Faye’s League of Legends

v2 Chapter 1340 - The temptation of living flesh

Vaguely, Sweene probably guessed the conspiracy behind it, but as the leader of Noxus, he could not speak at this time-Noxus never advocated justice, they were more concerned about power, More concerned about their own interests, if possible, Sweene does not mind mixing a hand in it.

But after thinking for a while, Sweene finally denied this possibility.

In the two cities, Noxus’s intelligence work has limited effectiveness. At this time, it was rushed into it. It is very likely that stealing chickens will not kill rice. It is completely unnecessary. It is better to send more war craftsmen to wait and see how reliable it is.


And in Piltwolf, things are developing just as Svein expected, and they are beginning to drift quickly.

Although the dock attack was a secret incident, it could not conceal the ordinary people, but it was impossible to conceal the high-rise of Piltwolf. Although the great Zuan Revolution set off by Rod made Zuan get rid of the three mountains, However, because of Carmel’s choice in Piltwolf, he finally set off a wave of non-trivial waves, leaving several guys who usually had no bottom line to pass. In general, Piltwolf’s There has been no fundamental change in the political situation.

It is precisely because of this that although Carmel tried to suppress it, the big capitalists in Pyongyang still have great power and resources.

Although an accidental attack was issued with a password, it could not be concealed from others, and it was impossible for them to conceal these great chaebols—soon, they got the first-hand information of time.

Originally, this kind of thing has not been paid much attention. Unsuccessful terrorist activities can actually be said to be a chaos. There is no benefit in it, and there is no oil and water. So in general, things That’s it.

Then, when the battle was over, the troops that cleaned the battlefield took away the torn pieces of meat and carried out routine monitoring, and things were different.

According to the test results, the biological activity of these meat pieces is extremely high. Although these meat pieces are already dead, they still maintain a high-speed split state!

This is obviously not simple news. Although Carmel chose to block the news as soon as he learned the situation, the chaebols who have been squirming for a long time under her suppression… this time is not easy to suppress.

No way, highly bioactive materials, this special research direction also has a name in Piltwolf-immortal materials.

As everyone knows, Piltwolf’s technology is focused on Hex Technology. Pizhou people like to use various Hex Bionic devices to replace some of their limbs, so as to obtain evolution and enjoy a more convenient life.

However, no matter how convenient it is, few people in Picheng have pushed their body transformation to above 30%. Even if they are as strong as Carmel, her body transformation is only 37%, that is to say, she still has 63 % Of the body is completely original.

This aspect is of course limited by the existing materials and technical level, but more importantly, the large-scale modification of Hex’s body will inactivate the body of the person being reformed, and a little carelessness will cause local body necrosis— —Be aware that when Hex’s body remodeling became popular, lunatics who raised their remodeling rate to 50% abounded, and their dead faces were terrible.

After a large-scale body transformation, as long as the transformation cycle is slightly unstable, it will directly lead to necrosis of the body, and then people will die.

So although the body modification of Hex can extend the life to a certain extent, it is currently only developed to the present level.

It can be said that if one day Picheng’s biology advances by leaps and bounds, it will prevent human body from necrosis and develop two or three times. In this way, perhaps an unconventional immortality will be realized!

However, because of the average level of biology of Piltwolf, although this topic was heated for a long time ago, but the investment was not fruitful, the topic gradually faded.

But today~www.mtlnovel.com~When the test results of scattered flesh and blood come out, things are different.

The twisted flesh can continue to be active after death…

The status of the target was confirmed again. Although the experimenters kept their mouths closed, this time, they really couldn’t hide it.

Camille began to greet visitors. These visitors came from various families. Even if the owner was not here, most of them sent his people and began to open up a “road” for his family.

The news spread rapidly like a virus, which caused countless Picheng gangsters to think differently. On the one hand, these people were trying to oppress Carmel and let her give these experimental materials; on the other hand, they combined some outsiders. Forces, trying to directly use flesh and blood for their own purposes.

At this time, Carmel finally understood everything, but unfortunately it was too late.

The entire Peter Wolf fell into fanaticism in the longing for immortality-and Carmel was one step late. Although the ban began, the enthusiasm could not be suppressed.

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