking around for a tall vantage point.

A decently tall tree caught my attention and I quickly marked the tree I’d been leaning on with my key sword like I’d been doing this whole trek before walking to the tall tree. A few minutes of nimble climbing later I found myself perched on one of its higher branches while holding onto the trunk.

“You know… I bet you’ve never seen a streamer capable of climbing trees like this,” I said with a small smirk, trying to find at least some humor in this. “I must be the best climber streamer on Snitch.”

trelipideliberitation: reject stream return to monke

I snorted as I summoned John and sent him above me again. “I hope the next dungeon drops some bananas for me, then. How am I supposed to return to monke otherwise?”

Once John was as high up as I could send him, I had him slowly rotate the camera in a circle while peering into his visual feed with narrowed eyes, trying to pick out anything but trees.

Then I took a deep breath and let out a frustrated groan.

“Nothing… There’s nothing! Chat, why is there nothing?! Why is this world so stupidly dead and barren?! What am I even supposed to do?!” I yelled in frustration.

Irid123: maybe you’re supposed to do something else
Irid123: not explore
Jeofffff: go beat the spaceship?

“Like what?! Keep going between the water park and the spaceship while clearing them until I go mad?! Is that it?!”

trelipideliberitation: maybe there are secrets idk
Jeofffff: maybe

“I don’t wanna keep risking my life in freaking dungeons! I want to find civilization! Why is there no civilization?! Why am I the only person around?! Where is that fucking Phoenix?!”

GonguuH: Nana calm down
GonguuH: getting angry won’t solve anything

“Shut up! Stop telling me what to do! It’s your guys’ fault anyway! Why did you tell me to go randomly wandering?! There’s nothing out here!”

trelipideliberitation: hey I didn’t know it’s gonna be all empty
Jeofffff: I voted for the spaceship
Irid123: have you tried messaging the other mod?

“I don’t care what you voted for! You set me up! And what’s the point of messaging anyone?! I don’t even know if you guys are real!” I screamed, my voice cracking at the end.

I immediately regretted my outburst and deflated against the tree trunk as the tears flowed.

I felt so pathetic sobbing there while chat watched. The worst part was that I’d automatically recalled John at some point so chat could now hear and see everything in perfect detail.

Jeofffff: shit
Jeofffff: uh

How many times had I broken down on the stream at this point? Three? Four times? Why did that keep happening? Wasn’t I supposed to be an epic isekai protagonist? Why was I so pathetic? Had I not gotten stronger at all? Was I destined to forever be a shitty loser who cried and moaned about every little thing?

KaiEbikoOfficial: Nana?
KaiEbikoOfficial: what’s going on?
KaiEbikoOfficial: are you okay?

“Ebi…” I said through my sniffling. “I thought you were doing your own stream today.”

KaiEbikoOfficial: Gong told me that you’re crying

I sniffled again, but I couldn’t help but feel touched that she would immediately pause her own stream and rush over.

KaiEbikoOfficial: come on Nana, what’s wrong?

“Ugh… I just… You know… Just a bit of despair at my situation, that’s all,” I said as I wiped my face with my glove – I’d figured out on my journey how to make it generate just the minimum amount of water, ideal for washing up and cleaning my face.

KaiEbikoOfficial: it’s gonna be okay
KaiEbikoOfficial: you can find your way back!
KaiEbikoOfficial: I believe!


I didn’t really believe I could, but I could try and pretend that I did.

“Maybe I should just do the limit break now,” I said.

KaiEbikoOfficial: nonono that’s a terrible idea!
KaiEbikoOfficial: you know what the phoenix said!

“Yeah… They are the worst… But Ebi, I feel like it’s just the most logical next step. I have all the requirements, I’m fairly strong, and I feel stuck now.”

KaiEbikoOfficial: I mean maybe but I still don’t like it
Jeofffff: you can still go try the spaceship before that

“I guess… But that would mean a whole day of walking back again…” I mumbled as I idly opened the Limit Break system window.

The warning sat in the middle of the screen, like a campfire warding off wild beasts, but at this point, I couldn’t help but be drawn to it like a moth. Just to have something meaningful happen. Anything.

KaiEbikoOfficial: nana please don’t do it

I glanced at the group chat, contemplated it for a second… and then mentally selected the first Limit Break.

