Fearsome Farmer

Chapter 22 Advanced Maps Can't Be Messed With

Going east after crossing the river ditch, you can see the snow-capped high mountain, but it is very mysterious there. Even the reckless lord avoided this direction several times when he went hunting, and even the gray wolves came from the northeast .

I don't know what's there?

But this is not something Li Siwen wants to think about, he's just here for a little errand now.

There are actually many trees on the east side of the ditch, which is closer to the territory, but the territory's logging camp is not located here.

The reason is very simple, because the trees here are too sparse, or because of the species, all of them grow fangs and claws, domineering and towering, and the trunks are twisted and twisted, um, not tree-shaped.

Such trees are not only difficult to cut down, but transportation is also a big problem, unlike the trees in the forest, each one is straight and straight.

But this is what Li Siwen focused on.

Building any farmer's hut is an excuse, and there is only one reason. Such a big tree with teeth and claws that covers a large area should give a little more vitality, and it doesn't need to go too far.

He picked an unknown big tree surrounded by at least three people, with a crooked trunk, dense branches, and a huge crown, occupying at least half an acre of land, and Li Siwen cut it down without saying a word.

His strength at 11 points is already considerable, so he is very confident at the moment.

As a result, the ax went down, and with a hum, the arm and the tiger's mouth were numb from the backlash. The trunk of this big tree was unexpectedly hard, and the sharp ax blade only penetrated about four or five centimeters.

Let me tell you, what kind of tree is this?

Li Siwen was taken aback, he almost doubted that he was alive.

No wonder those lumberjacks don't come here to cut down. Feelings can't be cut down, and this ax is too light to cut down such a tree.

Reluctantly giving up, Li Siwen had no choice but to look for other trees. As expected, these ugly big trees became harder and harder one by one. There was even a big tree that sparked when an ax was cut on it. Is it a leapfrog to fight monsters to a high-level map?

Can't afford to provoke.

So Li Siwen found the tree at the beginning again in desperation. This was the only big tree in this area that he could cut down and had a chance to cut down.

Go all out, anyway, Lao Zhao has the bottom line.

Li Siwen also had no choice, there were no trees that could be cut down near the wheat fields, otherwise he would have to go to the lumber camp in the south, but that would definitely alarm Song Hu, and in turn alarm the supervisor Sun Tieshi.

How can it be compared to here, it is only tens of meters away from the river ditch, and only a few hundred meters away from the wheat field, so it is convenient to advance and retreat.

Immediately, he adjusted his strength, chopping with bang bang bang until noon, and consumed almost 14 points of stamina before and after, the big tree was felled with a bang.

At this moment, a thick green light was sucked into the green ball, Li Siwen quickly focused on checking it, and it was marked with 4/15.

In other words, such a big tree provided him with 4 vitality points.

At the same time, it also confirmed that the upper limit of the green ball is 15 points.

It's still a bit of a loss. In the lumberyard, my 14 points of physical strength can be used to cut down at least 12 big trees, which is 6 points of vitality. Of course, even so, it is better than weeding. Much better.

Thinking in his heart, Li Siwen quickly extracted his vitality points, adding 2 points to strength to 13 points, and 2 points to physical strength to 17 points. This is the direction of adding points that most meets the needs of the environment so far.

It is worth mentioning that in the yellow ball, he still has 14 soul points that he has not used yet.

Then, Li Siwen held the ax and prepared to chop off some branches. After all, he had to bring something back, otherwise Old Zhao would really find him to fight for his life.

This twisted tree is only ten meters high, but its branches are extremely huge. There are seven or eight branches that are as thick as a bucket, and there are more than fifty branches that are as thick as thighs.

All cut down, a simple farmer's hut is basically enough.

But this time, when Li Siwen chopped down with an axe, the originally very strong trunk was cut into more than ten centimeters. After a few strokes of the axe, a branch of the trunk as thick as a bucket was cut off neatly.

Let me tell you, is the power of 13 points so strong?

He was taken aback, but immediately realized that it was impossible! Even if his strength is increased to 15 points, it is absolutely impossible to do this.

Could it be because I extracted the vitality value of this big tree?

The more Li Siwen thought about it, the more he felt this way. When he was cutting trees at the lumberyard before, he just cut them and ignored them, so he didn't notice this, and the trees over there were soft in texture, no different from normal trees. , even if the vitality value is extracted, nothing can be seen.

But the tree trunk here is too hard, and after extracting the vitality value, a huge gap can be seen immediately.

It's terrifying to think about it carefully! The lord of the reckless man wants to hunt all kinds of beasts and cut down trees to sacrifice to gods, so as to gain more powerful power, so now I use green balls to extract the vitality of these big trees. In this sense, isn’t it also another form of sacrifice?”

If there is another force behind the statue, who is behind my three small balls?

Wait, the nature of the two should be different. Li Siwen thought quickly, The sacrificial lord's sacrifice is more about exchange, it's trade, that is, the same amount of material is exchanged for different things, even people can be exchanged , so there must be a trading platform in it, and the high-level puppet, the lord of the reckless, needs to hunt wild animals first, and the exchange can only be started after cutting down trees.

And my three small balls are more like a pure power conversion device, which can capture the core substance of these things, that is, the vitality value, at the moment when I cut down trees, weed, hunt wild animals and even kill people. , soul value.

It's even possible that even my attribute column is unique.

Forget it, I don't care what to do, I just want to live, and I don't have to ask for the truth to break through the casserole. The truth can be eaten!

With a mutter, Li Siwen completely forgot about it, cut off all the useful branches of this big tree in one breath, and carried a few back.

Well, before he knew it, he found that he could walk like flying with a load of two or three hundred catties.

So halfway through, he immediately changed two and carried them back, details, pay attention to details!

Back to the place where the farmers were resting, Old Zhao was scratching his head in anxiety. He thought Li Siwen had absconded in fear of crime.

Don't talk nonsense, you can find a way to build it yourself. I am only responsible for carrying the wood back. With this weather, there may be heavy rain in the afternoon. If the farmer's hut is built earlier, a few more of these nine unlucky people will survive.

Before Lao Zhao could growl and get angry, Li Siwen sealed his mouth with one sentence.

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