Faye’s League of Legends

v2 Chapter 1456 - Step by step

The successful purification of the 001 and 002 areas has greatly encouraged the morale of the League of Legends. Although both the plant cultivation in the 001 area and the shielding advancement in the 002 area are only experimental means, it is impossible to expand the entire Acacia-no Who can accept this terrible cost.

But from scratch, it is a qualitative leap.

The 001 and 002 areas have become the most important pilot areas of the League of Legends. The success of these two areas indicates that the erosion of the void can be confronted and eradicated!

This achievement naturally inspired the morale of the first batch of troops to arrive next-after experiencing the Antahir incident, there was some concern in everyone’s mind, and some areas of Antahir also There is a situation of voiding, but a heavy snow temporarily freezes the voiding area.

Now, when these people actually come to the mobile fortress, the news that the void is contained is undoubtedly a stimulant.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, the reinforcements were quickly divided into squads, part of them went to the frontline of the advancement for scout work, and the rest was arranged and defended and advanced according to the specific situation.

But in the final analysis, there is no specific offensive action.


“Are we really not ready to attack?” After the second phase of the mission started, Arielia was still a little unbelievable, “Just move forward a little bit like this?”

“Yes.” Rod stared at the map and nodded. “We can’t attack.”

“Can’t attack?” Arielia apparently didn’t understand Rod’s meaning, “Voidworm hides underground…”

“Are we going underground too?” Rod looked up and looked at Arielia, who seemed to have some difficulty in suppressing his warfare. “In the dark underground, there is a fight with the void creatures occupying the absolute advantage. ?”

“…” Although it was known that Rod was telling the truth, Arielia still felt very awkward. “But if it goes on…how long can we hold on?”

Arielia has been worried.

Although it seems to be appropriate to use the current method of steady and steady fighting, the daily consumption of the entire mobile fortress, the vanguard and the first batch of reinforcements is terrible. Even if Bill Jiwater assists the supply transportation, a large amount of materials are still consumed in the transportation. In the process, plus the resources needed to contain the void, the League of Legends’ daily material consumption is an astronomical figure.

As the highest commander, Rhode did not voluntarily announce the figures in this regard, but everyone knows that this consumption of the League of Legends cannot afford it.

Is it possible to advance this way and recover the entire Acacia?

This is simply impossible!

“So we have to be patient.” Seeming to know what Arielia was thinking, Rod squeezed the bridge of his nose. “Trust me, someone is more anxious than us, and much more anxious.”

Will the void really be anxious?

Arielia doesn’t think so-compared to people, the void is undoubtedly more “longevity” and more patient. Is it possible for you to force the void to actively fight you?

It is impossible to look at it!

This time, Rod did not continue to answer Aria—this involves some important things that must be kept secret, and Aria cannot know it.

At least not yet known.

As for Rod’s special preparation…

It depends on the results of the experiment in area 003.


Underground area 003.

Unlike the previous areas 001 and 002, area 003 is not a good experimental area. It is located deep underground, with complex terrain conditions and thick virtual air. If you want to carry out transformation, the difficulty is not so great.

But that’s why the 003 area was established here.

The people involved in the transformation of the 003 area are a group of famous people, including Jess, Victor, and Liszt. A large number of top Hex technology engineers from Pixar have come here.

The original crew of these ignition plans appeared here with only one purpose-whether the annihilation pollution caused by the experimental rune annihilation weapons can be eliminated together with the void erosion.

In Rod’s original plan~www.mtlnovel.com~League of Legends should be an elite group, and the means to fight against the void should mainly be the gathering of elite personnel, eliminate the void creature nests on the void node, and find opportunities to contain the void Will, search for the direct Void access point, and then seal it-basically the same kind of means at Freilzhud.

However, with Piltwolf’s rune annihilation weapons in effect, Rhode has one more option.

The rune annihilation weapon can destroy the void humus, and annihilate it like a normal substance into fine grain dust like sand.

This also means that rune annihilation weapons can turn the area eroded by the void into rune annihilation zones.

Therefore, Rhode will choose to change the plan to a certain extent, and turn to the various countries in the rune field to seek common cooperation.

Compared with the advancement of layers, the clearing effect of rune annihilation weapons is much better, but it will obviously anger the void directly, causing direct confrontation, and this confrontation will not be solved by elite teams.

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