Fearsome Farmer

Chapter 46 The War with the Wild Boar

Another beautiful day, if not hungry.

Li Siwen jumped out of the tree house energetically, looked at the sky as usual, then shook his head, there is a high probability that there will be no rain today.

Then look up to the north of the flooded valley, the territory of the wild boar family. There, two old wild boars have been patrolling the vicinity since the big snake died last night. Those two small eyes reveal deep vigilance and enthusiasm. warn.

So, I'm vegetarian today!

Li Siwen speaks righteously, and more precisely, if the wild boar family is still the same as in the past, if only one old wild boar is separated to hunt him down, he will definitely eat wild boar today. counterbalanced.

As far as his small arms and legs are now, as long as he gets hit, he will definitely die.

On the south bank of the flooded valley, there was no longer a black snake with iron rings. Li Siwen wandered around in the middle of the night last night, crushed twelve thousand mosquitoes to death, and only caught three dim sum mice. I was really sad.

So today Li Siwen is going to take the initiative to attack, he wants to completely reverse this hungry situation.

First, he went to routinely cut down trees to fill up the vitality in the green ball, then he made an ugly pannier out of vines, and walked towards the river. There were few trees and the sun was shining, so everyone There are also many kinds of plants,

Li Siwen walked and observed all the way, and the first thing he found was the dog's tail grass. If he remembered correctly, this thing could be domesticated into millet?

Although he doesn't know how to tame it, he has vitality.

He carefully selected a clump of dogtail grass, and he extracted a little vitality value to quickly ripen it.

The power of vitality cannot be underestimated. Within a few breaths, a clump of dogtail grass that was originally only half a meter high grew to a height of nearly 1.50 meters, and the furry spikes increased from the original five to nine. It seems that it already has a bit of charm of millet.

Li Siwen happily harvested them and put them in a basket. He will take these seeds back to dry and select them, and then plant them in the farmland. As long as the seedlings come out, he can continue to use the vitality value to ripen them. It is estimated that it will only take a few generations to grow. ate.

I look forward to it just thinking about it.

In addition to ripening the dogtail grass, Li Siwen also planned to cultivate some vegetables. He didn't ask for Chinese cabbage or the like, as long as they could be eaten.

Moving on, he occasionally lingered in front of a few weeds, and occasionally tasted them, especially those that looked juicy.

There are many, the leaves are fat, and the taste is not too bad. In the future, weeds that have the opportunity to be domesticated into vegetables will not let go of any of them.

During the whole morning, Li Siwen walked seven or eight miles on the edge of the forest, ripening seven kinds of edible wild vegetables, three kinds of small berries, one kind of small shrub fruit, and two kinds of weeds that could be domesticated into staple food. I caught a fast-running rabbit, dug out twelve bird eggs, caught two wild ducks, and touched seven small herrings in the shallow water of the river with trepidation.

But as soon as he got home, he suddenly became furious, because his tree house was smashed to pieces by violence, and the reclaimed farmland was also in a mess, as if dozens of wild boars were having fun and having a party here .

Looking to the north of the flooded valley, the two old wild boars were still patrolling indifferently, their small eyes were full of cunning and provocation.

Nimma! Since you want war, I will give you war!

Li Siwen wasn't really dazzled by his anger. After he quickly calmed down, he ate all the food carefully and slowly, and then found those that had been dried in the sun from the fallen tree house. Anti-inflammatory grass and hemostatic grass, this is by far the most important piece of wealth besides the long knife, axe, and hoe he carried on his body, because he has invested more than 20 points of vitality in it.

Put the dried anti-inflammatory grass and hemostatic grass on a flat stone and grind them into powder.

Li Siwen took out a very dry water hyacinth that had been emptied a long time ago, and carefully put the powder into it, and the harvest was not small. The water hyacinth that could hold two catties of water seemed to be almost full.

Cover the lid and tie it to your body with cloth strips. This thing can definitely save lives.

Then, as if nothing happened, he cut down some big trees and accumulated his vitality to fifteen points.

At this point, he sat in the broken tree house, resting calmly.

An hour later, when the physical strength returned to full value, Li Siwen extracted a little soul value and added it to the soul. After obtaining the super brain-like effect, he immediately recalled all the details of the wild boar family's territory. Running around that area, he usually doesn't need these details, but as long as he adds a little soul, he can actively recall them.

Ten minutes later, the expressionless Li Siwen let out a breath, and drew a map on the ground. Every point on the map was the location of a big tree.

The wild boar family's territory is close to the flooded valley in the south, the vine forest in the north, the big river in the west, and unknown in the east. They have a wide range of diets, they can eat anything, and they have rough skin and thick meat. If you use data to speak, their upper limit of physical strength is at least They all start at 50+, so poisoning with iron chamaejasma may not be effective.

There are 36 wild boars in the wild boar family. Among them, there are six old wild boars. They are all male boars. This is very strange. There is no obvious leader. Every old wild boar seems to be a leader. What is this?

These old wild boars are very powerful. They are two meters tall and weigh at least two thousand catties. They are like bristles and steel needles. They have rough skin and thick flesh. It is impossible for me to kill them with a fine steel axe. In addition, they run very fast. I can usually run 100 meters in 10 seconds, and occasionally I can break out, reaching 100 meters in 8 seconds, which is quite difficult.

Except for these old wild boars, there are three big wild boars, or old sows, with fourteen young wild boars born this year, and thirteen young wild boars, which should have been born last year, Neither fighting strength nor cunning can be compared to those old wild boars.

So the problem now lies in the six old wild boars, and even more in that they have cleverly used joint tactics. Every two old wild boars patrol together, and there are no dead spots on the flat ground. Even if I have nine points of agility, I will never be able to Blocking from the front. Or even if I can dodge the frontal charge of the two old wild boars, but my weapon is too light, I can break the defense with an axe, but it is definitely not fatal, and it is easy to be caught. As long as there is a delay of one second, I will die, and the foot-long valgus fangs are not a joke.

Li Siwen quickly analyzed in his heart, and at the same time memorized the positions of the big trees in the wild boar's territory. This is very important. As long as he can remember it in advance, then he can use his body's spatial judgment to move quickly without the need Activating the talent of vision, this trump card should not be activated lightly.

Here is a blind area. Every time I approach this area, those old wild boars go crazy. So what is hiding here? Is it an old sow that is preparing to give birth?

Li Siwen is in the middle of the map. It is about one kilometer away from the flooded valley. It is a small valley with lush trees and high terrain. The first time he was looking for a place to settle down, he saw an old wild boar there, and decisively Stay away.

So I need a heavy weapon, a weapon that can deal a fatal blow to the old wild boar. Besides, I should find a way to increase my defense to 4 points. This will not only increase my defense, but also unlock the weakness of my strength. and agile shortcomings.

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