Fated to Be Loved by Villains

Chapter 151: Return

༺ Return ༻

“…I do not quite understand what you are saying all of a sudden, Your Excellency.”

Still exuding a menacing aura, Eleanor made such a remark.

It wasn’t strange for her to feel perplexed when the topic of war was mentioned out of the blue. Anyone trying to dismiss it as some sort of nonsensical talk was completely normal.



Sullivan’s words were right.

Strictly speaking, Eleanor wouldn’t be the cause, rather the entity she harbored..

“Both Headmistress Atalante and the Chieftain of the Tribal Alliance seemed to have tried their best to conceal the truth.”

Sullivan continued in a calm voice.

“But there are eyes and ears everywhere. In both Elfante and Forge of Struggle, there was news that traces of a Devil were found during the time you were present. It’s pretty much an open secret now. With just one wrong move, the news could spread to the public in an instant.”


Eleanor’s eyes widened slightly at those words.

“…Did you say a Devil, Your Excellency?”

“Indeed, Lady Tristan. A Devil.”


To continue on treading on this topic would be dangerous!

If she were to reveal that Eleanor was harboring a Devil’s Fragment, a huge variable would appear in my plans. This should not happen until Chapter 5 starts at least!

As I was about to intervene and stop her from talking…

The Chancellor glanced at me, sending me a wink from an angle that would not be visible to Eleanor.

Was she trying to reassure me that she wouldn’t speak on the matter any further?


I narrowed my eyes and looked at Sullivan.

If there was one thing that was certain…

It was the fact that this woman ‘knew me well’.’.

As if she had been staying by my side for a long time.

“…I do not know anything about entities related to Devils, Your Excellency.”

Eleanor said in a stiff voice, but Sullivan just shrugged her shoulders and replied.

“Honestly, whether you’re involved with them directly is not important. The problem here is the ‘incidents’ triggered by it.”

It was obvious what she was trying to get at.

Every time a Devil revealed themselves, they brought calamities significant enough to send ripples across the entire continent.

Even the Guardians, the Empire’s strongest force, had to stake their lives to deal with the Crimson Night Incident, the incident that turned several cities into ashes and was recorded as the worst incident in the Empire’s history.

It was pretty much a given that the entire continent would be plunged into chaos if they were to find out that a Devil’s Authority had been manifested in the Material Realm.

“Barely any statesmen would welcome such news. The continent is already on a precarious balance to begin with, it’s teetering between peace and war. It wouldn’t be an exaggeration to say that anyone could come to invade others for the sake of interest if they wish so.”

If public sentiment did not stabilize and fell into chaos, it was a given that many such ‘opportunities’ would rise.

Even those without such intentions might change their minds if a perfect opportunity presented itself.

In short…

The threat of ‘war’ Sullivan spoke of really wasn’t a fantasy, but reality.

“And that’s how it all connected.”

If the entire continent was shaken by the fear of Devils, then there was a simple solution for it.

To call upon the existence that could balance out the scale between humanity and the Devils.

The only human in history to have ever battled ‘all Devils’ and matched them.

“…Hero Selection.”

As Faenol said those words with a bitter smile, Sullivan nodded in affirmation.

“Originally, it was said that a Hero is selected by the Heavens itself. No matter how strongly someone insisted that they are a Hero, they couldn’t just expect to be recognized as one just like that.”

The First Hero’s Holy Sword that was kept in the Holy Land.

Only someone who was recognized by it would be acknowledged as a Hero by everyone.

“But now… We have to create such a person… By force if we have to. Even if the Holy Sword refuses to recognize them, we need someone who is at least strong enough for us to claim that they are able to stand against the Devils.”

“…What is it that you mean by forcibly creating such a person?”

Eleanor asked in a chilly voice.

“To be acknowledged as the Hero, I am fairly sure one must show themselves wielding and using the Holy Sword. Otherwise, the public will not believe it.”