Limit break #1 - Trials of courage
The Limit Break takes place outside of time and space. No time will pass in the real world in the meantime.
For the duration of the Limit Break, the cooldown on swapping skills and titles is removed, but rewards from any Achievements and Quests you manage to complete within will only be accessible after failing or succeeding.

Warning: You have only one attempt. If you fail the Limit Break, you won’t ever be allowed to try again.

Do you wish to attempt to break your limits?

My eyes immediately gravitated toward the new warning on the screen that popped up.

“...Oh. It’s just one attempt.” I tensed up and grit my teeth, already mentally preparing myself for the ordeal.

Jeofffff: yeah ok don’t do that yet
trelipideliberitation: oof that’s lame
Jeofffff: you gotta get stronger first
KaiEbikoOfficial: if you have to do it then wait until you are at your best

I watched as more messages trying to dissuade me from clicking yes came in and after a moment, I deflated.

“...Yeah, you’re right, guys. I really shouldn’t try to do it when I’m feeling like this. Better leave it for when I feel ready for it.”

I sighed and looked out into the forest from my perch on the branch with a bitter frown. Then I looked back at the little window and read through the rest of the text.

“...Hold on, what? It takes place outside of time and space…? Wait, does that mean that you guys won’t be able to see?”

Now I was extra wary of it. Not having chat for this sounded like a nightmare.

Jeofffff: there could be some time shenanigans
Jeofffff: remember the bracelet thing?

“Right… I guess it could still work, but I wouldn’t bet on it.” I kept reading. “That’s cool, though. Whatever you have to do there, it lets you freely swap skills…”

Jeofffff: you should try to max everything before doing it

“I probably should, huh…?” I mumbled. “...Which means I need to get back to dungeoneering to get more achievements to get more skill points.”

I was really hoping to discover something before I would have to go back to dungeoneering. Sure, clearing dungeons was… pretty fun, actually, but it was also freaking dangerous and stressful. After all, I had nearly died so many times back in the water park dungeon.

KaiEbikoOfficial: or you could build a house
KaiEbikoOfficial: to complete the quest

I hummed.

“Right, yeah. The quests. Why do I keep forgetting about those? Actually, I’d completed one of the quests, haven’t I? Meaning that I can take on another quest again…”

Generating new quests, please wait…

“Maybe I’ll get something pretty easy to do. I kinda doubt it, though…”

While the system generated the quests, I finally got off my butt and climbed down the tree again.

“So, uh… Thanks for coming, Ebi. I really appreciate it. Sorry for interrupting your own stream,” I said awkwardly.

KaiEbikoOfficial: it’s fine
KaiEbikoOfficial: I might stay for a bit
KaiEbikoOfficial: I was getting bored anyway

My lips curled into a small smile.

“Alright then. You really are the best, Ebi.”

KaiEbikoOfficial: flattery won’t get you anywhere young lady

I chuckled. “Oh, hey, Repeat. Welcome! What’s up?”

repeaeaeat: I was just thinking about the other mod

“You mean–” I brought up the admin window and quickly checked the names again. “–HellEnna? What about them? They still haven’t said anything in chat, so…”

repeaeaeat: I tried searching for a user with that name on Snitch and ViewCube
repeaeaeat: but they don’t exist

“...Is that so?” I murmured in a low voice. “That seems awfully suspicious, doesn’t it?”

repeaeaeat: I also tried creating an account with that name on viewcube but it didn’t let me
repeaeaeat: it said that the account already exists

“Wait, what? Is it hidden or something then? Or… does it both exist and not exist at the same time?”

trelipideliberitation: more time travel shenanigans!
repeaeaeat: I tried DMing them on all the sites but only streamerskill let me do that
repeaeaeat: the others said the account doesn’t exist

My eyes sharpened at that.

“So, you’re saying that HellEnna only exists on the streamerskill site? Very very suspicious…”

repeaeaeat: no reply though
repeaeaeat: you could try DMing them too
repeaeaeat: maybe your account is special somehow since you are the streamer
Irid123: that’s what I was saying
Irid123: DM the mystery person

I frowned.

“...I guess I haven’t tried that, huh? Sorry, Irid, I guess I didn’t notice your message. Still, do you guys think it will even do anything? If they aren’t watching the stream, are they even gonna get the message?”

repeaeaeat: can’t hurt to try

I hummed and then shrugged.

“Sure, I guess.”

I hadn’t actually tried sending DMs since getting the upgrade to do so, because I hadn’t had the need. The interface for it was fairly simple, though.

