Feasting Lord in Another World

Chapter 34

"Tonight's dinner is truly outstanding."

"I wish we could dine like this outdoors every day."

"I know, right? Eating whatever we want, however we want—what a dream. Ah-."

The soldiers appeared highly satisfied.

Being able to choose their favorite dishes from around twenty available options was like a dream come true for the soldiers, who were accustomed to makeshift meals.

"Count Sinclair is truly remarkable. How did you come up with such an idea?"

"Heh heh. Isn't our chef quite inventive? I was also impressed when I first heard the idea."

Count Sinclair beamed with pride.

In contrast, Viscount Delte's expression hardened.

"While it's admirable that you're thinking of the soldiers, preparing this level of food would incur significant military expenses. It's not something just any territory could undertake. It's a shame, really."

Viscount Delte pointed out the costs.

He implied, "If you spend money, who can't treat their soldiers this well?" Nobles from smaller territories nodded in agreement.

'It does look good, but Viscount Delte is right. Just the variety of dishes alone is around twenty; it's not easy for our territory to try this.'

'Sigh. It’s like a flash in the pan. It's not like the operation will end in a day or two... No, just how much did they spend to increase the soldiers’ meal satisfaction?'

Though they were shown something impressive, the lords felt a tinge of disappointment at the fact that money had been poured into it.

"It seems there may be a misunderstanding."

"A misunderstanding?"

"I believe our soldiers' food expenses are probably similar to those of your households. Rather than me explaining, it would be better if our chef did. After all, he's the one in charge. Haha."

Count Sinclair called for Dominic with a jovial laugh.

"Did you call for me?"

Sweat had formed on Dominic's back.

It wasn't due to the pressure of facing high-ranking individuals.

'The key point is tax reduction!'

Ultimately, what mattered was the money coming out of the pocket!

Count Sinclair was a generous noble; as long as you satisfied his ego, he would definitely reduce the tax rate for at least three years.

For Dominic, who believed the less tax paid the better, this operation was like the biggest gamble.

"The budget set by the administrators wasn't much different from the usual. Did you receive any extra budget?"

"Of course not. We managed within the budget that was allocated to us."

"So, is tonight's dinner a special meal?"

One of the lords from a smaller territory couldn't contain his curiosity and asked.

"Although there are more dishes compared to breakfast and lunch, it's not excessively extravagant."

"I don't understand. There are quite a number of dishes. Surely you're not lying?"

"Who would dare to lie in front of lords? It’s thanks to careful consideration for what the soldiers eat that we have managed this."

Dominic adeptly mixed in flattery.

"If costs are reduced by merely being considerate, which manager wouldn’t be working overtime wrestling with the books?"

But most of the crowd still remained skeptical.

Some even frowned, thinking Dominic was playing word games.

"My Lord, may I explain to the other lords?"

"Go ahead."

"Increasing the variety of dishes does indeed incur extra costs."

"Exactly, that's the point."

Had he finally admitted it?

Viscount Delte nodded vigorously.

"But we couldn't reduce the variety for the sake of our hard-working soldiers. So, we trimmed expenses elsewhere."

"Elsewhere? Apart from the cost of food ingredients, where else could you cut expenses?"

"The labor force."

That was an unexpected response.

"Do you know how many workers are needed for large-scale cooking, distribution, pre-processing, and cleaning up after serving meals to the soldiers?"

Just by looking at the dishwashing area, it was clear that one or two people couldn't handle the dishes laid out by two hundred soldiers.

This was because they were constantly on the move, conducting operations to eliminate monsters; they didn't have the luxury of setting up a camp and preparing for hours in advance.

The number of laborers required for large-scale cooking, serving, and cleaning within a short period of time was typically double that of a normal military camp.

'Exactly. This is also why most territories cannot provide cooked meals.'

In places that didn't prioritize soldiers' meals or in territories where circumstances were unfavorable, it was common to simply distribute some ingredients and ask the soldiers to cook for themselves.

For now, they were fighting against monsters, so they had the luxury of cooking meals. If it had been a territorial or national war, that would have been unthinkable.

"If we reduce the number of laborers, not only will we save on wages but also on material costs for them."


"But if we reduce the number of laborers, that will lead to delays in serving food... Ah!"

A lord appeared to have an epiphany and clapped his hands.

"That's why the food was served this way!"

"Exactly. If we allow self-service, we can save labor and time, giving us room to prepare food."

