Feasting Lord in Another World

Chapter 31

#Monster Extermination and Field Restaurant (2)

"Oh! Are we finally having a monster hunt this year?"

"How extensive is the military force? And for how long will it last?"

"Where's the meeting point? Kenbain Castle? Or is it Delte Castle?"

In contrast to Dominic, who felt tension at the mention of "monster," some village chiefs displayed open enthusiasm, eager to gather more information from the administrator.

"Um, isn't monster hunting perilous?"

"Huh? Haha! Is that the case! Is this your maiden voyage?"

"Yes, it is. This is my first year as a village chief, and I haven't been settled in this area for long…"

"Then you probably aren't fully familiar with the situation here."

Sitting beside him, another village chief, who held a favorable disposition toward him, offered a thorough explanation.

"Have you ever encountered a monster in this region?"


"Exactly. Historically, our southern region has had few monster sightings. The sea, desert, and mountains serve as natural barriers."

"I've heard that the south is strategically secure."

You catch on quickly. So, unlike other regions, the south doesn't frequently conduct monster hunts. Nevertheless, there are times when monster populations proliferate."

"So, the objective is to prevent that!"


Every few years, the monster ecosystem becomes unstable. Either one species reproduces rapidly, or the emergence of a formidable creature disrupts the food chain.

The lords of the south, through reconnaissance, notify the neighboring territories and summon troops to quell the monsters.

"So it seems like the other village chiefs are quite excited about this. Am I mistaken?"

"Not necessarily. It's a hazardous endeavor, so feeling apprehensive is understandable. However, these hunting operations often bring substantial benefits to each village."


"Since this deployment wasn't planned, they will need to secure supplies, manpower, and provisions. Where will they get all of this?"


"As you've likely experienced, our lord is not one to generously cover these expenses. Hence, everyone is eager for this opportunity."

Listening to the explanation, he noticed the commonality among the enthusiastic village chiefs.

'Villages with extensive farmlands, mines, or burgeoning populations!'

It was evident that regions capable of readily providing the necessary resources would reap rewards from this opportunity.

'Wow, this is truly enticing.'

Although Dominic was already accumulating wealth, who wouldn't be pleased with an extra bonus?

However, it appeared unlikely that Evergreen would receive a share of the benefits, regardless of how much he pondered.

In essence, it was an unrealistic prospect.

"Sir, the lord is summoning you."



At that moment, Dominic, who was deeply contemplating the situation with regret, received a summons from the administrator bearing the news.

He entered Lord Sinclair's well-known office and conference room.

"I've come to see the lord!"

He managed to avoid using archaic, historical drama language, as he had practiced enough.

"Have you heard about the monster hunt?"


"I have a proposal regarding that."

"For me? Oh, no, do you mean for your humble servant?"

Caught off guard by the unexpected words of the lord, he initially responded informally but quickly corrected himself under the cold gazes of the other administrators and knights present.

However, the lord was not one to be concerned with such formalities; he simply proceeded to convey his message.

"You will be in charge of the field kitchen for our territorial troops."

The main point came as a surprise.

This unmistakably confirmed that he was the son of the old lord.

"Isn't this typically a task for kitchen soldiers or the castle chef?"

"Indeed, it is. The castle chef is an excellent cook. However, having witnessed someone who can manage the soldiers' meals even better than the chef during the previous training exercise, why should I hesitate?"

"Well... in that case..."

His past experience as a nutritionist, intervening to prevent a norovirus outbreak in a group, had come back to him like this.

'Why am I being given a task that feels more like a punishment than a reward for a good deed?'

Clearly, it was a demanding task with limited rewards. Expecting anything more than a few gold coins for his labor would be unreasonable.

The issue was that Dominic was no longer someone who would be swayed by a few gold coins.

'I still own a resort, after all.'

His circumstances had changed just a few months ago.

But he couldn't refuse, especially when the lord personally summoned him and made this proposal. It was not just a minor favor; it concerned the safety of the territory and its residents, involving monster hunting!

There was no justification for refusing, was there? A line from a movie flashed through his mind.

'Whether I choose to do it or not, why am I searching for a reason?'

That's when he realized that people learn through firsthand experience.

Torn between refusing and accepting, the lord spoke again as if he understood Dominic's dilemma.

"It seems that buying your time with a small sum of money might be difficult now. Therefore, if you excel in this task, I plan to offer you something you truly need."

"Oh, no, your Lordship! How could I possibly expect compensation when you say you need me?"

"You appeared hesitant at first."

"How could that be? Providing food to the soldiers is a crucial responsibility. I was just concerned about meeting your expectations."

"Is that so?"

