Faye’s League of Legends

Chapter 35 - Rhodes and Tucci

  Tucci used his sneak to find a perfect shooting position and perfect angle of shot.

  The following grams…

   Because Gana usually floats in mid-air, Tucci’s height is relatively short, so she can’t be caught off guard, and Gana can’t even be shy, she can only summon a gust of wind to protect herself.

   But Tucci fired at full power for the first time, activating the powerful reaction on the crossbow, and the first arrow burst into Gana’s shield.

  Jana felt the breath of “death”.

   Strictly speaking, Ghana will not die forever-as long as someone remembers her, she will be born again.

   But every death makes Gana weaker.

  A long time ago, when Jana still held the priesthood of the sea storm, she had experienced many deaths-in the struggle with other deities, Jana always fell to the one who was downwind.

   A large part of the current weakness is also caused by those deaths.

   So Gana is not afraid of death-just some regrets, maybe she can’t see Zu’an getting better.

   But this time, death did not come.

   The second Tuqi’s arrow was nailed to the ice block-although the ice block was directly penetrated by the powerful corroding arrow, Gana was already transported away.

   “Hey, stinky mouse, what are you doing?”


   Rod is very angry-a large part of the reason is that he is angry and angry, because he completely forgot that there is such a thing in the sewer…

After all, staying in Azeroth for so long, many things have been forgotten, and this guy Tucci will not appear in the usual sense of intelligence, so he subconsciously thought that Zuan’s sewers are not only seriously polluted safe.

   Fortunately, he carefully left a mark on Gana’s body, otherwise it would be really unbearable!

   (Don’t think it’s crooked, do you still remember that birdcage? But the birdcage is equipped with foot rings…)

   Fortunately, Rod was aware of Gana’s mana disorder for the first time, and appeared in time, otherwise everything would be finished!

  It is for this reason that Rhode looks very disgusted with this mouse!

   You move me-er, Gana is a god-this is death!

   And Tucci saw the imposing Rhodes instinctively sensed something was wrong and wanted to hide it for the first time…


  The dimness of the sewer is Tuqi’s best cover.

   As a mutant rat born in the sewers, sneaking is Tucci’s unfavorable skill-whether it is to break away from the battle or get the first chance, it is extremely easy to use.

   Even in the main field of the sewer, the general detection spell can’t find Tucci at all. You know, the mice here are not two or two!

   Unfortunately, his opponent is Rhodes.

  Who is Rod?

   This is a strong mage against Khadgar and Ronin, known as the Dalaran Violet Academy’s best fight ever!

  Spells of the spell system except for teleport and flash, Rhode knows nothing about it!

  Protection system spells except for shield spells, Rhode knows nothing!

  Enchantment spells know nothing but a few spells Rhodes!

   Change system spell Rhode knows almost nothing!

  All of the magic spells of Rhodes know nothing!

   Prophecy spell Rhodes know nothing about it!

  The Necromancer spell Rhode knows nothing about it!

   So, the question is coming-the wizard has eight major magic factions that are balanced, but Rod failed seven items. In this case, why can Rod be called the best master of combat in the history of the Violet Academy?

  Only rely on that magical staff and extraordinary fighting consciousness?

of course not!

  All this is because Rhode’s eighth magic faction is perfect-and the eighth faction is nothing else, it is the simplest and most brutal plastic spell of the combat method!

What are the plastic energy spells?

  Ice gun ice cone ice arrow ice ring blizzard, fire rushing fireball flaming fire ring flame storm, arcane missile arcane impact arcane explosion arcane storm-this is how it explodes!

  Road’s battle does not have the auxiliary control of water elements, nor does it require precise prediction of prophecy. For Rod, Lord Fa’s elegance is reflected in life all the time. In battle, Rod has never been personable!

In Rod’s view, the battle is to use the fireball if the fireball is not dead, and then be calm and then explode-if it is not enough, it does not matter. Rhode’s graduation thesis at the Violet Academy in Dalaran is “On the continuous Several techniques of bombardment by sexual saturation inflammation.”

   Even because of Rod, Dalaran also appeared a proper noun-Rod-style mana tilt.

  Although this fighting method was criticized by many people, among the graduates of that year, no one dared to speak to Rhode in person.

  Because no one can carry Rod’s dozens of blasting attacks.

  After coming to Varoland, Rod’s mastery of arcane became weaker a lot—because arcane is the rule of the world, without knowing enough, Rod couldn’t bombard like he had unscrupulously.

  Simply put, Rod’s total mana is reduced, but the mana required to cast is increased.

   But this time, Tucci chose a very bad position.


   also needs to be open. Rhode wants to bomb the bombardment with insufficient mana, but in the sewer, Rhode said he has no pressure!

   As for whether it will involve yourself-this point ~ www.mtlnovel.com ~ Rhodes has already prepared!

   In the world of Sa, Rhode secretly learned a skill that could be bombed casually without hurting himself.


After Gana was teleported, Rod directly turned to the ascending state-although the elements of Valoran are different from Azeroth, with the help of Arcane, Rod successfully turned himself into a flame. status.

   Now, Rhode is the flame-the flame can not burn the flame!

   Then, while sneaking, Tucci saw a guy who was more mad than himself.

   A guy who is burning and tilting his flames crazy!

  Rod doesn’t detect magic such as stealth, so the way he looks for Tucci is quite simple and rude.

  Flame storm, resistance to fire ring, rain of flame!

The ground began to burn, and the air leaving the ground was filled with burning meteorites, and a fire wall swept from time to time. This indiscriminate attack blocked all possible escape routes and directly forced the hidden Tucci out. .

  Tucci’s hair was curly and scorched, and his ragged robe turned to ashes—even the crossbow on his hand was completely destroyed by the high temperature.

   So, the source of the plague is about to become a roast mouse…


   Rhodes is a frightened mage.

  No one knows why Rod is so partial. He seems to naturally not like spells other than being able to fight. All the spells are either for fighting, to find someone to fight, or to go to the fight.

   But the effect of all this is still very good. The most direct point is that nobody seems to have beaten Rod…

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