Faye’s League of Legends

Chapter 165 - Trial

  Whether or not Planck is willing, he will accept the trial from Naga Kapoulos.

   was thrown in front of the shrine, and everything in Plank’s vision suddenly became green, as if covered with a sticky liquid—and his soul seemed to leave his body.

   Because Planck saw his ruined body.

   The more you look, the more uncomfortable…

   Planck was no longer young. He was old, weak, and had too much blood loss. He even lost a hand and an eye, and collapsed in front of the shrine like a pile of garbage, motionless.

   was born and sick, Planck could not escape.

  Although Sarah’s revenge did not defeat Planck’s fighting spirit, Planck, who was increasingly arrogant, had a rare opportunity to self-examine.

  Planck has always been… subconsciously evading some things, escaping his own aging, escaping his own weakness.

   In order to cover up these truths, Planck became more cruel-he never allowed his weakness to be noticed.

   “No one can shake my reign, I am the King of Bilgewater!”-This is the oath that Planck has made in my heart countless times before.

   But… actually?

   cruelty may be able to maintain the rule, but it cannot reverse the rules, and Planck finally enters old age.

   Fifty years old is a great age for a man seeking life at sea.

   If Planck vaguely sensed a little bit of the power that belongs to the rune of plunder, the dark wounds caused by the annual battle have even destroyed this ocean disaster!

  After self-examination from an unprecedented perspective, Planck finally realized his vulnerability.

   But… what about? !

   I am the disaster of the ocean, I am the master of this sea!

   “No, you are not.”

   Just as Planck was about to regain his confidence, a voice interrupted him.

   “You are just a mortal, secular leader-maybe at a certain time, you can be the king of Bill Jiwater, but with the passage of time, there are countless kings of Bill Jiwater.”

   “The plague of the ocean is the master of Bilgewater, this is just a temporary state, not the truth.”

   “Everything is in motion, so is power-you can get it or you can lose it.”



   If Planck is still the disaster of the ocean that ordered Bill Jiwater, this kind of obscure language and unclear meaning is nothing but a breeze for him.

  But times have changed.

   Planck lost everything, and now he is far more vulnerable than usual.

   This kind of trial from the gods is far from simple to talk about.

  Naga Kapolos’s words and sentences contain great laws and powers, this language itself has a confusing function.

   Opposing fragile Planck, at this time Naga Kapoulos’s wishes were obvious.

  He was brainwashing Planck!

   The current Planck is the best time for brainwashing. As long as the brainwashing is successful, Naga Kapoulos really has the ability to intervene in the secular world of Bilgewater.

   But… how can it be so easy?

  Who is Planck?

   The fragile Planck is not so easy to become an insect bug!

   Although faced with torture from the soul level, although he realized his powerlessness, Planck did not convert after all.

   “Lao Tzu is the disaster of the ocean-maybe one day, Lao Tzu will become a stepping stone to the new king, but Lao Tzu will never devote his life to a self-proclaimed deity like the silly maiden of Oloy!”

   “Planck did not fail, even if there was only one canoe, Lao Tzu sailed!”

  Planck who finished the trial did not say much, but left the temple directly.

   He no longer needs the support of his former lover-because he has got the best help and found himself back.

   But Oloy didn’t feel frustrated at all.

   Planck thought that he had found his former state, but he did not know that there was already a “blessing of Naga Kapolos” in his status bar.

  The blessings and attention of the gods are not discoverable by Planck.

  Whether it is Oroi or Naga Kapolos~www.mtlnovel.com~ They have enough time to wait for the day Planck will come again.

   At that time, the entire Bilgewater would be Naga Kaporos…the kingdom of God on earth!


  When Planck accepted his own trial, Sarah also accepted the trial in another way.

  According to Rhode’s words, “If you want to be a king, certain conspiracies and means that look filthy are actually compulsory. You don’t need to, but at least you have to understand it so as not to be a victim.”

   “After all, in Bilgewater, the loser never has a chance to justify.”

   And Sarah really found some conspiracy about herself.

   Siren, Crow, Old Blow and Huck, the four gangs have stopped their hands-in order to prepare for Soul Evil Night, everyone needs to get up and guard against the Shadow Island guys.

   But interestingly, according to some clues, the remaining three people seem to be interested in Sarah’s siren…

   Crow and Lao Biao, one likes to hunt sea monsters, one likes to abuse pirates, the two perverts have been in friendship for decades, and are naturally complementary-it is likely that they have formed an alliance.

  Pitier Huck, a descendant of a lonely noble, did not know how to get the Scarlet Blade and accepted his power, and took advantage of the turmoil in Bill Jiwater.

   And the first moment after Sarah entered the meeting room, she felt full of maliciousness from these three people.

   Unlike Sara, who is good at disguising, these three guys have always written emotions on their faces.

   Don’t think about it, it’s definitely the idea to get rid of Siren first.

   After all, from a different perspective, Sarah’s means of killing Planck is something that everyone would beware of.

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