Faye’s League of Legends

v2 Chapter 1384 - The ultimate brilliance

The Void could make Kogas feel the terrible energy that came at high speed, but even if it had a pair of real long legs, it was not worth mentioning compared to the Hex Obliterator.

The caliber of the Hex annihilation cannon is not large, and it is even inferior to the shore defense artillery outside Piltworth, but in fact, the power of the two is not in the same dimension.

The body structure of the annihilation gun named [Haks Aurora] is not complicated, and it can even be said to be a bit primitive-the high-energy conductive fluid will quickly lose pressure after closing the last valve, and it will vaporize instantly, and in the process of expansion However, the shells of Hex Dawn will be smooth and will not withstand any impact, and will be pushed out of the barrel at a high speed.

At the same time, the parallel circuit also starts the countdown of the Hex Rune Oblivion Generator in the Hex shells—because each shot is verified, the countdown will ensure that the shell explodes when it hits the target.

Essentially, the launch of Hex Dawn is actually not a cannonball in the conventional sense, but a Hexagon Rune Obliteration Device with a precise countdown, and the so-called explosion is essentially the annihilation of the cannonball after reaching the target location. reaction.

However, Cogas will not know all this-all he can know is a vague trajectory, and an ultimate dazzling indescribable!

There was no sound of the explosion, or even any air waves or shock waves. In the perspective of Rhodes far away from the explosion, there was only a flash of light.

There was no tremor of the earth, and there were no mushroom clouds rising from the sky, but far more terrifying than that, at the moment of the glare, Rod felt something disappeared.

In the center of the explosion, time and space seem to be directly erased, as if a few frames in the movie have disappeared without warning, and it looks awkward.

Then, after feeling awkward, Rhode felt a long-lost heart palpitations again.

Blinking his eyes, when Rod looked at it again, the glare even seemed to be unreal, but… just before Rod let go of Kogas, the time seemed to return to the beginning of Hongmeng.

The weird plants growing in the Forgotten Garden almost completely disappeared. Rod, who raised himself into mid-air by virtue of the arcane field, clearly saw that within the kill radius of nearly 1,500 meters, all Everything is erased.

nothing left.

No coke, no ruins, and no smoke or dust at all. Rhode could only see a deep crater like a crater.

Cogas was gone-but Rod did not suspect it had escaped this time.

Because Rod believed that in that terrible moment, no one could escape.


Looking at the huge deep hole again, Rodmer silently returned to the ground.

I have to say that the Picheng people seem to have made a bit… something truly unexpected.


For Peter Wolf, the appearance of the annihilation weapon was originally intentional, so when the weapon was fully charged before, someone had prepared a special video device.

Olianna, who took a different path because of Rod’s influence, is a well-deserved chief expert in this respect-she used her strengths to give Kogars a high-profile shot, and then the whole The process is recorded.

The ultra-telephoto lens faithfully recorded the brilliance of that moment, and then Oliana copied a large number of this record, and carried out the most vigorous publicity in the entire range of Piltwolf.

That’s right, the void is really annoying, and it even means something unpredictable.

But… what then?

We have [Hakes Dawn], and if you shoot down, whoever you are will be the Hex Dawn!

Nothing can boost morale more than that-because of the continuous terrorist activity in Malzaha, Piltwolf saw that the market that was about to fall into the Great Depression quickly recovered its vitality.

Passive beating is always frustrating, but if after being beaten, we can fight back harder…what do we have to panic?

At the same time, all the papers in Picheng began to work overtime, and a piece of report was freshly released, either saying “The situation of Stellar Avenue is being controlled very quickly, and most of the casualties are evil believers who are provocative” or promote ” Ulysses-heroes are ordinary and great”, or focus on portraying “the conspirators fled in embarrassment at the Pixar Theater, without even causing one person’s casualties”…

All in all, with the full power of the propaganda machine, Piltwolf showed a completely different style from the previous one-and all of this, the most important thing is that bright shot, which makes the whole world drop the frame A shot!

Even the news of this artillery not only did not have any blockade, but actively promulgated to the outside world. In less than a week, almost all the major forces of Varoland knew that Piltwolf had made a terrible weapon. .

At the beginning, many forces would sneer at this statement.

There are many new things in Picheng-but unfortunately, because of materials, energy, stability, safety, etc., these new things are just amazing.

That’s right, the skin city is Varoland’s evolutionary city, but in this magical world, evolution has never been a commendatory word in everyone’s eyes.

But… Oliana wisely provided a copy of the video…

At that moment, the drop frame was seen by both Ash and Sarah, which means that the witnesses had at least two foreign power leaders. In this case, maybe the terrible drop frame cannonball…it really does matter .

So ~www.mtlnovel.com~ A large number of spies began to appear in Piltwolf-or spy and war mason who were originally a lot of missions were received new orders, from latent to active, active exploration Happening.

And Olianna did not even block the venue, but just sent a professional maintenance team to prevent problems such as the leakage of poisonous gas.

So, these spies came to the front line easily, and saw the huge pit in the video material, which appeared without warning and seemed to be dug by a spoon.

Oriana jumped to the table and showed everyone her new weapon-and after confirming the power of the weapon, all forces maintained a consistent silence.

Although I don’t know the specifics of this weapon, but… in terms of this power, the city of Piltwolf is probably quite different from before.

If it was said that in the past, Picheng had existed in Valoran as a businessman, a Hexologist and an artist, then now, he suddenly showed a big baby that no one had.

This ultimate brilliance, once met, will never be forgotten.

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