Faye’s League of Legends

v2 Chapter 1484 - Back to light

As Rhode had expected, Void will not sit still after all.

After all, after the Howling Abyss was sealed, the fissures in Acacia became the last entrance of the void to the rune land. If this place is also completely blocked, then the plan of the void to devour the rune land can be finished.

With the door of the void being erased a little bit by the flames of life, the connection between the void and the rune land is also being cut off a little bit, and the will of the void cannot naturally be ignored!

Everyone knows that when the flames of life are burning, that is, when the void must break the cauldron, once the gate of the void is reduced to the point where the large void insects cannot walk out, then it is too late to break the cauldron and sink the boat. Too.

Therefore, the current defense is the final battle!


Void has patience, because time does not exist in the dimension of the void-for the same reason, the void is also very impatient. On the second day that Rohde and the League of Legends are ready to fight, the final counterattack arrived early.

The original Shen Rushui’s Void Gate rippled, and the ripple quickly became a wave, and finally turned into a huge wave.

Numerous void creatures come from the waves.

It seems that they are preparing for battle. These void creatures maintain the state of the squad, protected by large creatures such as the mother beetle or the siege beetle, and pile up one by one.

After “Newcomer” arrived in Runeland, he didn’t seem to be very familiar with his current state of the body, shaking his head one by one, spreading his wings and shaking his legs, trying to adapt to the rules of Runeland.

However, the League of Legends will not be polite with them.

The hungry and long-lasting wizards began to pour out their mana unscrupulously, do their utmost to squeeze themselves out, and throw the final spells on the heads of these void creatures who have not yet been familiar with the environment of the rune.

Wave after wave of spell volleys formed a terrible tide of energy in front of the Void Gate, and the surging energy even completely changed the environment here-the Void Gate is underground, under the erosion of the energy tide, here From the inner cavity of the empty ground hernia, it turned into a karst cave. Even under the energy tide, a trickle appeared in the ground crack of the karst cave!

But at this moment, no one will pay attention to the changes in the environment here, because as the gate of the void gradually shrinks, the void creatures that have been drilled out of it have become more and more difficult.

Originally, when Rod was in pressure, firing at the door of the void with ease should be able to easily stop all the void worms that came out, and completely block this channel-but when the void will realize that one team after another will release the void creatures After coming out to die, the void began to actively distort his creation.

As a result, the style of things that came out of the Void Gate became completely indescribable.

Huge tentacles, winding body.

Void creations are beginning to move toward giants.

However, subject to the smaller and smaller gates of the void, the giant creations have to be made into long strips. Don’t say that these huge void creations have really caused a lot of impact on the League of Legends.

Although spell volleys cause energy tides, these oversized void creations are difficult to kill-even they don’t need to drill out completely, it can cause trouble for the League of Legends, just stretch your head and come over, You can spit out the void silt. Compared with the assembled teams, these seemingly limited functions have become troublesome.

Fortunately, at this time, the people who participated in the battle were absolutely elite. In addition, the number of gangsters is enough. As long as they pay a certain price, these void creations can only be killed on the spot.

The void is powerful.

But this power is limited-in the Runeland, this is the home of the League of Legends, although the void can swallow the rune rules, but swallowed too quickly will also indigestion.

It is precisely because of this limitation that the will of the Void has been eating slowly. This comes from the will of the starvation instinct of the Void to send his men, confuse the lost traveler, occupy the entire Acacia, and proceed in a hurry. Eat your own great cause.

But Rod and League of Legends completely disrupted the layout of the void~www.mtlnovel.com~When the power of the rune power was assembled, at the home of Runeland, the power of the void was also destined to only retreat.

Even here is Acacia, which has been operating in the void for countless years.

As the gate of the void becomes smaller and smaller under the flames of life, the creation that can pass through the gate of the void also becomes smaller and smaller-although everyone on the League of Legends is exhausted, but as the enemy The size changed and the strength became lower, but the battle was much easier than at the beginning.

Giant enemies have become long enemies, and long enemies have become the tentacles of the enemy. As the size of the enemy continues to decrease, the destructiveness of the other party can be limited.

According to the development of this momentum, this huge void gate may not last for three days!

In other words, the dawn of victory… is ahead!

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