Fell Champions


Otter came.


Later, she would have the grace to be embarrassed about it. Not the orgasm itself, but the fact that it happened so easily, without even being touched. She would be ashamed that her self-imposed idea of being amazing at sex had been completely shattered, reduced to the fumblings of a teenage boy after figuring out his way around parental controls for the first time.


But in the moment, she was completely blissed out of her mind, her hips jerking forward as her eyes rolled back into her skull. She made a loud, zombie-like moan as pearly white streams of ejaculate burst out of her in a series of ropey casts. 


When she was done, she was panting heavily, and the only thing that stopped her from reaching for her still-erect cock was Rua’s voice.


“What the fuck is that?”


Otter dashed away a small bit of drool that had escaped her mouth, and noticed for the first time she was no longer in that endless black abyss of the Dreamer. She was sitting ass-naked in the mud, regular Rua staring at her, as cum dribbled from her brand new cock. 


“I, uh, can explain?”


Rua’s face was beet-red, but not in outrage. Her eyes were locked right onto Otter’s member, her mouth half-open.


“You’re… you’re pelanoa,” Rua said. “But… they aren’t born anywhere except the Silayan Islands. And they’re… they’re…”


Her brain was short-circuiting, but Otter didn’t know if it was from arousal, or surprise, or any number of other emotions that could be driving her mental state.


“They’re called a few things where I’m from. Mostly futanari, I think, but I think that’s a fetish term.”


“Fetish. Right,” Rua said, her gaze still very much stuck on Otter’s newly-attained cock.


“Hey, my eyes are up here.” 


It was a familiar enough statement, though it’d always been her boobs people had been staring at before. 


“Right, yeah,” Rua said, but she didn’t look away.


“Listen, I know it’s interesting to look at…” She shifted, realizing that she herself had not given it an actual examination. 


It was large, thick, and very veiny. She didn’t have a ruler on hand, and had never really been good at mental measuring, but it definitely looked somewhere between eight and ten inches. Just touching it sent a wave of pleasure through her. It was very sensitive. Or she was just very unused to how a cock should feel. 


There were no testes that she could see, but she definitely had some kind of equivalent, given how much she’d come. It had to be coming from somewhere. Were they inside of her? The cock itself was coming out of her. It’d been inside, until it… woke up, and grew into this monster. 


It twitched in Otter’s hand, and she wanted nothing more than to begin to stroke it, to rub herself to completion right then and there. It wouldn’t take much, she knew. It felt too good, too new and alien. She wouldn’t be able to hang on for long.  


“You shouldn’t,” Rua said, and Otter jerked her hand away like she’d been burned.


“Right, yeah.”


“You’re not in control, are you?”


“I am. Barely.”


“I’ve heard that pelanoa can’t always control themselves.”


That statement brought Otter up short. She wasn’t some brute, swinging her cock around, ready to jam it into any hole it could find, willing or not. 


“Well, I can,” she said, standing up. 


She looked down, sighing. With her cock erect, it was going to make walking around a nuisance. How did boys get around with these things, always trying to lead the way?


“I need to wash,” Otter said. “And we need to talk.”


“About you being a pelanoa, and not telling me?”


“To be fair, this is a new development. I literally just found out.”


Rua cocked her head at that, probably expecting that statement to be a lie and surprised when it didn’t set off her Pact ability. 


“Late bloomer?”


“I… I don’t know how to explain this in a way you’ll believe. And I know I said I could explain, but this is weird, with a capital What The Fuck.”


“Okay. Then you’re explaining now, before I give you access to my home again.” Rua crossed her arms.


“Fine, but you’re the one with the lie detecting ability, so if you don’t believe me, that’s on you.”


Rua made an impatient gesture for Otter to get on with it, so she did. “Okay. I’m not just from some country you’ve never heard of, I’m from an entirely different world. The real world, to be precise. And this, all this, is just a simulation. Someone named Ingram Holt, who is an asshole, by the way, made this as his personal playground, something we call a video game, which is just like… a world we pretend is real, but really isn’t, and we come here and have fun, however we want.”


Rua stepped forward and flicked Otter on the nose.


“Ow. None of that was a lie.”


“But it felt real, didn’t it?” She looked kind of angry.


“I mean, yeah.”


And then there was a vice-like grip on her dick, and Otter gasped in pain and tried to get away from that sudden feeling, but Rua twisted just a tiny bit, and she was forced to stay still. 


“And that feels real?”


“Yes. Yes, it does, can you please let go.”


“No. Not until you admit I am real, and mean it. And remember, I can tell when you’re lying.”


Well, that certainly wasn’t fair.


How was she supposed to do that? She couldn’t just trick her brain into believing something that wasn’t real was. But there was something else in Rua’s eyes beyond the irritation and anger. Fear. Of what, Otter had no clue. But she hated seeing it.


