Faye’s League of Legends

Chapter 38 - Welcome to the Dray Union

   Unlike Rod, who is in a happy mood, some people in Noxus are now completely unhappy.

  When the opposition of Noxus initially completed the seizure of power, a piece of bad news from Peter Wolf and Zuan made Sweene smell an unusual taste.

  In Swein’s opinion, there has never been any coincidence in this world-the so-called coincidence always has its inevitability.

   Like Rod, Svein is also a person who is good at making plans. Although the power of Noxus is not even completely completed, Svein’s plan has already been included in the future expansion of Noxus.

  In Sweeney’s opinion, attacking Ionia was a stupid choice—although the country was extremely corrupt and internally chaotic, the extraordinary power behind it was so horrible.

Contrary to Ionia, Zuan and Peter Wolf, although these two countries (or two cities) seem to be strong, but Hex Technology is not worth mentioning compared to those extraordinary powers. Under certain sacrifices, Noxus can completely nibble them.

Moreover, compared with Ionia, the gains from the occupation of Zuan and Piltwolf are even greater-the canal and Hex Technology connecting the two oceans, which is what Noxus really needs of!

   Therefore, Sweeney has always been very concerned about Zuan and Peter Wolf.

   And now Sweene suddenly received the news that Zuan and Piltwolf had an accident!

Zu’an’s Mingwolf was besieged by the local alchemy baron (the **** Demacians were really fanning the flames), and the Deepwater wolf of Piltwolf was inexplicably grabbed by the sliver. The entire spy system was destroyed. In this case, Who believed that nothing happened? !

   The most important thing is that Tamara, the war stonemason, has now been imprisoned in Picheng Prison-once the Demasians get this news, they will definitely assassinate her as soon as possible!


  Swein didn’t believe that the prison in Pyrenees could block Demasia’s assassins—not to naively think Demasia had no assassins.

   So, now Noxus now needs to send someone to Piltwolf to get Tamara out.

Who does    send?

If for the sake of success rate consideration, Sweene will definitely send Delaus-the hand of Noxus is a true wisdom and courage. Although his views in some aspects are not thorough enough, his brute force is very good. Make up for this.

   But the problem is that Dreius can’t go away now.

   At this critical time, Dreius can never leave Noxus, otherwise the ghost knows what demon ghosts will come out!

   Such an iron-blooded axe tyrant is extremely important.

  Thinking for a while, Svee thinks he should retreat and take the second place.

If Delause can’t go, send Delaware to go-just heard that the last generation of the executioner, Ugart, was rescued. This matter was just handed over to Delavin, a new generation of executioners. .

  After all, in Noxus, the previous generation of executors should be the first inmates of the new generation of executors. At this point, Deleven has been late for a long time.

  Thinking of this, Sweeney rang the bell of his office-“Call Deleven to my office.”

   It didn’t take long for Sweene to see Deleven’s harsh smile.

   “Hey, old man-is it the great Dreven’s turn?”


  Even if the mastermind was such a good figure, he felt a disgust when he saw Delevin’s face.

   Real magic!

   Especially the two exaggerated moustache and conspicuous smile always give people a feeling of beating.

   seemed to be aware of Sweeney’s thoughts, and the crow on his shoulder also squawked twice.

   shook his head, and Sweene handed a piece of information in his hand to Deleven.

  Delevin took over the information, then looked at it and started laughing.

   “Tamara also bragged with me that he never missed, this time he didn’t know what happened, and he was fully exposed-hahaha, this kind of unsophisticated infiltration is really not reliable!”

  Swein looked at Deleven as if looking at an intellectual disability.

   After enough laughs, Deleven took the wax from his waist, sprayed it skillfully in his hands, and then combed his cool soaring hairstyle.

“Just leave such a thing to me, I promise to bring Tamara back intact, and I will definitely not be short of arms and legs-as for that Urgart, I will also let him see my art.”

“and then.”

   “Then just go back to Noxas.”


  Swein’s eyes changed, and now his eyes on Deleven changed from looking like an intellectual disability to looking at an intellectual disability.

   But that’s fine.

  Swein nodded reluctantly, indicating that Deleven had a good understanding, and then let him go down quickly to prepare.

   This idiot is really good as a bait on the bright side.

  Swein felt that he should find someone who really does things-even if the price may be too high.

   For Zuan and Piltwolf, it’s worth it!

   Not to mention, politics itself is an art of compromise.

  Thinking of this, Sweene opened the drawer.

   In the innermost part of the drawer, Sweene pressed a black button carved with a rose pattern.

   “Giggle-really rare, I will get summoned again.”

   “This is no joke, if you still want to have a status.”

   “Is it Zuan and Piltwolf?”

   “Since you have received the news, it would be better.”

   “No problem, believe me, black roses will bloom again.”

   Pretty figure suddenly appeared and disappeared suddenly~www.mtlnovel.com~ But the deal has been concluded.

   Leaned back on the back of the large chair, Sweeney’s eyes narrowed slightly-it seems that the interior needs to be cleaned again, and it is absolutely intolerable to disclose this news to the black rose.

  Although from the attitude of the black rose, the unlucky egg is already a abandoned child, but the abandoned child may not have any other use.

   This is a tacit understanding of the wise.


  During the settlement and preliminary settlement between Sweene and the Black Rose, Dreven who knew nothing about the next time was happily gathering his subordinates and boarding the ship to Piltwolf.

   This is a legion of Deleven.

  At the request of the glorious execution officer, the whole army had a hair style and two long beards, and the same insignificant smile, which was impressive at first sight.

  After confirming that all the staff were in place, after the supplies were completed, Deleven jumped onto the ship, and then easily cut the cable with his flying axe.

   “Let’s all start, aim to Piltlwow-welcome, Delaware Alliance!”


   Noxus’s coup was an act of military factions replacing nobles, and interestingly, the black roses behind the nobles’ old days chose to leave them alone—they abandoned these nobles.

  The idiot nobles didn’t understand their identity at all—the black rose needed a powerful Noxus, and their choice would only weaken Noxus.

   But the military faction did not reconcile with the black rose for the first time, until this time Rhode provided them with an opportunity,

   Also, everyone should guess who the mysterious person is?

   Finally, ask for a recommendation ticket!

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