Direct messages with HellEnna:
AotoNana: Hello, who are you? Are you the phoenix or someone I know?

“...And send. We’ll see if we get any reply, I guess. In the meantime, let’s see the quests…”

New quests generated:
First contact (side quest)
Variety dungeoneer (side quest)
Writing home (side quest)

“Huh, the first one is the quest I didn’t pick last time. Apparently you can get offered the same quests repeatedly,” I mused before opening the descriptions of the new quests.

Variety dungeoneer:
(Time left: 2h, 58m, 41s )
You’ve managed to conquer one type of dungeon. Now go and conquer the other two types. 

Rewards - 4SP
Penalty for failure - 6SP debt

Accept as Side quest (60 days)

“Other two types, you say…” I mumbled with narrowed eyes. “I’m guessing this is referring to the water park being a Tempor-based dungeon?”

KaiEbikoOfficial: I guess we were right about there being ether and intra ones too

“Hmm, yeah. But maybe it’s referring to something else. You never know with this world. Either way, I would have to actually find the other two dungeon types first. And then clear them as well. Not sure if I can actually do this quest, honestly…”

Jeofffff: the spaceship is probably a different type

“Probably, yeah,” I agreed. “But that would still leave one more I would have to find. I dunno, I’ll hold off on this for now. Let’s see what the other quest is…”

Writing home:
(Time left: 2h, 59m, 57s )
It’s been ten days since you suddenly disappeared from your home, there must be people worrying about you. Contact them and assure them that you are fine.

Rewards - 1SP
Penalty for failure - 2SP debt

Accept as Side quest (3 days)

I froze in my tracks as I read the description.

The stupid system… Wasn’t it reading my mind? It had to know…

KaiEbikoOfficial: oh
KaiEbikoOfficial: I didn’t want to push you after the first time
KaiEbikoOfficial: are you going to now?

I glared at the quest window without replying for a moment. That was what I had wanted to avoid. That was why I’d refused to dox myself. But now with this stupid quest shoving everything in my face…

“...No, I’m not. This quest is even dumber than the other one.”

KaiEbikoOfficial: Nana…
trelipideliberitation: isn’t this easy points?
trelipideliberitation: just contact literally anyone you know

I grit my teeth.

“Nope. I am chronically online. I don’t know anyone in real life,” I declared, trying to sound confident.

Jeofffff: what not even family?

“I don’t have a family,” I said in the calmest tone I could force myself to use.

FouxMoux: there is something in the distance

I blinked.

“What? What do you mean Foux?”

FouxMoux: it looks like a building

“Wait wait, what? Foux, what building?! Where?!” I demanded, shoving aside the dark thoughts about family.

FouxMoux: I can’t make out any details

“Foux! Come on!”

trelipideliberitation: he’s probably watching stream with delay
trelipideliberitation: can’t hear you

I pursed my lips… and then opened a direct message to Foux.

Direct messages with FouxMous:
AotoNana: Foux! Where is the building? What are you talking about?

I waited for a second before getting a reply.

FouxMoux: oh uh sorry
FouxMoux: I was watching the moment when you scouted with john
FouxMoux: just a moment ago
FouxMoux: and there is something

I quickly opened up stream history and rewound it a bit just enough to take another look at what John had seen. I let it slowly play out while focusing on the video like a hawk.

“...I don’t see anything.”

FouxMoux: over there
FouxMoux: no go back a bit

I did so.

FouxMoux: behind the big tree to the left, there’s something gray

I rewound the video just a bit more and craned my head forward to take a better look. That, of course, didn’t help, since the screen moved forward with my head.

“Where is… Oh! Oh, I see it!” My eyes went wide.

Jeofffff: oh shit yeah

“What is that? That’s not a rock, right? No, hold on… Is there a way to zoom?” I prodded around the stream history menu, and lo and behold, there was a zoom function. I immediately put it to work and focused on the gray bit. Unfortunately, the image got blurrier the more I zoomed in, but it still helped identify what I was looking at.

“It’s box-shaped… Like a building! Chat, there’s a stone building over there!” I yelled with renewed cheer. “We finally found something! Foux, thank you so much!”

trelipideliberitation: hell yeeeesssss
Jeofffff: finallyyyyyy

I quickly packed up, identified which direction I should be going in, and then set off, the generated quests forgotten.

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