Faye’s League of Legends

Chapter 25 - Tentative

  Like other countries, Demasia has always maintained interference with Zuan-after all, the geographical location here is really special.

  However, unlike other brutal ways of sending an alchemist baron, the Demasians are at least very bright and upright in action.

   The witty Demasians chose to invest in shares and mastered many of Zuan’s crystal mines…

  With these crystal mines as the core, the Demasians have their strongholds and strength in Zuan.

Compared with the alchemy barons, who don’t care about eating, the Demasians seem to be full of morals-their salaries are high, and they have job insurance-workers who are injured or even lose their lives in the mining of crystal mines will get a sum Very expensive compensation (although this compensation is actually not much, most of them do not exceed ten Golden Hex).

   But there is no doubt that against the background of the peers, the Demasians have become the industry’s clear stream of Zu’an, and all the people of Xiazu’an are proud to work in the crystal mines of the Demasians.

And the mismatch between Demasia and Noxas has long been known. If Demacia wants to clean up which country, it is definitely Noxus-the same, Noxus wants to clean up. De Marcia.

   So why was Noxus invading Ionia a few years ago?

This is mainly because the strength of Demasia is too strong-Demacia with a runestone anti-magic enchantment on the border and a giant statue of justice, Galio, is a real hard bone. Noxus wants to face Demasia. Hands-on, the difficulty is not ordinary.

   In this case, Noxus chose to pick soft persimmons and tried to annex Ionia to strengthen the national strength.

However, under the interference of all kinds of extraordinary forces and the awakening of the Ionians, the invasion of Noxus eventually failed, and the leaders who turned to conservative policies quickly aroused dissatisfaction, which led to this Noxian politics. turmoil.

   If it is said that it was the Demasian who rescued Urgart and sent him to Takeda, all this is clear.

Demasia had an insight into Noxus’s weakness and wanted to weaken Noxus’s influence through Zuan—however, Demasia’s manpower in Zu’an was insufficient, the defense was insufficient and the offensive was insufficient, so he chose such a Way, took Takeda to the front desk.

   This is the illusion that Rhodes hopes to create-and it is the result of Takeda’s speculation.

  In Takeda Saito’s view, his hands-on behavior for Noxus was completely logical.

Demacia achieved her goal (weakened Noxus); Takeda’s strength was expanded (Takeda’s benefits from Voss were definitely divided into the most); and the only loser might be Earl of Voss—but no Way, who makes your motherland weak now?

  As for the Demacia people stabbing in the back?

   Sorry, Takeda really doesn’t worry about it-if you will stab a knife in the back of the person, it is not Dermacia.

   This action is probably the bottom line of Demasia’s morality!

   Having said that, thinking of which Earl of Voss to clean up, Takeda is really a bit dark…

  In the heart of the Alchemist Baron, did the Earl of Vos be called because the lady was more powerful and more scheming than herself?

of course not!

  Vos is nothing but a masochistic accident!

   Everyone glances at Noxus behind you!

   Now Noxus is too busy with himself, and Voss is nothing.

  After Rod explained to Ike the whole story, Ike finally realized.

   “Wait, tomorrow, the Alchemist Baron will initiate a test of the power of Voss, and the sadistic female lunatic may not be very good in the next days!”

  Looking at Ike who nodded dumbly, Rod finally confirmed that when he was talking about the plan, Ike’s thoughtful face was pretended…

   No wonder that the scale of Zuan’s fans has never become too large-the leader does not have the life of a rubber man, and like a rubber man, he doesn’t like to use his brain, and it’s strange not to lose money!


  As Rod guessed, from the next day, the site under Voss suffered various degrees of provocation.

  Mixed fishes and deliberately find faults one after another.

   At first, Voss and the Noxus axe gang gave the most violent response to all the provocations. A large number of mixed fractures were discarded on the street to be effective, but the wave of provocations became more exaggerated.

   This strangeness didn’t last long, and soon the wind direction of things changed-the problem of lack of energy in Voss showed up.

  The first simple provocation Noxus made it possible to fight back fiercely, but after the scale of the provocation became larger… the axe gang started to be understaffed.

  Many speculators who were waiting for the opportunity in the dark were keenly aware of this, and then joined the wave of provocation and robbery.

   This situation is like a run of the banking industry. When the Noxians exposed their lack of confidence, countless retail investors will follow the wind, making this trend more and more violent.

   All of this came so suddenly that Ike, who knew everything, was stunned.

  Is it still possible?

  Rode took advantage of Zu’an’s characteristics to pry up the already fragile order, causing a storm beyond imagination.

   Facing the expression of Ike’s worship, Rod was calm.

  I just played the role of fuse.

   Could it be that without the Sarajevo incident, would a war break out?

Noxus’s weakness is a fact~www.mtlnovel.com~I just exposed it first-and in the original trajectory, Urgot defeated the pain, realized the pain, and expelled Vaughan Sri Lanka, completed the reshuffle of Zuan,

   But besides the excitement, Ike had new worries.

  What if Vos and the Noxus Gang were directly defeated?

   Losing the balance of the Noxas, coupled with the Piltwolf nail that Rod framed out, I am afraid that the reign of the Alchemists will become unbreakable!

   For Ike’s concerns, Rod only smiled slightly.

   How can it be so simple!

   It seems that everyone is trying to tear off a piece of fat from Voss, but some people get more, some people get less, and everyone will be comfortable with the status quo afterwards?

   More importantly, the name of the Noxus gang is Axe Gang!

   mentioning Noxus’s axe, who else besides Dreius?

   Rodby knows everyone, after the upheaval of Noxus, Dreius and Sweene are the biggest winners!

   Will the winner see all his benefits lost in Zuan?

   Uneven distribution and the return of Noxus to Zuan, the hardships of the alchemy barons have just begun!

   By that time, it was the best time for Rhodes to really shoot!

   Now, it seems that I should go to Piltwolf.

  I don’t know how our Miss Catherine is now-for such a person who ignores his position and insists on goodness, Rod has always been…sneering.


  The first phase of Rod’s plan has been successful, Zu’an’s original fragile order was completely broken, everyone was affected by the turmoil, and the next step began, Rod’s mission was to get rid of the fire.

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