Faye’s League of Legends

v2 Chapter 1446 - Lamp and Torch

The Twilight Giant didn’t know at all that Jax wasn’t a void believer, nor was he the fanatic who was lurking in the depths-Mr. Jax, formerly known as Ajax, was just a poor survivor, one with a secret search The Avengers with all possible opportunities, a lone traveler with different tasks, and the last bright watchman of the guardian Eccia.

Not a traitor.

Giant gods are powerful, they are born excellent.

But the giant **** who is above can never understand what step mortals can do for their beliefs…

A veteran who survived alone, a warrior who had been devastated by the erosion of the void, in order to confuse the eyed god, he released the containment of the erosion of the void, and finally created the illusion of “I am undercover”.

This illusion successfully deceived the Twilight Giant, but… also meant that Jax’s life began to count down.

As early as hundreds of years ago, Jax had an unsustainable tendency to contain the erosion of the void, so he accelerated his pace and tried to find those truly powerful fighters who could fight alongside him.

Because of the astrologist’s reasons, Jax had always had an inexplicable distrust of the caster, even if he passed by with Ritz, he also subconsciously believed that the other party was not worthy of trust. It has changed since its appearance.

After Rod and Gavin IV reached a secret agreement, Jax focused his entire attention on training-he used to be a centurion, well aware of good training in the face of truly powerful enemies How important it is, so after that, he stayed in Demacia Xiongdu and participated in the martial arts training of Demacia.

This time I stayed in Antaxir because Jax had to take the last batch of apprentices-although the stubborn boys had a bit of food, there was always room for improvement.

Theoretically, when the last group of students finish their courses, Jax will also participate in the **** commando, return to his hometown, return to Acacia, and launch his final revenge on the original destroyer. , But fate is such a mismatch. Jax, who stayed behind because of the last training, faced the void one step ahead, and under desperation, was forced to release his restraint against the erosion of the void.

Feeling the change in his body, Jax was joyless and sad.

Or… the intersection of sadness and joy.

In any case, this time I always completed my mission-unlike the last time, the civilization of Eccia was not annihilated, the land will be rich again after the war, and the civilization of Eccia will always reappear, Re-glow your own glory.

With a slight cough, Jax squeezed the Regal Light in his hand.

It’s a pity that although I didn’t have enough death, the few children who went deep underground with myself…should not!

“This is our last time.” After a moment of hesitation, Jax chose to speak. “We are bound to the heart of the void, and once that heart is broken, we will also sleep here-so Cherish this last period of time. If you have anything to say, let’s talk about it first. If you can, leave a suicide note and enough obvious markers. Maybe later people will find that they will remember and sing our stories.”

The rest of the people were silent.

Jax’s words were too heavy, so heavy that everyone was speechless even if they were ready.

Seeing that several of his teammates stopped talking, Jax finally shook his head silently, and then stood the Rig’s lamp beside him.

A mantra was chanted in a low voice. Jax gently opened the lampshade of the Rig’s Lamp with his left hand with only three fingers, out of the limits of the lampshade, and the flame of the Rig’s Lamp flew high.

The eyes under Jax’s mask narrowed slightly, he quietly watched the beating fire and felt the blazing energy in the flames-the Regal lamp was the last light of Eccia ~www.mtlnovel.com~ It is also the last hope, but also the countermeasures prepared by the worried Master.

Not all astralists are mad because of the void, and some people keep their own reason, but they only hope to use the power of the void to fight the invaders. Unfortunately, their plan is to seek the skin with the tiger and eventually be eaten by the tiger.

And this handle was originally used as a weapon against the void, and it didn’t even have time to come out of the sheath, it directly became the last memorial of the old country.

Now… it’s time to actually use it.

Kasha and others watched in amazement as the flame on the Rig’s lamp grew higher and higher, changing from orange to incandescent, and even flowing down like a substance-and as the flame flowed, the entire shape of the Rig’s lamp also occurred Great changes.

The old brass handle turned into a bronze grip engraved with ancient Eccia runes, and the incandescent flame returned to the position of the original lamp head after completing its task, under Jax’s control Next, this real artifact finally lifted the seal completely.

“What is it?” Kasha couldn’t hide the surprise in her tone–anyone who found a street lamp turned into an artifact that looked strong, could not be calm, “It looks…strong.”

“It used to be the lamp of Reggae.” Jax’s tone was low. “Some of my old friends have given it a lot of fame, but now… it’s just a torch of flames.”

Then, Jax waited for Kasha to ask for more, directly holding the torch of flames and starting to go deeper into the ground.

This time, although there were still tentacles making trouble, under the incandescent flames, the speed of Jax and his party did not even decrease at all.


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