"Why would I dare to deceive you about such a matter?"

Of course, it was a blatant falsehood.

Given the circumstances, it seemed that the lord was about to offer something more valuable than money, so Dominic quickly changed his stance and acted as if he were the most loyal village chief ever.

'Our lord is truly a kind person after all,' Dominic's evaluation shifted abruptly.

"So, what is this thing you say I need?"


Dominic swallowed his dry saliva.

He thought that if he received something insignificant after all this effort, he would find a way to decline it.

'If they offer me something worthless as a reward, I should just feign an injury. What will they do if I claim I can't do it due to a broken arm?'

Once again, loyalty was nowhere to be found today.

"Evergreen is thriving thanks to your efforts, isn't it?"

"We've come this far, always finding a way to survive, but there's still a long road ahead, my Lord. After all, this is a small rural village without even a guard post."

"It seems like your self-deprecation is a habit."

"Fearing that rumors might mislead you, I—"

"Haha, that's an exaggeration. If what I've heard is exaggerated, then I may need to reconsider the gift I had in mind for you."

"Pardon me?"

"I thought you and your village might be struggling with taxes. But if your income isn't as high as the rumors suggest, perhaps it would be better to provide you with a different type of reward than reducing your taxes."

"Oh, Lord!"

Upon Lord Sinclair's words, Dominic promptly bowed and used the most flattering tone he could muster.

"Your generosity knows no bounds!"

At that moment, Lord Sinclair was Dominic's ruler.


"So, what exactly does this 'generosity' mean?"

"Ah, it's a local dialect from a mountain valley; you probably haven't heard it before. It means a favor or blessing from a king."

"...You're not planning a rebellion, are you?"

"What are you talking about?"

Ian, unable to believe what he heard, raised an eyebrow; he also made an awkward noise and sat down in embarrassment.

"Heh, our lord is truly audacious. Considering lowering the tax rate. This is the kind of person who truly deserves a long and healthy life."

Dominic's expression became more serious as he suppressed a burst of laughter.

"He hasn't set a time frame. I suppose it might depend on the soldiers' satisfaction?"

"Is that so?"

"Yes. Our previous Lord, Theodore Sinclair, often employed this approach."

"So, if you want more benefits, you have to earn them yourself?"


Dominic sincerely admired, thinking, 'Inspiring, a clever move.'

"Sir Knight, do you know anything about the monster extermination operation?"


"Anything will suffice; just say something."

"..It's my first time as well."

Ian's face turned red. He had not expected his lack of experience to be so embarrassing.

"Ah, right. You're not from the south, are you?"


"I thought it would be a simple task. What now? Should we ask the cook?"

"Wouldn't it be better to inquire with the soldiers? It depends on their satisfaction."

"The soldiers, huh? Ah! The one with the red hair!"

Thinking of a helpful soldier, Dominic promptly left the guest room and made his way to the barracks.

Now, there was no concern of getting lost within the castle.


"Village Chief, how have you been? You called for me?"

The red-haired soldier greeted him with a cheerful smile.

Dominic explained the reason for summoning him without wasting any time, and the new recruit relayed what the seasoned soldiers had told him.

"...That's all I've heard, Village Chief. Will this be of assistance?"

"That's plenty. I'm glad I reached out to you."

The soldier, who had a genuine love for food, often volunteered in the kitchen after grueling training to earn a small treat.

Dominic believed he would be more valuable in this regard than the average veteran, and he was correct.

"Thanks to you, I can now establish a clear direction. I appreciate it."

"Hehe, don't mention it."

"Drop by later, I'll treat you to some snacks."

"Really? Thanks!"

"Could you also pass along any information from the soldiers during the operation? Nothing too significant, just things related to meals."

"No problem."

"Excellent, I'll see you during the operation."

"Yes! Take care!"

The tall, red-haired soldier returned to the barracks with light steps, and Ian resumed his place beside Dominic.

"Did you manage to find out what kind of food the soldiers prefer?"

"That wasn't the focus."

Initially, Dominic had considered asking about the soldiers' food preferences, favorite ingredients, or preferred cooking methods.

However, what Mickey had shared with him held something much more crucial.

["A veteran soldier mentioned that other territorial troops enjoy hearty stews with large chunks of meat, while we're stuck with dry bread and potatoes, and it's quite disheartening."]

In the southern monster extermination operations, unlike in other regions, multiple territories collaborate to combat monsters. Typically, three or four territories, and sometimes as many as seven lords, bring their soldiers to participate.

To boost our side's meal satisfaction in such a setting?

'You absolutely must outdo the guy next to you!'

Even the food became a competition.

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