Fearsome Farmer

Chapter 65 Encrypted cordon

If you don't check it, it doesn't mean that Li Siwen can go back to the tree house and continue to sleep soundly, especially when it comes to that kind of poisonous insects, let alone be careless.

So he set it up quickly.

The first is to light the two fire stoves in the tree house, throw in anti-inflammatory grass, and emit that bitter smell, which has a high probability of making poisonous insects retreat.

Then he jumped into the well, and took out a small basket made of grass leaves from a crevice in the rock at the bottom. Inside were thirteen anti-inflammatory herb fruits. This was the only thing he could think of that could extend the shelf life of the fruits. method, after all, the temperature deep in the well is quite cool.

After taking three pieces of fruit, Li Siwen continued to put the rest back to the original place. Li Siwen climbed out and covered the well with pieces of wood that had been sawn a long time ago, 20 centimeters thick and 50 centimeters wide. It was drilled indiscriminately by some insects.

In a few days, the clay bricks will be fired, and I have to build a well platform here. The most important thing in the battle against poisonous insects is the details.

After dealing with these, Li Siwen took three herbal gourds, two of which contained the mixed powder of hemostatic grass and anti-inflammatory grass, and the other contained the powder of iron head poisonous herb, which was used to make the wound bleed quickly. This is the standard configuration for dealing with poisonous bugs.

However, even so, he still felt that it was not safe, so he went to the farmland, cut off a part of the branches and leaves from a third-generation anti-inflammatory grass plant, and took it with him, and extracted three vitality points, and took a second-generation anti-inflammatory grass plant. The seedlings of Hemorrhoids were ripened and evolved to three generations.

These three generations of Hemostatic Grass actually blossomed and bear fruit, but there were only seven fruits.

At this time, Li Siwen naturally didn't have the heart to check the taste and effect of this fruit, so he cut some branches and leaves and took them with him, picked these seven fruits, and quickly patrolled the territory, making sure not to be invaded by poisonous insects, or it can be said that he had to Know if there is an infestation of poisonous insects.

At this time, it should be around four o'clock in the morning, and the sky was already slightly bright. Li Siwen rushed to the border of the territory first, and with a glance, he had a rough idea.

Well, the boundary of his territory is not casual, nor does it exist verbally. It is an encrypted cordon specially created by him in more than ten days to ensure the security of the territory.

What is encryption?

Of course it wasn't about laying traps, he didn't know how to make traps, and he didn't have the time to do such things, and could clumsy traps really fool those cunning beasts?

So Li Siwen relied on his own memory and the advantage of spatial judgment to draw a 50-meter-wide warning area along the edge of the territory, surrounding the entire territory.

When he usually patrols, he will focus on memorizing every plant and tree in this area over and over again, even every small stone, every subtle terrain change, every branch, leaf, tree crown, etc. of every big tree. Duplicate through the advantages of space judgment, and he will patrol every eight hours, which is equivalent to changing a new key.

In theory, as long as they are not too powerful, or people and beasts that can fly, it is impossible to pass through this encrypted cordon without a trace.

Last night, the southeast wind was blowing in the forest, the wind force was level 1, and the temperature dropped around 2 o'clock in the morning, reaching the conditions for dew condensation, and this wind force will not blow away the dewdrops on the grass blades, so as of now, the correct The Dewdrop Key should be grade C.

If there is an object sweeping dew during this period, although there will still be dew condensation in the future, it will definitely be less than C, or B, or A, or even nothing, then it will be interesting.

Li Siwen walked with a blank expression, his eyes kept scanning the surroundings, and his body's spatial judgment kept sensing the changes left eight hours ago.

A snack mouse passed by here, but based on its size and moving habits, it would not touch the dewdrops on the grass unless it found and hunted down prey, so it hunted successfully.

It only took Li Siwen a second to find a murder case that happened around three o'clock in the morning.

The murderer is a dim sum mouse, and the victim is a big leaf moth.

The case was successfully solved, but Li Siwen didn't feel any disturbance in his heart.

Just kidding, this is his daily life, this is his three-acre land, he analyzes too many details like this every day, otherwise why should he talk about life with the cunning snack mouse?

Soon, Li Siwen patrolled the Bald Highlands. Up to now, the encrypted cordon is still normal.

But when he entered the southern slope of the weeds, a unique and somewhat familiar smell suddenly wafted from a distance.

At this moment, the hairs all over Li Siwen's body exploded, for no other reason, this stench was exactly the characteristic of the kind of poisonous insects injected into the prey, turning the flesh into jelly!

Without further ado, Li Siwen turned his head and went straight to the bald high ground, because it was a large area of ​​rocks and there were no weeds, so the poisonous insects would not be approached by the cover of weeds.

As for the level 5 talent Spirit Vision, it doesn't need to be activated yet.

At this time, he saw, from the forest in the southeast, a leopard with a dark body and a strong physique, comparable to a tiger, was running towards it with a limp on its hind legs. The familiar stench was coming from it. from.

As for the black panther, Li Siwen was no stranger to it. When the wild boar family was destroyed, it was attracted by the bloody smell and formed a temporary beast team, but why did it become so embarrassing today?

What about the giant black wolf? What about the other two leopards?

As soon as he thought of this, Li Siwen heard a strange insect cry again, but couldn't see anything at all. He saw the black panther suddenly tremble, collapsed on the spot, and could only growl helplessly.

In the next second, a winged centipede the size of a crow landed on the black panther, sweeping the audience proudly with arrogance!


A draft!

Li Siwen was angry, not because of the black panther, nor because the winged centipede was too arrogant, but because he didn't see where this thing came out from just now. Who can guard against this unpredictable speed?

So if you don't attack the leopard when it falls and a tail needle pierces the leopard's back, then he should just go back and wait for death in vain!

His charging speed was extremely fast, he reached 100 meters in about six seconds in an instant, his feet shook the big rock slightly, he was holding a mountain axe, his eyes were wide open, he was so vicious, and the black panther was less than a hundred meters away from him meters, theoretically within seconds.

But the winged centipede didn't take it seriously, he was as indifferent as a king, and in just two seconds, he completed the injection of the black panther's tail needle. Er, Li Siwen didn't know why the centipede had a tail needle. Seeing the winged centipede flick its tail gracefully, it's like a flirtatious slut showing off its eyebrows.

At this moment, Li Siwen was still more than 50 meters away from it, the so-called beyond reach!

But at the moment when the winged centipede pulled out the tail needle, Li Siwen suddenly turned on the level 5 talent, Spirit Vision. At the same time, he focused all his attention on the winged centipede. A void javelin was condensed, and there were 14 soul points in the yellow ball. The values ​​are all extracted by him.

With a low growl, the void javelin suddenly condensed into substance, and the next moment, before the winged centipede woke up, the void javelin hit with a bang.

But this attack didn't shatter the winged centipede, it just put it in a sluggish statue state, immobilized or stunned?

But it doesn't matter anymore, Li Siwen, who was running at full speed, rushed towards him in an instant, and with a violent swing of the mountain axe, he chopped the sluggish winged centipede into two sections, and then he smashed it violently , Just smash it into black mud - that's impossible.

He quickly took out a gourd of herbs and poured it directly towards the mud, and he was relieved, and then he collected all the mud, soil and grass foam, and prepared to burn it in the kiln for several hours.

Only now did Li Siwen have time to check the attribute column. In fact, he had the idea of ​​gaining nothing, but the number 30/15 unexpectedly appeared in the empty yellow ball.

What does this mean?

High quality soul!

Come on, expand first!

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