Faye’s League of Legends

Chapter 15 - The three mountains of Zuan

  Although Catherine wanted to refute it, after she opened her mouth in vain, she finally had nothing to say.

  Because what Rod said, it was completely true…

  Although Rod deliberately ignored some other factors, it is undeniable that Zu’an is now about to die, and Piltwolf is definitely one of the culprits.

   And in fact, the reason why the city of Zuan did not develop is because of the three mountains above it-Piltwolf, Alchemy Baron and foreign forces.

  Piltwolf seized a large amount of Zu’an’s surplus value. Through the way of blockade, Zu’an was forced to work for himself-Zu’an people could only starve to death or become thugs without paying a meager salary.

The Alchemist Baron was one of Zu’an’s first leaders. During Piltwolf’s blockade of Zu’an, he acted as a tiger. For the sake of his personal interests, he sold all Zu’an’s civilians into oligarchs. Ownership of the factory, and the establishment of a labor dispatch company, the ancestral civilians who had already been meager salary were once again plucked.

As for foreign forces, they do not want to see the rise of Zuan, and because they need a black city as a place of intelligence, they are also happy to see it succeed when Piltroff blocks Zuan and support everything. Form of embargo.

In the three-pronged situation, the civilians of Zuan completely lost the ability to resist.

Both Zuan and Piltwolf are commercial cities. No food is produced here. Once the Zuan people want to resist, the strictest food embargo will follow-the entire Zuan has no food. How can this be resisted?

   Seeing Catherine lost her mind, Rhode pressed step by step!

“The Zuan people are doing the hardest work, but the meager remuneration is exposed to high-pollution environment all year round, but they often can’t even feed their families-and you Mrs. Piltworth, born with a lot of welfare You can be educated, you can have basic guarantees, you can have free medical treatment and Hex, but Zuan children who provide all these basic resources can not enjoy even the slightest benefits!”

   “Are the Zuan people lazy? No!”

   “At the dock in Piltwolf, the Zuan people are sweating! In the underground crystal mine, the Zuan people are competing with the mining golem for efficiency!”

   “Is the Zuan people greedy? No!”

   “For most people, the hope of the Zu’an people is just to live. They don’t extravagantly seek Chinese food, they just want to live safely!”

   “Is the Zuan people evil? No!”

   “The crime rate of Zu’an is still high, but after removing the stray dogs who served the alchemist baron, the crime rate of the Zu’an people is far inferior to the rising crime rate of Piltwolf!”

   “So, why is the life of the Zuan people poor and painful?”

“That’s because the free breakfasts that you guys often throw into the sewers are often 80% of the blood and sweat of a father who worked hard for Zuan-and those greedy alchemy barons who are so angry with the guys Under the intervention of the father, it is very likely that the father did not get his salary of only 20%!”

   “This father did a job of Gold Hex, but only got two Silver Hexs in the end, and the rest is the welfare of your Pisces!”

  Rode’s words sounded loudly. This is the information he has collected in the Violet Dream for so long. No one can refute-because this is all the truth.

   Jin Kesi still looks careless, Giggs is confused, but Ike has burst into tears.

  Everything Rod said was in Ike’s heart!

  The establishment of the Zuan Fantong is Ike’s resistance to these three mountains, but relying on Ike alone, all he can do is to make the Alchemist Baron’s behavior less excessive, nothing more!

  The time assassin desperately went through time and time again and failed again and again, and the final result was nothing more than letting the fingers of those alchemic barons who were full of intestines sew through the fingers, leaving a little more bitter leftovers!

  Why did Ike despise Wei so much?

Because in all these years, countless geniuses from Zu’an left this city and became glamorous Pekers. They cut themselves off from the past, forgot their past, and forgot their ancestors who were still struggling to survive. Anren.

   Year after year, only Ike was left.

   In room one, everyone became silent.

   It is undeniable that Catherine is a good person-she strictly abides by the law, maintains order, and extends justice within the framework of order.

   But as Mrs. Piltworth, she has been sucking Zuan’s blood from the moment she was born. This kind of thing has nothing to do with individuals. This is the original sin of Catherine’s class.

“Catherine, I hope that after you return to Piltwolf, you will be able to tell the big men who are above you and tell them that Zuan is not born a slave, and we don’t have to shed blood and sweat for the Pikers, Zuan is our own. Zuan, Zuan people are like Mrs. Piltworth, we are born equal!”

   “Zuan opposes all forms of exploitation and oppression, aren’t Piedmont and Alchemist Barons born to be superiors?”

   “No, you are not noble than Zuan, you are just more lucky.”

   “However, this kind of luck is not permanent-one day Zu’an will awaken, and I will personally sound the horn of Zu’an charge!”

You are not mistaken-Rod is trying to bring some kind of terrible red thought to Zuan-the order with Piltwolf, the freedom with Bilgewater, the iron blood with Noxus, and Dema West Asia’s justice is completely different from Ionia’s balance!

   This idea is called equality.

In the place where Zuan’s interests are intertwined, the Rhodes are alone. Although as a law lord, Rhode’s combat power is at the absolute top among mortals, but Rhode can’t do his own power to wipe out Zuan. .

   Faced with huge alchemy puppets, frustrated alchemy gas, alchemical transformation of biochemical assassins, and possible bounty hunters and even foreign interference, UU reading www.uukanshu.com Rod was also powerless.

  In this case, Rod chose the craziest way.

   Come to a vigorous revolution!

   This time, I stand on the side of Zuan civilians!


   Strictly speaking, Rod is a speculator of the Zuan revolution. His ultimate interest is not for the well-being of Zuan’s suffering civilians, but for the future that he can receive Zuan’s taxes…

   But at least for now, he is on the side of the Zuan civilians.

Rhode’s words left Catherine’s brain almost blank. She never thought of what Rod said. She hadn’t even reflected the meaning of all this, but what is certain is that in Rhode’s narrative Catherine even regretted it-she subconsciously began to sympathize with the Zuan people.

   After being caught, those Zuan pickpockets younger than ten years old will eat in the detention room a prison meal that looks like a pig food to Catherine.

   At that time, Catherine was just a little uncomfortable-but according to the law of Peter Wolf, these little guys were not able to go to prison or forced education, only to be released.

   Catherine thought it was protection-but now, she realized that it might be Piltwolf’s unwillingness to pay for food.

  When Catherine heard Rod’s words, she felt a distaste for Piltwolf…

  Although Rhode used some charm tricks, the main reason for Catherine’s emotions was her own sense of justice.

  At this moment, Catherine felt a burning pain on her cheek.

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