“We have to make them hold it. Force them to, if necessary. If the public wants it, we’ll show it to them.”

Eleanor’s mouth fell open.

For someone who rarely showed her emotions, this was a remarkably intense reaction, but honestly, I couldn’t blame her for it.

Say, what exactly would happen if someone who wasn’t recognized by the Holy Sword touched it? The answer was simple.

‘…They’d just die.’

Their body would shatter as they were trying to approach a power that they couldn’t possibly handle.

In other words, what the Chancellor was trying to say was…

“…It is better to stage a well-crafted and elaborate deception than to let thousands, tens of thousands, or hundreds of thousands of lives be lost.”

That they would create a ‘sacrificial lamb’ to stop a war from occurring.

“…The governing body of the Empire has already agreed to proceed with this. That’s why I can’t help but criticize you for this matter, Lady Tristan.”

Sullivan glared at Eleanor, her golden eyes glinted.

“Because you are the reason why this had to happen.”

A heavy silence descended around us.

At that moment…

I found myself touching the Soul Linker in my pocket again.

In this academy, there was already someone who was selected as a ‘Hero Candidate’.

If a ‘Hero Selection’ ever occurred, that girl would definitely be summoned.


I grit my teeth so hard that my gums bled.

This was the reason why I took off the Soul Linker.

Because this was the only thing that would truly upset Caliban, someone who nonchalantly glossed over the fact that I had transformed into something that was close to a Devil.

‘…Using his remaining kin as a sacrifice. That’s what they’re fucking saying right now.’

If it was me, there was no way that I’d let it slide.


The one fortunate thing was that she was not in Elfante right now as she was staying in the Forge of Struggle.

I had to keep her far enough away to delay the starting point of the Main Quest and take enough time to prepare so that such an event would never happen to—

System Message

[ An event related to target ‘Iliya’ will be generated soon! ]


Mr. System, please.

Get a grip and read the fucking room.


Iliya, who jumped off the train, stretched out her exams and shouted.

“Why are you so happy about it? You haven’t even been gone for that long.”

Except, the only reply she got were some curt words.

But Iliya simply twirled around, her smile unchanged.

After all, she already knew from living with her for a few weeks.

This person always spoke gruffly, but when one got down to it, she was actually a very nice person.

And much more delicate than one might think.

“I miss Teach! I think I haven’t seen him for almost a month!”

“…Can’t you keep those thoughts to yourself? Or at least don’t shout it out loud? Don’t you have any shame whatsoever?”

“Uh, didn’t you miss Teach too, Riru?”

“My ass.”

As Riru Garda snorted, Iliya cocked her head and turned her gaze.

At the end of her gaze, there was a box that Riru was holding carefully, as if it was something very precious to her.

“That’s a gift for Teach, isn’t it? You’ve been holding it so carefully the whole way here.”

When Iliya pointed out the bundle that Riru was carrying, she blushed and quickly hid it behind her.

“W-What do you mean a g-g-gift! D-D-Do I look like someone who would prepare such things?!”



‘She is so easy to read.’

Iliya approached Riru with a face full of mischief.

There was only one case when this person reacted this way.

Whenever any talk about Teach came up, she’d acted like a boy caught having a crush on a girl.

“You can tell me a little about it~ I won’t tell anyone, I promise~ What is it exactly~?”

There was also another thing that Iliya realized after spending time with her. The fact that it was so easy to tease her.

Especially now, when there was a very solid link that connected her and Riru together.

‘…That wasn’t a choice but a necessity.’

Of course, there were conflicts between her friends and Riru before and there were frictions here and there, as she thought that Riru was one of those people who tried to flirt with Teach.

But after being caught by Kasa Garda and rolling through hellish training together, a bond almost akin to comrades-in-arms had long formed between the two.

“…I told you, it’s not a gift.”

While she was lost in such thoughts, Riru replied curtly. She even hid the bundle she was holding behind her.

‘Huh? She’s much more stubborn than usual.’

