Faye’s League of Legends

v2 Chapter 1438 - Cowardice

The Jax squad is still surrendering with his teammates.

Antahir and Azir recruited another team to go under the holy mountain and consider how to cut these dangerous rifts.

In the Giant God Peak Mountain, the giant gods are extremely panicked.

When the void first appeared for the first time, the giant **** relied on Thor’s breath to eliminate the rift-now with the passage of time, the rift that was blocked by the mountain now is out of the scope of the original seal, which is also true for the giant god. A terrible news.

After discovering the void, the giant **** held the Star Dome meeting for the first time-all the giant gods gathered together to discuss how to deal with this crack.

These tall giants are not mortals. Compared with mortals, giants born with endless lives are more afraid of death and more afraid of sacrifice.

From the perspective of the giant god, the mortals under the giant **** peak actually have no gap with the ants. The ants may die for some reasons and beliefs, but as a great giant… nothing can make them sacrifice.

The fear of death naturally makes the giant gods tend to be conservative and compromise. If anything can be achieved by reaching an agreement and using others, the giant gods will definitely not personally come out and come out in person.

Therefore, when the void crack appeared, the giants were stunned-under Sol’s breath, those cracks were all wiped out and even buried by the soil!

What’s more, the giant gods were not assured afterwards, and they made all efforts to create the entire giant **** peak to suppress on this crack!

However, such a “foolproof” seal is now invalid without warning!

How to do?

Shall I… Now the fighting giants take action to solve this rift together?

After all, in addition to the fact that the Moon Giant still loses contact, the Justice Giant’s power is weakened, and the War Giant is divided into two, other giants are still very combative.

Especially the sun giant-he holds the blazing sun flames, if he is willing to shoot, as long as he pays a certain price, this crack will inevitably be sealed!

But…when all the giant gods stared at the majestic and almost invisible sun giant, they did not get a definite answer.

“Why is this so?” Obviously a majestic and warm voice, but many giant gods heard it, but suddenly fell like an ice cave, “It is always the responsibility of Ms. Moon to fight against the void… There is quite a misunderstanding between me and her, how can I At this time, what are you doing now?”

Seeing that many giant gods fell into silence, the sun giant **** paused.

“What’s more, the void is always cunning and dangerous. The best way is to invite the dragon to shoot?”

“However, the war giants are already so weak.” The guardian giants saw that the situation was wrong, and they could only speak hard. “Without the power of the war giants, it is difficult for us to control the starry sky dragon!”

“Although mortals are trying to steal the deity’s authority, the giant **** is the giant god.” The sun giant **** seemed to wave his hand carelessly. “I believe that those stupid mortals will be more anxious than us-as long as we wait quietly, they He will always go up to the Giant God’s Peak piously, and then the giant of war will quickly recover his authority, and with the power of the giant of war… there is no way for the giant dragon to refuse our request.”


Many giant gods fell into silence.

All giant gods know that this is the reluctance of the sun giant gods to contribute their own power, no matter how reputable it is, but the excuse is the excuse, and the excuse is the excuse.

But even if everyone knows, no giant can speak directly.

Sun Titan… too strong.

Yes, with the change of Valoran, the power of the sun giant has been strengthened to the point where all other giant gods are difficult to compete with, especially with the disappearance of the moon giant, and the Jiaoyue sect also in the Lakul Almost completely disappeared in the internal struggle.

The other powerful giants are either divided in power or robbed of their power, and a few giants with full power like the guardian giants are not known for their power, and there is no special belief even among the Lakul people. sect.

In this way, the sun giant has actually fully mastered the highest authority of Jushen Peak-at least mastered the channels of Jushen Peak’s influence on Varoland.

With the exception of the legendary twilight giant who saw the dragon before and after its end, and only appeared at the most critical moment, no one can balance this sun giant.

As a result, on the whole Jushen Peak, the situation of the Sun Jus family was formed!

Said it is the Star Dome Assembly of the Giant God, but this is clearly the words of the Sun Giant God!

Now the Sun Giant has made it clear that he will not lose a little power for the void, and even if other giants have taken action, it is difficult to come up with any effective method without willing to sacrifice themselves.

The sky collapsed and the tall ones were reluctant to bear it~www.mtlnovel.com~ What can those short people do?

In this way, after a long time of discussion, a group of giant gods came together and concluded that “wait”.

What is completely opposite to the giant **** is that in the face of the threat of the void, mortals who are so small in the eyes of the giant **** temporarily put down their grudges and stood together.

Those who stand tall watch the changes, and the ants in their eyes are doing their best, even if the cricket shakes the tree, they will not flinch!

Above the distant starry sky, Bud stared quietly at Varoland. After a long time, he slowly lowered his head and played a piece he had never tried before.

If anyone hears Bard’s playing, he will be surprised-at this moment, the astral wanderer actually tried to play “Fate”.

And deeper and farther away in the star dome, a great existence wearing a crown is also watching this place where destiny meets.

Numerous bright stars were born in his body and died in his body. While watching the rune land, he wandered in the endless galaxy, and the huge tail swept through the star dome as if passing by the comet tail.

“Funny little guy…” This great existence’s gaze seemed to pass through endless time and space, clearly seeing everything on the ground of the rune. “Maybe I chose the wrong target at the beginning… The true strength and nobility do not necessarily come from ambition and nobleness. power.”

Seemingly remembering an unpleasant experience, the giant **** shook his head gently and then changed his direction.

“Since destiny has come, how can I not greet it?”


“The rift is now in Antahil, the brave is dying from death, and at this time, the comet is passing through the sun.”-“Epic of Nethers”


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