It kind of reminded her of other Rua, the one in the Dreamer’s abyss. That Rua had been so desperate, so scared. So completely unlike what Otter knew of her. Was that frightened person always under the surface?


I mean, it wasn’t like Otter could disparage her for it. It wasn’t like she hadn’t just been a wreck in that place either. After… after…


Oh right.


She couldn’t remember the details. It was as if something had been cut away. But the Dreamer had done… something to her. Something… was it bad? She wasn’t sure. But Otter could remember that terrible presence, that weight on her mind. That hadn’t been fake. In a virtual world where everything felt real, that had been extra real. Undeniable. 


Rua squeezed a little tighter.


Otter winced, but forced that memory to the forefront, the Dreamer’s mind touching her own, even if she couldn’t quite remember the specifics. It was like… reinforced reality. Fortified truth. She just had to apply that thought, that bearing, on everything else around her.


And with Rua literally holding her cock in her hands, the pain running through her, that was really easy to do in the moment.


“Okay, okay, you’re real, I believe you’re real.”




“You’re real and your Dreamer’s real. I can trust that. I’m still not sure about everything else.”


Rua let go, and Otter breathed a sigh of relief. Now she knew why boys whined about getting kicked in that area, and she didn’t even have external testes. 


“You’re dangerous,” Rua said. “Everyone with a Pact is. And you can’t just be running around, not believing people are people. I put you on this path, gave you access, so you’re my responsibility.”


“I understand, I think. Great power, great responsibility. Dao of Spider-Man.” What must that sound like to someone? Denying personhood to people who you know are real, even if they might be a simulation? A scary real simulation. “And… you’re real. Somehow, you’re real. I don’t know what that means… but the Dreamer was trying to tell me something, when I saw her. And I think this might have been it.”


Memories of other parts of her time with the Dreamer came to her. Memories of that other Rua.


“Which, uh… reminds me. What happened when you formed your Pact?”


Rua had zero poker face. She immediately blushed. “Why would you ask that?”


She was tempted to deflect, to come up with some other excuse. But there really was no lying to Rua.


“I think, uh, that the Dreamer might have, uh, shown me what happened. With your Pact. And, uh, how she, uh, interacted with you.”


“Oh.” If Rua had been blushing before, she was a blazing sun now. “If… if I’d known… she’d show you… that…”


“I’m not sure if she just… showed me. I think I was there. Or you were there. I don’t think time matters to her as much as it does to us.”


Rua looked absolutely like a deer caught in headlights. Just staring ahead, unmoving, her face absolutely crimson. Otter almost felt sorry for her, if she didn’t know that Rua would enjoy future developments.


“Don’t worry,” Otter said, moving closer. She whispered into her ear. “I’ll take good care of you. Because good girls deserve to be taken care of, don’t they?”


Rua squeaked. She might seem like a badass sometimes, but she was so weak against this kind of talk. She had a praise kink, and probably didn’t know it. She had no defence against it at all. 


“Answer me,” Otter husked to her. She drew in a breath, sniffing right at Rua’s neck, promising so much more.




“Yes what?”


“I… deserve to be taken care of.”


“Taken care of by whom?”


Rua trembled. “You. I deserve to be… taken care of by you.”


“And why? Why should I take care of you?”


“Because… because I’m a good girl.” Her voice sounded so small. But so filled with yearning.


Otter wrapped her arms around Rua, bringing her in for a hug. “And you’re my good girl, aren’t you?”


Her cock wanted at Rua. It absolutely throbbed. She wanted to strip Rua down, rip her pants off, and fuck her right then and there. And Rua was almost there, almost ready. She was so needy, so desperate for someone to love her. 


But that wasn’t the tool for her. No, it was too early, and Otter couldn’t give Rua what she really needed, not yet anyway. But she could stoke the fire a little bit.


She placed a knee between Rua’s legs, forcing them open just a little. Rua inhaled sharply.


“I asked you a question.”


“Yes. I’m… I’m…” And then she pushed Otter away, gasping for breath. “I…. you need a bath. You said you wanted one. We should get you a bath.”


Otter paused, taking Rua in, but she was looking away and not meeting her eyes. She was so open and easy to read in these situations. She was scared. She’d probably been hurt before. Probably been hurt a lot. 


That was fine. Otter could be patient. She didn’t need to push. Because she wasn’t going to be one of those people, someone who hurt Rua.


Otter reached forward, and ran a hand through Rua’s hair. She leaned into it. 


“A bath sounds lovely,” Otter said. “And we can talk. About other things.”


“Yeah. Other things. Definitely other things.”


“And then after, I’ll give you a nice massage.”


“But… I don’t have a headache.”


“It doesn’t matter. Mine or not, I’m still going to take care of you. Because you deserve to be taken care of.”

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