‘Usually, when I prod her like this, she’d always give in somehow…’

‘…Is that part similar to Miss Yuria?’

Both of them, with not a single same-age, same-sex friend, boasted a narrow-minded view on human relationships.

As such, they were far more prone to giving in when barraging them with attacks of friendship.

So, in this case…


Iliya swiftly moved behind Riru and reached for the bundle.

Her movement was light, but her speed was astonishing. She had always been exceptional in close combat, so most people would be helpless against her, but…


Iliya was pushed back.

It was because Riru shoved her hard on the forehead.

‘…Seriously, what the heck.’

Iliya pouted, feeling it was unfair.

Having sparred with Riru under Kasa’s guidance several times, it was clear that Riru possessed a truly bizarre ability.


She reacted as if she could see a few seconds into the ‘future’.

Even just now, she should have been completely unable to anticipate that move. Yet, it was as if something ‘inside’ her body was helping Riru.

‘…Whether it’s me or her, we really carry some unbelievable abilities, huh.’

Strictly speaking…

The ability she ‘opened’ under Kasa’s training was at an even more absurd level.

Iliya stroked the eye patch covering her right eye with a bitter smile on her face.

It wasn’t really like her eye was injured. However…

Without the eyepatch, even looking around would cause a severe headache.

Because the ‘amount of information’ she’d take would become overwhelming.

While she was thinking this, Riru spoke with her fists trembling and face flushed.

“Cut it out, will you! I’m seriously going to hit you hard, okay?!”


‘What a nice person.’

‘Even after all this, she didn’t say a single harsh word and only threatened to hit me.’

‘Is this really the same person who would resort to fists at just the slightest provocation in the past?’

“…I guess it’s true that someone’s personality would change when they find someone they like.”

“W-Why do you keep bringing up that guy—!”

“I didn’t say anything about him though?”


Iliya, sticking out her tongue in a teasing manner, took a few steps back from Riru, who was almost letting out steam from her ears.

‘…Ah, really now.’

Iliya giggled inwardly.

In the past, she wouldn’t have been able to make such jokes.

Rather, she would have been constantly worried about the fact that another girl was approaching Teach.

But since obtaining this ‘eye’… Somehow, the world looked a bit different to her.

“Then, even though it’s late, we should go and see Teach first!”

She spoke energetically, gently touching the eye patch over her right eye.

Whatever happened, the fact that she became a completely different person after receiving training from Kasa in the Forge of Struggle was evident.

So at the very least, shouldn’t she quickly show Dowd what had changed?

But it was clear that such a plan would be difficult to carry out.

“…He’s with the Chancellor?”

When Iliya asked this, Dame Ophelia, who was sitting in the dorm supervisor’s room, answered with a languid voice.

“Mhmm~ That’s what they said~ I wondered what was going on since he was out all day and it turns out he’s tied up with them~”

‘No, wait, what I meant was… What business does someone like the Chancellor have at the academy in the first place?’

‘And why is he getting involved in this?’

As Iliya pondered this, Riru, too, seemed at a loss as she scratched her head.

“…It can’t be helped then. If he is in such a place, we have no choice but to do it later—”


Iliya cut in firmly, causing Riru’s eyes to widen.


“I have a very strong… ‘hunch’. He definitely needs me right now…”


‘What in the world was that even supposed to mean? Feeling? What feeling?’

She talked about how Riru’s personality had changed and all that, but despite all the change she underwent, she was the same as Riru in the end.

Though she was as lively and sociable as before…

In certain aspects, she had become a bit more… ‘Stubborn’, perhaps?

It felt a bit like there were some parts where she would never compromise about.

If she believed something must be done, then she’d absolutely carry it out.

And that was evident from her next words.

“Let’s barge in!”


Riru pressed her temples as her head was ringing with pain.

After her training with the Fist Saint, Iliya had clearly become a different person.

‘…What a crazy bitch.’

She could blurt out such a deranged, batshit crazy thing as if it was nothing now.

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