Faye’s League of Legends

v2 Chapter 1350 - Call of Malzaha

Malzaha excitedly started his long-planned plan-as a Void Prophet, he had summoned many Void servants and minions, but these minions were either too weak (such as the ones that Malzaha usually called), Either it needs to be cultivated slowly (such as the one he grew up underground in Nasramei), and it is difficult to become an immediate combat force.

In this case, Malzaha has always longed for reliable summons as his helper.

Perhaps it was because Marzaha’s piety was recognized. Not long ago, the Void Will responded with rare occasions, fulfilling Marzaha’s request.

In the depth of the dream communicating with the Lord of the Void, Marzaha saw a hard carapace, a gritty face, a razor-like sharp tooth, a very strong body, like a sharp-edged carapace, Marzaha begged his master Asked, the voice that responded to him was like a nightmare.

When he woke up, Malzaha finally mastered a reliable summoning ability.

And now, Malzaha intends to summon this monster called fear-according to the owner’s instructions, the main raw material that this monster needs to feed is not flesh and blood, but fear.

Now Peter Wolf… not much else, fear is everywhere.

And Malzaha’s abacus is very good-it’s better that this monster devours the believer’s fears, so that the name of “Fearless” will be worthy of the name. Even if someone doubts the sect, it’s impossible to find anything. A sect that teaches believers that there is no fear, doesn’t look like a void organization?


In the secret stronghold, Malzaha repeatedly confirmed the safety, and finally began his own call.

According to the master’s instructions, Marzaha activated the space. He prostrate to the ground, lowered his head, and murmured the words of the void that ordinary people could not understand-as he recited, Marzaha In his eyes, the full purple brilliance was almost overflowing.

The space began to break, the distortion began to come, and the light in the whole room seemed to be swallowed.

This darkness did not last long.

After a few breaths, when the light came again, Malzaha looked up blankly.

Hey, what about my summons?

In Malzaha’s cognition, the summon should be a huge body. He remembers that the big guy’s tooth is about the same height as his own. Proportionally… his own summon should have at least five Ten meters high?

In order to be such a big summon, Malzaha even spared no effort to use valuable believer resources and temporarily borrowed a huge abandoned military base, fearing that there would be any major disturbances, which attracted Picheng’s first attention.

However… things seem to be off course.

When the calling ceremony in memory was successfully completed and Malzaha raised his head and looked around, the abandoned military base was still empty.

The call failed? !

Malzaha subconsciously intends to check the circle he drew—perhaps due to insufficient space activation, that big guy was not summoned?

But when Malzaha lowered his head, the unspeakable voice remembered it.

“Hungry…I want to… devour everything… fear!”

? ? ?

Malzaha sent the letter just now, beside him, a guy who highly guided his calf was pulling his neck and shouting hungry.

From the voice, this is the “big guy” he called.

Realizing this, Comrade Void Prophet finally froze in place.

This… this is different from what I thought!


Although the summoner was a little stunned, Cogas, who was called, was very satisfied with it.

As a fear of the void, Cogas is not the first time to come to Varoland-a long time ago (how long does Cogas know nothing, after all, there is no concept of time in the void itself), Cogas was once in the heart of the void Command down to Varoland.

It’s a pity that before that time, Cogas hadn’t had time to taste the fear of creatures here, and he was banished to the void…

In the memory of Cogas, it was a dazzling brilliance that finally ended his first trip to Varoland.

And this time, in order to be able to come to Varoland again, in order to be able to taste the taste of fear again, Kogas defeated many competitors (want to come to Varoland’s void fear like the crucian carp), and even hesitated to make himself smaller , In order to obtain tickets to Varoland.

Malzaha thought that his call had failed, but in fact it was quite successful. With the support of Cogas, he successfully summoned the most powerful void fear to Valoran.

It is a pity that Malzaha, who is the summoner, did not realize this time, and he was now deposited in the shame of failure.

In Marzaha’s view, he should summon a very powerful giant, not a fat mantis without wings!

Although its dark red looks very strange, but the strange fat mantis… at most it is a predator!

Void predators are much more common in Malzaha-in the Void combat sequence, predators are cannon fodder!

I have spent so much effort on myself, but the result of the call to high hopes is a predator cannon fodder… how is this possible?

Marzaha’s frustrated look was seen by Cogas, but unfortunately Void Fear clearly didn’t understand what is frustration. Cogas, who had just been summoned, only felt hunger and weakness at this time-so he simply didn’t You’re welcome. After looking around, you found that there were only a few void worms called by Sharjah, and opened your mouth directly.


A few Void Insects didn’t understand what happened~ www.mtlnovel.com~ was directly stabted into the air by a sudden jump, and as soon as Cogas stretched his neck, his razor-like teeth bit it directly.

The chitinous carapace, which is difficult to damage with ordinary weapons, is not worth mentioning in front of Kogas’s teeth, and when his mouth is slightly forced, the Void Bug explodes directly.

“Um… goo–“

In a moment, this void worm, which was not much different from Kogas, was eaten in three times.

After swallowing the Void Worm, Cogas’s body became larger by a few points, he opened his mouth wide, and the highly corrosive liquid merged into a “stream” at the corner of his mouth.

“Fear… devour…evolution!”

At this time, the Void Prophet finally realized that his call was successful. He looked at Cogas in excitement, appreciating the unique dark red pattern of Void Fear for a while, and turned to summon a believer. .

“That’s great.” Looking at Kojas eating, Malzaha nodded with satisfaction, “You can swallow people, you can swallow fear… The void is above, I succeeded.”

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