"Ha ha, it wasn't just for show, then."

"However, I still can't believe you can serve meals of this variety with just a few fewer laborers."

"Yes, a compromise was needed."

Dominic's expression appeared as if he were a tormented chef. It looked serious and a bit sad.

"Yes, as a chef, it's natural to want to use good ingredients. But when you have to choose between using good ingredients and ensuring people are well-fed..."

Everyone fell silent, engrossed in Dominic's solemn tone.

"I would choose to ensure people are well-fed."

The chef's conviction was filled with strength.

Even the lords governing the area couldn't help but admire the sincerity of a mere chef.

Of course, it was all an act.

"Is that your philosophy?"

Delte, who had been keen on catching any slip-ups, even changed his tone.

"Pleasing the palate with gourmet food is always my ideal. But even gourmet food must be appropriate to the time and place."

"Time and place?"

"Soldiers are walking on dirt roads for nearly 17 hours a day. While it's an honorable task to secure the safety of powerless citizens, carrying military equipment under the scorching sun is exhausting, both physically and mentally."

Even the soldiers, who were hurriedly eating, began to listen carefully to Dominic's words.

"Fatigued bodies require food that quickly restores energy and replenishes salt levels, more than the finest ingredients and a delicate balance of flavors."

"Is that why the seasoning in the dishes seemed strong?"

"Yes, you have a keen eye. Although I couldn't use premium ingredients, I didn't compromise below mid-grade. I used strong seasoning to compensate for the lack of quality, aiming to cater to the soldiers' tastes."

As Dominic mentioned, the dishes prepared for serving were boldly seasoned.

Stir-fried meat with a light seasoning, a tangy salad thanks to generous use of vinegar, steamed eggs with an abundance of dried shrimp for flavor, and chicken tenderized by mashing ripe tomatoes to enhance its taste.

After boiling various types of pasta, they offered three flavorful sauces for customers to choose from. Roasted potatoes served with Hollandaise sauce were also featured as a key dish to enhance satisfaction.

Evergreen's renowned seaweed soup, now recognized as Dominic's signature dish, had become a staple everywhere. The slightly coarse yet flavorful barley bread was another item that would be sorely missed if omitted.

Above all, the spicy pork stir-fry was essential.

Although the cost of chili peppers turned out to be higher than expected, making the dish less spicy than intended, it ironically became one of the soldiers' favorite dishes due to the adjusted spiciness.

'We can never skip the spicy pork stir-fry. What's a hamburger shop without it?'

They could compromise on anything else, but not on the meat dishes.

'People who work hard need their meat. Meat, meat, meat! Meat is always right! The more, the better! We've never failed a meal by offering plenty of meat!’

Thus, spicy pork stir-fry became a fixed dish, alternating between spicy seasoning and fish sauce.

Though they had to omit rice due to cost constraints, seeing the soldiers satisfied with noodles mixed with spicy pork stir-fry made it feel worthwhile.

There was no need to disclose that they used the more affordable pork neck; the crucial thing was that everyone was content.

'Cost-cutting is essential. Who cares about the type of meat as long as it's well-seasoned.'

Dominic's experience as a nutritionist and food manager for a small and medium-sized enterprise proved invaluable.

"...I've learned a lot," Delte finally admitted, conceding defeat.

Count Sinclair had to restrain his growing grin.


That night, Dominic received a letter from the Count.

It stated that Evergreen's tax rate would be reduced by a significant 80% for the next three years. It was a way to incentivize the efforts of the newly independent village, a commendable rationale.

"Good excuse. Ah, the liquor tastes sweet too."

Dominic's barracks were located in a secluded area within the camp.

Workers from Anton's trading company, responsible for procuring supplies, secretly delivered beer to Dominic—the only option if he wanted to enjoy it discreetly.

'With the rival vanquished, there won't be any more troubles.'

Drinking alone, Dominic looked at the letter bearing the lord's seal and grinned.

He had achieved the mission of this trip much sooner than expected.

"From now on, it's a true vacation. No need to battle monsters. I'll just savor my drinks every night. This is great!"

He couldn't help but hum.

'Still, it's a shame. A hamburger shop should offer a Yakult with every meal. And peppermint candy and mixed coffee too! Maybe I'll try making those when I have time?'

There was an endless list of dishes he wanted to create, even before he had tried Jajangmyeon.

"Ah, I want to eat chicken."


Just then, a sound that shouldn't have been heard came from Dominic's vicinity.

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