Fearsome Farmer

Chapter 55 Poisonous insects?

At three or four o'clock in the morning, Li Siwen left the tree house and took advantage of the faint skylight to collect dew on the grass and leaves with a water hyacinth. This should be the most monotonous thing, but he did it extremely seriously.

When the sun came out in the morning, he had collected a total of four water hyacinths, slightly more than yesterday.

After sending these precious water sources back to the tree house, Li Siwen carried a pannier on his back and made a routine inspection of the territory to see if there were any beasts approaching. By the way, he considered finding a place in the territory to dig a well.

Without water is a major event, not only will affect his daily life, but also affect the development of his light industry, so this is very important.

He first went to the flooded valley in the north, and patrolled along the edge of the valley. When he encountered good-looking anti-inflammatory grass and hemostatic grass, he would ripen them. By the way, he picked up some seemingly non-toxic mushrooms and dried them in the sun. spare.

If he can burn a clay pot next, these mushrooms will come in handy.

As for now, he doesn't want to eat a lot of raw mushrooms, he would rather eat something high in protein like grasshoppers.

After traveling up for about a mile, Li Siwen turned to the south again, and this time he will patrol about a kilometer. The big trees in this area are still dense, covering the sky and the sun, but Li Siwen often comes here in the dark during this time to catch Dim Sum mouse, pinch mosquito, the terrain has long been familiar, even with eyes closed can walk back.

So usually he only needs to glance at it to know the specific changes in details.

This direction is still normal.

Until an open space of several hundred square meters suddenly appeared in front of him. It was a low rocky cliff with no grass growing on it. Li Siwen named it Bald Highland. .

After wandering around the Bald Highlands, by the way, he turned to the west side shyly.

If you go west, the terrain gradually sinks, showing a gentler slope, the trees here are not too dense, and the weeds grow extremely vigorously. They are important wild plant areas in Li Siwen's territory, anti-inflammatory grass and hemostatic grass This place has the most, and there is another tree similar to a mulberry tree, but there is no legendary mulberry on it.

This place was named by Li Siwen as the South Slope of Wild Grass, and it was also the area where he was considering digging a well. When he was building a wooden wall next to the tree house, he dug a full five meters down, but no water came out.

Although continuing to dig down will produce water sooner or later, it is not suitable in terms of work efficiency, and he has to consider watering the farmland in the future.

The South Slope of Weeds is a good place. The location here is relatively low, and there is a height difference of about two meters from the location of the tree house.

In addition, there are few big trees here, and the roots are few and easy to dig.

It's just that the backflow of the river must also be considered.

It was submerged here by the backflow of the river the evening before yesterday.

Let's take a look first. It would be good if there is water if you dig a few meters down here.

Li Siwen calculated that if he could reclaim more farmland in the future, this position would be quite advantageous.

While thinking, he walked while observing carefully, not letting go of any details.


Suddenly, Li Siwen stopped in his tracks, his eyes fixed on a bush.

At the end of the line of sight, the stiff corpse of a dim sum mouse lay there, its limbs straightened, its eyes widened, and black mucus could be faintly seen flowing out.

Is this poisoned?

Frowning, Li Siwen felt a warning sign in his heart. This was something he had never seen in the past seven or eight days. Even when the Iron Ring and Black Snake ruled this area, these dim sum rats were alive and well. , at most being eaten, how could he die so cruelly?

Without getting close to the Dim Sum Mouse's body, Li Siwen chopped off a branch in his hand, held his breath, squinted his eyes slightly, and was at least one meter away. He was about to turn it over but felt uncomfortable, so he immediately stepped back ten steps, casually Pick up a ten-pound stone,

Only then did he hold his breath again, protect the vitals of his cheeks with his hands, and waved his hands, only to hear a whoosh sound, the stone flew up with the sound of piercing the sky, and hit the Dim Sum Mouse's body accurately.

Almost at the same time, the dim sum mouse's blackened body was like a balloon that exploded with a bang, and the black mucus inside was like countless small snakes, splashing and covering a radius of five meters in an instant!

At this time, Li Siwen had already retreated a full thirty meters, and quickly hid behind a big tree, revealing only one alert eye.

Alas, I accidentally exposed the demeanor of a king, ashamed, ashamed!

It's strange, why did the corpse explode? It seems that the time of death was after midnight last night. After all, I was still on patrol afterwards.

Suspicious in his heart, Li Siwen didn't rush forward to check, but just waited quietly for another ten minutes, and then took three steps forward, and had a panoramic view of all the details.

Those black slime are not living things, but something elastic like a small jelly, trembling in the sun.

In addition, the internal organs and bones of the dim sum mouse are gone, leaving only a piece of black fur, which is very weird.

The smell is extremely stench, but I don't know if it is poisonous, after all, he is a little far away.

Toxicity is definitely there, and it should be harmful to the human body.

As for the impact on the environment, I can't see it for the time being. Those weeds are living well at the moment.

After a little thought, Li Siwen drew a circle with a diameter of 50 meters around the center of the body explosion with a branch, and planted the branch on the ground, marking this place as a temporary restricted area.

It seems that this place is not suitable for digging wells. If a few poisonous rats jump in and commit suicide from time to time, it will be too disgusting!

Li Siwen's thoughts changed sharply, and he quickly changed his mind. An important project related to the security strategy of the territory, such as digging a well, cannot be viewed from one side only.

It's better to place the well between the tree house and the farmland. Some things have to be guarded against. There are very few wild monsters like me who don't poison the well water.

Next, Li Siwen continued to patrol forward, with even more vigilance in his heart.

At this time, he suddenly thought that it might be a certain kind of very poisonous insect that killed the dim sum mouse. This kind of poisonous insect is not too big, so it is difficult to detect it in advance. , he didn't want to turn into a black jelly all of a sudden.

The following inspections were normal, and nothing unusual was found.

Returning to the tree house, Li Siwen looked through all the dried meat and fish carefully, picked out the ones that were not too dry in the sun, baked them with a few pieces of mushrooms, added some unnamed berries, some unknown wild vegetables to make meat buns , this counts as breakfast.

After resting for a while, I checked the condition of the water tank again. It was really good. There was not a single tiny crack. When it was completely dry, it should be ready for burning.

But before that, he still needs a simple kiln that can be fired.

Another day of exposure to the sun today, and those adobe bricks can be moved back tomorrow. Regardless of the quality, as long as you can build a furnace, put in firewood, seal the furnace door, and the rest depends on luck.

Of course, if it's purely by luck, it means that I, Mr. Li, are about to die. If you don't have a perfect plan for anything, you must at least have a series of supporting plans. For example, this brick-fired, the technology is not good, you can continue to accumulate , but to keep accumulating, you have to keep burning bricks, and without water, it is impossible to burn bricks on a large scale, so I have to give priority to the matter of water wells.”

After thinking about it, Li Siwen decided to dig a well first.

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