Fearsome Farmer

Chapter 10 The Flooded Territory

This torrential rain lasted for an entire hour, and no matter where they hid, they were completely ruined.

The previously quiet river ditch was flooded with torrential floods, and several wheat fields on the side of the hill were also washed away by more than a dozen openings, but the wheat fields on the north side of the hill were in better condition.

Li Siwen's face was frozen into iron blue, and his whole body was trembling like a quail.

However, since he added a big pear, he regained six points of physical strength, plus the original eight points of physical strength, a total of fourteen points before and after. In the pouring rain, he has relied on these 14 points of physical strength to support until now, On average, a little stamina is consumed every ten minutes, so he still has 4 points of stamina. Although this is in the red zone, it is actually very good.

I took off all the old clothes on my body and wrung out the water. When the cold wind blew, it was like sifting chaff.

Fortunately, as the moisture on the surface of his body was dried and the sun emerged from the clouds, Li Siwen felt that he was about to die of comfort, and his physical strength began to recover quickly from that warm feeling.

At the same time, he didn't forget to spread out his clothes and take the time to dry them, because after this heavy rainstorm, there may still be rain in the next few days. If he doesn't make preparations at this time, he might die.

As for the other seven farmers, Li Siwen didn't have time to take care of them. He had fourteen points of physical strength to carry them, and it took ten points of physical strength to get well. These farmers had been weeding for a whole morning, and even if they took a break at noon, they would at most Seven or eight points of physical strength, under the pouring rain, the physical strength will naturally be exhausted, and without physical strength support, you can only take your life!

In other words, these seven farmers only have half their lives left at this moment. If they catch a cold and have a fever again, they may not survive for three days.

But the situation was even worse. It rained heavily for an hour, flooding everywhere into the big river to the west, causing the river to swell, overflowing the original river bank, and flooding directly towards the two banks.

Li Siwen and the other farmers had been hiding on the hills before, so they didn't notice it. Now that the rainstorm had stopped, he regained his physical strength and energy. When he looked around again, he was startled. Wang Yang, and the territory five or six hundred meters away has been completely submerged, oh, no, it is not submerged, but all the houses are half submerged, and a few people can still be seen helplessly. Poor lying on the roof.

I don't know why in this scene, I suddenly feel very joyful, and the happy air fills the world.

It turned out that no one escaped this catastrophe.

After half an hour in the warm sun, Li Siwen's physical strength recovered to 8 points, but this was mainly because his physical strength did not drop to the dangerous limit of his body, and the cold air did not invade his body, so he could recover as soon as the sun shone. Well, if it were the seven farmers, even if they were exposed to the sun all day, they would still be dying.

But having said that, Li Siwen ran over and dragged them out from under the big tree. These guys were really lucky, there were relatively few thunderstorms just now, otherwise they might be struck by lightning.

The first four farmers were speechless and trembling like new chicks.

The fifth farmer was cold all over, but he was out of breath. Li Siwen didn't know first aid, or even if he did, he wouldn't dare to save him, so he could only be dragged under the sun and obey the destiny.

The remaining two farmers were surprisingly energetic, but it was indeed a smart way for them to hug each other like this.

In any case, they will probably survive, which is a good thing.

Next, Li Siwen was not idle, he took his hoe to the water's edge to get some floating firewood, and spread them out under the sun. He had to make all the preparations now, for example, what if the lord is really gone forever?

The territory has been soaked, and the water will not go down for a while. Look at the sky. Although the sun is shining, there are still a lot of dark clouds.

It might even rain tonight. There is no house to shelter from the rain. But if there is no food, people will really die.

But this time, Li Siwen still planned to eat it raw. Until the last moment, he would never play any tricks of drilling fire, that would be tantamount to committing suicide.

So where does the food come from?

It's too simple. The river surged, and many big and small fish were washed ashore. As the water level dropped, the small fish might be able to escape, but the big fish could hardly escape.

At that time, even a farmer can pick up a few fish. There is nothing wrong with this logic.

So now Li Siwen was preparing weapons, and he was reluctant to part with his own hoe, but it was no problem to take the dead farmer's hoe and use it.

Standing on the edge of the water, he used a hoe to measure the depth of the water every ten minutes, his eyes fixed on the water surface like a falcon, and he knew what was below through a small splash of water.

Of course, he couldn't wait for the river to recede completely to expose the ground before catching fish, then the time would have to be delayed until evening, there were too many variables, and what if the lord came back by chance, how would he explain this scene?

So when the river receded about 50 centimeters deep and only 20 to 30 centimeters of water remained on the ground, Li Siwen stepped on the water, grabbed a hoe, and rushed out ferociously, stirring up a splash Just hit it hard.

First hit!

It would be strange to miss. This big fish is at least one meter long, and its flexibility is greatly reduced in stagnant water less than 30 centimeters deep.

But what Li Siwen didn't expect was that after being attacked, the big fish immediately bounced and swung its tail, and the powerful tail fin hit his shoulder. The huge force made him kick back several steps. , almost sat in muddy water.

What a fierce fish! Could it be that he has become a genius?

Without thinking too much, Li Siwen swung another hoe with his backhand, this time it just hit the big fish's back, blood was seen instantly, but the hoe was also twisted and wasted immediately.

The big fish slapped the water vigorously in pain, and escaped quite quickly.

But how could Li Siwen let it go, chased after it, and kept smashing it down viciously. At some point, the iron hoe disappeared, leaving only a wooden pole, but he didn't care about it. Instead, he became even more fierce, holding the wooden pole with his teeth gritted Poke poke at that big fish!

After dozens of pokes in one breath, the big fish escaped hundreds of meters before dying.

In an instant, a thick yellow light flashed across Li Siwen's attribute bar, and the soul value in the yellow ball was half full!

Panting heavily, Li Siwen didn't care about surprises, he dragged the big fish's body and ran up the hill. The fight and kill just now directly consumed six points of his physical strength, which was too thrilling.

After dragging these dozens of catties of big fish to the hill, Li Siwen's physical strength dropped a bit, and now he only has a little physical strength left, and he has reached the most dangerous state.

Not caring about other things, he directly used his hoe to scrape off the scales of the big fish, picked up the most tender part of the fish, and ate it all at once.

Unexpectedly, the meat of this big fish is not very fishy, ​​and the fish meat is really tender. It is bragging to say that the mouth is fragrant, but it is definitely much more delicious than the dark dry food.

Li Siwen ate his fill in one breath, and then he discovered to his horror that, except for the head, tail, viscera, and bone spurs, he had eaten all the meat of this huge fish that weighed dozens of kilograms.

Come on, when did he actually have such a terrifying appetite.

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