Female Phoenix of the Dark Apocalypse

chapter 1016 Medusa Snake Man (1)

, Update the latest chapter of the end of the nirvana as soon as possible!

Xiao Yuxin came here not only to fight the orcs to kill the mobs, but after a period of practice, she felt that there were some strange places in this yellow planet-nothing else, the physique here is surprisingly good, IQ Relatively high, the speed of practicing martial arts is also very fast. The best part is that the speed of practicing here seems to be faster, and it is easier to perceive the laws of the elements. In just over a month, she has realized the laws of the water system. The mirror image of Yi Yi, which of course has the hard work she had paid before, but also has a certain relationship with the strangeness here.

Du Feng is very involved, although he had taken off his “Uncle” hat that day, but this guy went to the beach to renovate some fresh seafood for Xiao Yuxin every meal, and it tasted good. As the saying goes, eating people’s short mouths, although Xiao Yuxin doesn’t care about eating at this point, but Li Shangshang, she also pointed at the other party’s martial arts…What she did not expect is that this deputy captain who looks like an uncle is in martial arts. It has quite a good understanding, and has made great progress.

“Captain Du, don’t just look at the surface. The strength is not only the inner strength, but also the external skills. Every time the actual battle is contested, you should notice that I did not use strong power to win, but use skills. To deal with different opponents, you have to use different fighting methods, so that the rhythm of the battle is always in your hands.” Xiao Yuxin pointed out.

“Miss Xiao, among the evolvers I have seen, there are very few people like you who understand evolution skills and are good at martial arts. How did you do both?” Du Feng now admires Xiao Yuxin for twelve points. , So I went to the teacher, very respectful in tone.

“There is no secret.”

Xiao Yuxin shrugged, “Learning hard is the only way. As a fighter, you can hone your skills through actual combat, but the most important thing is endurance.”

She made a set of endurance training plans for Du Feng, but did not expect that this plan would soon become the overall training plan for the island guards.

this day. Xiao Yuxin was instructing those players to train at the camp, and he heard a rapid alarm. Although the time when the sound rang suddenly ended, it was enough for all humans in the camp.

“These **** orcs are finally here!” Fei Yuqing gritted his teeth. As he organized the camp’s defense, he ordered people to gather the miners of the mines to return quickly. The war is imminent, and the miners can not be ignored. The combat strength and the arms of the camp are sufficient, as long as the orcs are not invading. Should be able to stand firm until the arrival of reinforcements.

The question is, is there any reinforcements?

“This time it was very strange, the snake people actually took so long to attack.” Ning Yu said a little puzzled.

Xiao Yuxin’s heart is full of wisdom of infinite mortals. Asked: “Did the snake people come often before? Are there any orcs of other races?”

“The snake person in charge of this area is the Medusa snake person. Every time there are deaths and injuries, they will retaliate, but when the reinforcements arrive, they quickly withdraw. This time is very strange. They even dragged It took such a long time to start retaliating. I don’t know what the **** is.” Ning Yu said.

“The soldiers will stop.” Xiao Yuxin said indifferently.

“Okay, everyone quickly climbed to the camp wall, pay attention to the movement outside, don’t shoot easily!” Fei Yuqing shouted loudly.

The surrounding walls of the camp are all steel structure components, except for the shooting holes in the wall. There are two sets of heavy machine guns on each side, in addition to the grid protection outside the camp. It is usually sufficient to deal with ordinary attacks. According to the experience of those guards, the orcs have to plunder resources and destroy the mines for this small island, so the players have rich defense experience.

However, when the black army of Medusa snakes appeared. All the team members stayed for a while, and Fei Yuqing’s face was extremely ugly: “So many snake people. Do they want to attack this camp with one go?”

“Captain, ask for reinforcements?” Xiao Chen whispered.

“It’s far from being able to hydrolyze near thirst, it depends on how long we can support ourselves.” Fei Yuqing said with a sullen face.

He had just returned from the head office and naturally knew if there were any reinforcements… even if there were, when those reinforcements came over, I am afraid they would have become ossified. So he deliberately said something ambiguous, lest the brothers lose their fighting spirit.

At this moment, the temperature dropped abruptly, the sky was still clear and cloudless, but there was heavy snow on the ground, but for a moment, a thick layer had accumulated outside the camp. Under the snow, a thick layer of ice appeared.

“What the **** is this weather?” Qin Qing mumbled.

“Don’t talk nonsense!”

Fei Yuqing patted the back of his head and turned to Xiao Yuxin. When she saw her slightly nodded, she knew that it was her handwriting, but she had settled a lot in her heart… With this powerful evolver, the camp was able to survive at least for some time under the orc’s attack. Maybe those snakes will stop attacking because of too many casualties.

The team members had noticed that the snowflakes had not fallen into the camp at this time, and immediately thought of their own powerful evolver. They felt a little more calm in their hearts. Only the miners who had just picked up the gun saw the densely packed. When he was a snake person, all of them seemed to have some six gods without a master.

