Fearsome Farmer

Chapter 30 Out of control

Li Siwen was very experienced in using the vitality value to ripen wild pears, so he was quite confident in ripening demonized wheat.

The only concern is how many demonized wheat plants need to be ripened at one time to be cost-effective?

In addition, what will the demonized wheat look like after ripening, and whether it will grow a monster head, all these need to be considered.

Glancing at Old Zhao, who was more than a hundred meters away, who was in a daze, Li Siwen chuckled secretly. In just two days, the supervisor Sun Tieshi had already reprimanded Zhao Da six times, so now this guy doesn't have time to stare at him. up.

He squatted down, pretending to clean up the soil on the hoe, and at the same time quickly shot, grabbed ten wheat plants, extracted the vitality value, and then concentrated on it all in one go.

In the blink of an eye, those ten wheat stalks grew to a height of nearly two meters at a speed visible to the naked eye, and even grew huge spikes like sorghum.

Li Siwen was taken aback. Fortunately, the farmer closest to him was more than a hundred meters away, and Zhao Da was farther away. He quickly pulled the ten demonized wheat trees to the ground, and pinched away at least half of them. It weighs a lot of spikes, and hides them in several cloth bags that have been prepared beforehand.

As for the wheat stalks, they were quickly torn into pieces by him and buried in the soil.

Everything was done in just two or three minutes.

The farmers began to return one after another. Since all the food for noon was in Zhao Da's hands, they had to line up to get it from him.

Li Siwen went to urinate first, then returned to the hot and humid farmer's hut through the angle, and hid the ears of wheat in the gaps in the tree trunks that were dug out yesterday. Then Shi Shiran went to get the dry food and turned back to the farmer's hut.

When Zhao Da walked over in a haggard state, he was sitting there biting dry food and chewing slowly.

The two looked at each other, Zhao Da's eyes were a little tired, but the flame amulet between his eyebrows seemed to be brighter than before, maybe it was an illusion?

Old Zhao, do you want to take a break?

Li Siwen asked tentatively.

Zhao Da didn't speak, but suddenly shouted angrily without warning, That Sun guy is a fucking bug, I'm going to crush him to death with my own hands sooner or later!

After shouting, Zhao Da smashed his fist on the stone wall of the farmer's hut, blood gushed out, but he didn't seem to notice it.

However, Li Siwen was horrified to see that the moment Zhao Da got angry just now, the flame amulet on his forehead lit up violently.

After venting, Zhao Da turned around and left, even more depressed than before.

This guy doesn't seem to be able to control his emotions? What did that guy Sun Tieshi say in the morning? Did he greet the whole family of Old Zhao? Stimulate him like this?

Sitting on the rock, Li Siwen thought it was funny at first, but after a few seconds, he frowned.

No, this is wrong!

Zhao Da's hand was injured before, and it was covered with mud, which means that he was angry before, and he smashed it randomly when he was angry. It looks like the flame amulet will be activated when he is angry. He will wake up soon after the anger, but his spirit will be broken. Even more depressed.

Then, even if there is no direct evidence, one thing is absolutely certain. The flame amulet exchanged from the idol will certainly increase a person's powerful strength, but at the same time it will also affect a person's emotions. In the past two days, Supervisor Sun Tie Shi took the opportunity to reprimand Zhao Da, which may be an inducement.

In addition, normal people will feel empty and mentally exhausted after venting their anger. What's more, this is anger dominated by the power of the flame talisman, so it will naturally have a greater negative impact on the body.

Thinking of this, Li Siwen couldn't help but think of a more terrifying question.

That is, is Zhao Da's fusion of the flame talisman leading to loss of emotional control, is this an isolated case?

If so, that's fine.

If not!

Doesn't that mean that supervisors Sun Tieshi, Song Hu, Zhang Ye, and Qin Fen who also integrated the flame amulet all have the possibility of losing control of their emotions!

And so far,

Only Zhao Da lost control of his emotions to a certain extent, but the supervisor Sun Tieshi has been keeping a cold face since the day before yesterday.

As the confidant of the reckless lord, he must have fused more than one flame amulet.

As for the reckless lord, he is no longer as simple as fusing one or two flame talismans. He directly fuses all the power of that strange flame into his body.

If the reckless lord loses control of his emotions——

Li Siwen was instantly terrified by this possibility.

But guesses are just guesses.

So Li Siwen carefully hid the doubts and vigilance in his heart. While paying attention to the situation outside the stone house, he took out the ears of wheat and rubbed them with his hands. They became plump and mature golden wheat grains, each of which was the size of a soybean. .

Throw it into your mouth and chew it, it is really a fragrance of wheat.

Ten minutes later, Li Siwen ate up about five catties of wheat without any discomfort, and his hunger was completely wiped out. Specifically, he was at least 70% full.

Seeing his physical strength slowly recovering, Li Siwen's little heart that had just been frightened just now found some comfort. Fortunately, the days ahead will not be too difficult.

However, the preparations that should be made must be done, and when necessary, he has to run away.

Well, while Old Zhao is wilting, let's be willful this afternoon.

After resting for about an hour and his physical strength recovered to 16 points, Li Siwen walked out of the farmer's hut with a hoe, ready to weed in advance.

The biggest threat to him at this stage is not Sun Tieshi, the supervisor. This guy no longer looks specifically at whether all the farmers are being lazy, because this is Zhao Da's job, so Sun Tieshi, the supervisor, only needs to keep an eye on Zhao Da.

The sun at this moment was like a big fireball, and the air temperature might have to be more than thirty degrees above zero, but to Li Siwen, it was about twenty degrees above zero.

Glancing at Zhao Da, who was drowsy and sitting under the big tree, he went straight to the wheat field at the bottom, and opened fire without saying a word.

In other words, he has never tried such a violent flat push, because it consumes the most energy.

But Zhao Da's loss of emotional control made him feel a vague sense of crisis, so what he needs now is efficiency.

In the whole afternoon, Li Siwen only took a short rest three times, and then spent six hours frantically flattening nearly two acres of wheat fields.

Counting the remaining half of the vitality points in the morning, as of around seven o'clock in the evening, he had accumulated four vitality points in his hands.

This is definitely a record, and even he has exhausted his stamina to the red zone, leaving only three points.

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