Faye’s League of Legends

v2 Chapter 1443 - stand up!

The Twilight Giant’s abacus is very good-the innocent Zoe is the best Protoss. On the one hand, she can maximize the power of Twilight, and on the other hand, when Twilight’s will comes, Zo In fact, Yi… there is no room for resistance.

Therefore, there should be no embarrassment of the giant of justice or the giant of war in the twilight giant-he firmly controls his own protoss, and it is absolutely unambiguous to sacrifice.

Once in the Darkborn War, Twilight Protoss will participate in the war as a dog-headed military division in order to provoke the Civil War of the Darkborn and become an ordinary human being. Under the provocation of the Twilight Protoss, Dark The Asian drew himself into a dark place, and was finally sealed in a weapon, completely losing his body.

And this time, the gaze of the gods is as usual.

Unlike other giant gods, Twilight Giant is the only one who has long been aware of the Void Rift, but after discovering that the Void Rift under the Giant God Peak and the seal is spreading, he did not choose to make a reminder or take action. Instead, he chose to wait and see the changes, and recalled his own Protozoal Zoe, and indulged her to play around Valoran.

Remember when the Moon God was calculated?

On the surface, Vickers pretended to be caught, and the opportunity to sneak attack led to the secret calculation of the moon giant who had been committed to suppressing the void, but in fact… considering Zoe brought Vicks back, this might not be like It seems so simple.

Zoe’s innocence is the best cover for the twilight giant. No one guesses what the twilight giant’s idea is.

It is through this method that the twilight giant hides himself behind the scenes, making most people forget how the giant **** turned his hands into clouds and rain and turned dark-born pits into weapons a thousand years ago.

And this time, the Twilight Giant shot-he suppressed Zoe’s original consciousness and turned her into a temporary puppet, and at this opportunity, he controlled Zoe to come into the rift and use it with all his strength. The power of twilight.

With the mortal body, excessive use of the power of the giant **** will cause unnecessary burdens. Although this beating heart is wiped out, Zoe is also relieved.

This is what the Twilight Giant hopes to see-and the sharing of vitality is an unexpected joy. Seeing that several people have lost their consciousness at the same time, when should they wait for brainwashing?

The Twilight Giant finally took the initiative to advance his plan, and this is exactly the Twilight whisper Jax heard.

However, it is a pity that there is a little twilight giant who never thought of it: Eagle got up.

Earlier, due to the erosion of the void, Iger lost his original consciousness-but because the twilight giant had to isolate the void consciousness before he wanted to brainwash, Zoe’s action just seemed to be bursting the heart, but actually it was In order to arrange the environment for brainwashing.

In this way, Eagle, who had fallen into madness, recovered.

At the moment, Eagle doesn’t know what just happened. From his point of view, the course of things is “I’ve fallen into madness, and I’m recovering now”—and when I wake up, he subconsciously chooses to fight any cause. Things you pay attention to.

For example… Twilight Song.

Eagle temporarily ruined his hearing-but this is of no use. Although he actively pierced the eardrum, Twilight’s voice was still there. Seeing that he was going to be crazy again, Eagle stood up decisively. Here, he started trying to stay away from his teammates and started to explode.

As a Hex experts in blasting engineering, after deciding to go deep into the crack, he had already prepared his glorious bomb.

The twilight giant is obviously impossible to allow this kind of thing to happen-Eagle is dead and nothing, but here he explodes~www.mtlnovel.com~ he is likely to kill everyone else!

I tried hard and even changed the plan voluntarily, in order not to completely control these people and then use the power of the League of Legends?

You explode… then am I busy?

In desperation, Twilight Giant gave Zoe strength again, and controlled Zoe to start trying to Eagle.

And as Zoe gains strength, several other people also have a tendency to recover-but it does not matter, they will also become their own men!

It is a pity that the explosion came much earlier than the twilight giant thought.


Eagle exploded.

The heart of the twilight giant who was still outside the rune land sank.

However, the impact of the explosion was much smaller than expected.

When the dust was gone, although Eagle completely lost consciousness and fell to the ground, the other people did not seem to be affected much-even they woke up one by one!

What the hell?

Not only that, even Zoe, who has been controlled by the Twilight Giant, has begun to have a tendency to get rid of control. This unexpected turn made the Twilight Giant dumbfounded on the spot.

What’s going on.

Why did you wake up with an explosion?

Just when the twilight giant was stunned, the only person who could answer his question finally fell down—Iger really lost consciousness this time. At this time, his vitality was pulled away, and the whole person received a huge impact. , Completely entered a state of near death.

If it was not for the purpose of stopping a person before, Zoe once again gained the power of the giant god, I am afraid that this time will kill Iger.

The next moment, just as Twilight Giant was about to regain control, his consciousness was cut off.


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