“Don’t be nervous, you just hide your body behind the wall, and their bows and arrows can’t shoot through our steel plates!” Some experienced veterans began to teach the experience, but they didn’t say that if the opponent shot flatly, they wouldn’t be afraid, but throwing ?

Although the snow and ice caused some trouble to the Medusa snake people, they were still advancing firmly. Xiao Yuxin noticed that in a depression more than a thousand meters away from the camp, the snake people were assembling trebuchets. Stone bullets and wooden components, you know the power of these catapults is not small.

At this moment, several snakeman leaders are urging those snakemen to assemble the catapult, and several snakeman priests are casting spells to activate the magic circle on the catapult. Suddenly, there was a roaring sound in the air, and the leaders of several snake men looked up subconsciously–

A snake man murmured: “The stars are falling…”

In the high sky, bright crystals appeared, and under the reflection of the sun, it emitted a strange light and enveloped the entire depression.


A serpent leader finally shouted, and his lower limbs swam away quickly, rushing in the direction of a few priests… the other serpents reacted. Throw things down and rush out desperately.

boom! boom! boom!

Those crystals have fallen like a meteor… It’s a basketball-like ice hockey, the assembled and unassembled catapults are smashed, and the more terrible are the snake men, even if only one meteor hits, He was also smashed into the latest chapter of Heather like a meat paste. A priest opened the shield in time, but under the continuous impact of dozens of ice balls, the shield shattered like an eggshell, and the priest soon howled and became decayed with the vegetation. I couldn’t tell each other.

Just almost breathing time. The heavy weapons prepared by the Medusa snakes were smashed to pieces by this sudden ice hockey, and most of the animal artificial soldiers were also killed, inspiring the priests of the magic circle on the catapult. All were killed in battle, and none of them could run out.

At the same time as the depression was attacked, the heavy machine guns of the camp also roared, and the thick bullets were woven into a barrage, which swept down the first Medusa snakes like grass.

call out……

Those Medusa snakes fought back. A rush forward, the dense arrow rain enveloped the camp in an instant.



The screams and mumbles came one after another. Some miners with little combat experience were injured immediately. One of the miners probably watched more in the combat movie. He even protruded most of his body out of the wall and fired a machine gun. Shouted: “Crawlers, try your uncle’s bullets!”

call out……

Almost as soon as his words fell, dozens of arrows penetrated his chest almost simultaneously. Like a dozen flowers suddenly growing on his chest, he didn’t even scream, he threw a gun, and his body fell backwards.

“Everyone, don’t dig your body out!” Fei Yu was so angry that it didn’t matter if these guys died. It is very likely that there will be a gap in the defense, resulting in the collapse of the entire defense.

The front snake man has rushed to the grid. I started to destroy the power grid with the tools in my hands. From time to time, there were screams and the smell of burning from the high-voltage electric shock. Some snakeman warriors shook their glory. That was the protective spell blessed by the snakeman priest… Sure enough, Those lightnings can no longer hurt others. These snake men destroy the power grid with their scimitars in their hands, and their blades of glory bloom from time to time.

“Throw bombs! Blow them up!” Fei Yuqing shouted, throwing a high-explosive grenade with his arm, and in the blast, several snakemen were blown up.

call out……

More than a hundred grenade screamed out, and a rumbling explosion sounded in a flash. Those Medusa orcs who had just rushed to the grid were immediately destroyed by the top, and were blown up with their limbs flying.

A huge shadow suddenly appeared on the ground, and some Medusa snakes looked up into the air… instantly countless eyes rolled to the ground.

In the air, a giant ice python with a length of more than 100 meters appeared. When the snake man looked at it, the ice python also swooped down, and a white cloud of cold air spewed out of its mouth. The famous snake person could not escape, and immediately turned into a crystal ice sculpture, and the ice python has plunged into the crowd. The ice python rushed away, the scimitar was chopped on its body, and even a piece of ice chips could not be cut off, but instead it booed and turned into an ice sculpture… These ice sculptures were touched by the body of the ice python, and they blinked Into pieces.

An ice python wreaked havoc among the snakemen, and the pressure in the camp suddenly reduced significantly. Especially before Yu Xiaoxin had created an ice field outside the camp. She pointed out that this huge elemental creature was advancing and retreating on the ice field. The priest could not lock the ice python to attack.

Just when everyone in the camp sighed with relief, a figure sprang out of the snake man and punched at the head of the ice python. Bing Python shook his head violently, opened his mouth like a living creature, biting at the figure, and a cold air sprayed at the figure.


The figure fell to the ground like a meteor, a stream of light shot from the hand, and slammed into the neck of the ice python… The sound of a “boom”, the ice splashed, and the neck of the ice python was almost blown off, but After all, this ice python is not a living creature, and the giant tail swings, bringing a gust of wind to whip towards that figure.


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