Faye’s League of Legends

Chapter 42 - Sneak and seek

   Changed clothes, checked the hand crossbow and holy silver arrows, and Wei En left her inn, under the cover of the night, quietly hid in the clock tower of Stellar Avenue.

  After a whole day of observation, Wei En can already be sure that this clock tower is driven by Hex Technology-a fully automatic clock tower, not the kind of a bell ringer.

   And for Wei En, the location of the bell tower as a monitoring point is simply no better. From the top of this place, Wei En can fully control the actions of the Noxians.

   The latent process is always long.

  With the help of a telescope, Wei En spent a full three days learning the laws of movement of Dreven and his executioner army.

  Evening early and returning late, I don’t know what I did to Zuan.

   Interestingly, Wei En’s target Tamara is no longer among them.

   Therefore, the next task is to confirm that Tamara is still there.

   While Wei En was thinking about ways, she accidentally saw Tamara through the telescope-a rare sunny day, Tamara appeared in the yard to bask in the sun.

   This time, everything is perfect.

   figured out the situation and confirmed the goal. Veen only needed to sneak into Noxus’ temporary station in one night and then kill his goal.


  Thinking of this, Wei En finally stretched out a long lazy waist-just tired of being in the clock tower, it was time to move his muscles.

   “Dangkong Haoyue.”


  Although it is a temporary station, the Noxians still prepared some defensive measures for themselves.

   Such as the magic circle of black magic.

   In the view of Veen, or most Demasians, except for the magic that seems to be full of positive energy, other magic is black magic.

   And to the remaining Demasians, all magic is black magic…

  Black magic defense has become a required course in Demacia.

   Known as the night hunter, Vion has his own way of fighting magic.

   holy silver is the best weapon to break the magic.

   spells are often greatly reduced in front of holy silver, and wounds caused by holy silver arrows are also more difficult to heal-it is for this reason that Wei En uses holy silver arrows and carries various holy silver potions with him.

   probably figured out the location of the Noxian open and dark whistle, and Wei En came to the door of the station.

   Of course, there was no knocking on the door—the silent Holy Silver reaction could break most of the enchantment without knowing it—and at the cost of this magical material.

   (Many people don’t know that Weien often left arrows to pack up when he ended the fight, because the cost of these arrows is really high.)

  With the aid of the Holy Silver Elixir, Vion crossed several layers of enclaves and finally slipped into the place where the Noxians lived.

   In the ear, there is a snoring sound after another…

  Although under the observation of Veen, those bright and dark whistle are still mental, but those who rest have slept to death, right?

   Wei En really did not understand the Noxians at this time.

  It was not a simple matter to find Tamara at the huge station, and Vion itself was not very good at driving all the way, so she had to seize the time and find the specific location of Tamara under the cover of night.

   Fortunately, Wei En does not need to find one by one.

   The rich masculinity in the room of the executioner army helped Vion to eliminate many wrong choices, so there are not many rooms she needs to consider.

   search was very smooth, although the target has not yet been found, but Wayne did not alarm the Noxians.

   Soon, now there are only three rooms left to be considered by Wei En.

   Lightly walked, Wei En came to the last courtyard-just the first moment she stepped into the courtyard, she instinctively felt something was wrong.

   Then she unconsciously spilled the Holy Silver Elixir.

   No magic reaction.

  Know that holy silver reacts even when it encounters light magic, but the holy silver potion sprinkled in this yard does not respond-holy silver detection is safe.

  Did you worry too much?

  Vion shook his head.

  Hunter’s instinct is not metaphysical. This creepy sense of crisis has kept Weien from the danger many times. In this case, she can’t move forward rashly.

   So, after a subconscious tumble, Vion leaned against the wall of the yard.

   “The nose is so smart–“

   Just as Vien was on guard, an ethereal voice suddenly appeared.

   “I can smell the dark magic.” The crossbow on Weien’s arm is ready. “Your smell is undisguised and extremely pungent.”

“Let me see what kind of guy Debon’s idiot sent.” The smoke flashed, and a female wizard holding a staff appeared in front of Vion. “Well, it seems that you pay attention to Tamara Well, the famous night hunters are all dispatched.”

   looked at the female wizard full of intellectual beauty in front of her, Wei En frowned.

   is hazy and unclear, but what is certain is that this is definitely not a good deal-in other words ~ www.mtlnovel.com ~ Wei En feels that he has no certainty of winning.

   But considering his mission, Wei En does not intend to give up.

   So, without saying a word, Weien shook her cloak and rolled into the shadows.

   Le Fu Lan frowned slightly.

  Superb skills and meaningless violence.

   Wei En’s sneaking skills can easily conceal the ordinary people, but Le Fulan is clearly not in the ranks of this ordinary person.

   Want to hide Le Fulan, at least Wei En can’t do it now!

   So, in Vion’s hiding place, a magic prohibition sign suddenly appeared, and its position was just above Vion’s head.

   realized that he had been found, Weien rolled again without hesitation, and then pulled the trigger of the crossbow in his hand.

   An arrow of holy silver flew out directly, aiming directly at Le Fulan.

   “Mirror Flower Water Moon…”

   Wei En saw that he had hit the target, but the arrow did not exert the desired effect, but passed the mage easily.

  This is illusion!

   Wei En immediately realized that he was fooled!

   I am afraid that I have already immersed myself in the illusion when testing the holy silver.

  After realizing this, Weien bit her tongue hard and woke up-but everything was too late.

   was also at this time, a bright shackle reached out, trapping Wei En in place.

   “Catch you-Miss Wayne.”


  Vion’s assassination was a smooth operation, mainly because Evelyn once appeared here.

   But it seems that this time it didn’t go smoothly.

   Finally, ask for collection and ask for a recommendation ticket!

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