Faye’s League of Legends

v2 Chapter 1476 - That one bright white

I don’t know what Jax is really a big problem. Once Jax can’t be found, Rhode will get nothing, let alone the mysterious flame. I’m afraid I can’t even find the Void Gate!

How to do?

At this time, Rhode’s best way should be to find Kiran to figure out what Ajax is like now, but just after separation, Kiran has slipped into the star wizard’s mage tower and wants to find Kiran again. …Rod really can’t do it.

How to do?

The headache was that the vest problem could not be solved, and Rhode finally had to choose to wait and wait.

Instead of guarding at the gate, but guarding outside the wizard tower of the astralist-after all, there are some astrologists in and out here. Jax may not be conspicuous at the gate of the city, but if he is still in the tower, Luo De believed that he could still recognize him.


Fortunately, Rod did not wait long after all.

Although there are still concerns about the introduction of weapon masters within the astrologists, according to the current situation, they really need the power and name of Jax-it is not a simple matter to resist Suramar, there is no strong one. The leader, holding up the Yiqi Banner is also difficult to get a response.

Therefore, even if Jax may not be able to control, even if he and the astrologist are not in one mind, the astrologist still tells Jax to come back from the small river outside the city.

Of course, in order to occupy the orthodox name, before Jax returned, the astrologist had a new mage king.

What exactly Jax had talked about with Star Master, Rod was not sure, but from the result, Jax should have accepted the invitation of Star Master-after all, Jax did not know the nature of the void, he knew at this time It is “In the previous earthquake, a new energy was discovered. This kind of power can be used to fight against the gods of the Shurema people. So it is time for everyone to fight for freedom.”

For this statement, Jax was hesitant. He knew what the Tenjin warrior meant, so he also knew more about what it means to raise the anti-flag. If you are a little careless, Shurima may suffer a robbery. .

In the face of Jax’s doubts, the mage king answered everything very well. He showed some of the power of the void to prove to Jax that this power is strong enough to fight the difficult Shurima. people.

After real contact with the power of the void, Jax naturally raised new doubts about how to control this terrible power.

After all, the power of the void is only the initial contact, and Jax feels a creep from the heart and instinct.

This time, the Master King chose to ignite the fire of life.

“In fact, although this kind of power is powerful, it is not terrible.” The mage king, whose hands are beating with flames, looks kind of good-natured. “The power of life is its biggest enemy, and the pure life flame can limit them well- -Next you are going to the Void Gate exposed by the previous earthquake to help us get more power of the Void, and this flame will protect your safety.”

In this way, Rod, who had not stood for a long time, finally saw Jax who had left the mage tower-not long after sunset, he took a lantern and left the mage tower naturally.

And this lantern… is the one that Rod was very familiar with and was later made into a weapon.

Following far behind Jax, Rod left Acacia all the way.

In order to avoid exposure, Rod was far behind, not daring to approach Jax-along the way, he only saw Jax lifting his lantern from time to time, glancing at the map in his hand, and then hurried forward, from beginning to end Never looked back.

Are you so careless?

Rhode was a little surprised. He thought that Jax would pay attention to whether someone followed or not. He didn’t expect him to go straight forward. He didn’t seem to worry about someone following.

Then, just when Rod was silently whispering, Jax finally proved the reason why he didn’t need to look back with action-he walked into a valley very naturally, and when Rod also entered the valley, he What I saw was the extinct Acacia Coyote that was full of mountains and mountains…

Waving a battle axe, Jax easily killed a pair of wolves among the wolves and quickly went to the other side of the valley.

In this case, if anyone is tracking behind, facing these Acacia coyotes, the tracker will either reveal the trail or be forced to detour, and in either case, it will inevitably lead to the failure of tracking .

Fortunately, Rod was not in the space and time at that time, and no one but Rod did follow Jax.

In this way, Jax finally came to a hidden cave in the valley after the earthquake according to the description of the map. He repeatedly confirmed the location, then lifted the lantern and carefully entered the cave.

Outside the cave, Rhode confirmed the location and began to wait again.

The problem of where the gate of the void is has been solved, then look for the opportunity to see that kind of flame!


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