Female Phoenix of the Dark Apocalypse

chapter 11 Bloodthirsty Daybreak: City Competition (Part 1)

  Section XI Bloodthirsty Dawn: City Competition (Part 1)

“Mei Mei, check the addresses of those target people, we will visit them from house to house.” San Shao ordered.

“Don’t you?” Mei Mei shook an object in her hand… a mobile phone, “I can call and it’s much easier than visiting.”

“Are you good at English?” San Shao said with confidence.

“No problem, my tutor is a senior student at Harvard University. Even she praises my spoken English level NO.1, can you say it can be worse?” Mei Mei said proudly.

Ask senior students at Harvard University to be tutors…… This girl’s family background is not ordinary! Everyone looked at her in surprise.

seemed to also find that he was talking a little, and Mei Mei shrank her neck and started making calls.

“Hey, is this Mr. Edward? My name is Lolita…”

Meimei’s way is very simple and very effective, that is, a high school student who makes a questionnaire makes a phone call. In a short time, all the calls are finished: “Three young people, you have determined where Mr. Edward lives…”

Wait for her to finish, the three young men said, “Wait first, we are in trouble.”

“What trouble?” Xiao Yuxin asked.

“Look, there is a police car appearing in that lane, it is estimated to be looking for us… Oops! It is two cars!” San Shao murmured a curse.

Xiao Yuxin suddenly appeared in front of a transparent plastic frame: “Trigger task: eliminate the vampire police chased, each reward 20 points, 10 rich experience.”

“Don’t panic, those vampires are blind, I am now speeding up to get rid of them as much as possible, if you catch up, you will shoot with a gun. You are ready.” The mental quality of Sanshao is the best among the people, and I haven’t taken it back. thing.

Everyone did well according to the requirements of San Shao. San Shao suddenly slammed on the throttle and turned off the electric valve. The exhaust pipe suddenly seemed to emit a white smoke towards the back, and the car rushed forward.

This is a real version of the gangster movie!

Xiao Yuxin was also excited and accidentally regarded herself as a gangster, but did not care. The windows are specially treated, whether from inside or outside, you can’t see the outside clearly, you can only observe it through the video of the car. The sirens of the two police cars sounded, and police orders were sent from the loudspeakers to stop them for inspection.

“Parking? Dream!”

Sanshou snorted, and the speed increased again.

“It’s cool!”

Tiezi shouted: “Three young men, get rid of those vampire police!”

“Tiezi, bow your head and lie down there honestly, in case they shoot them in trouble.” Xiao Yuxin reminded. She took out the pistol, held it in her hand, and was ready to shoot at any time…Although assault rifles and shotguns were powerful, they were too dangerous to fire because they were too large. They were also very dangerous when attacking the enemy. She won’t do a business that kills 10,000 and damages 3,000.

What is the safest place?

is of course outside the city. If you continue to drive into the city, it will undoubtedly fall into the siege of the police, and the result will definitely not be wonderful. So Sanshao directly drove up the highway to the outside of the city.

The road surface is too flat is also not good… You can see clearly, there is no obstacle in the middle, this time is close to dusk, the traffic is scarce, see the two police cars behind the Land Rover with long siren, many The vehicles gave way with interest. Whether it was hit by a police car or by a Land Rover, it was estimated to be a white collision. Those drivers were quite accurate.

The afterglow of the setting sun reflected the distant mountains into an orange-red. In the background, the light on the road slowly dimmed, which is when the drivers were unsure whether to turn on the lights.

“If you say those drivers want to know that the car is a normal human, will they become enthusiastic citizens?” Fang Shao suddenly wondered.

“No.” Xiao Yuxin replied affirmatively: “We will throw you down first, and then those enthusiastic citizens will discuss with the alert how to deal with you gangster.”

“Sister Xin, the brother just imagined, don’t be so cruel?” Fang Shao bitterly smiled.

The car drove steadily forward at a speed of fifty miles per hour. The two police cars behind followed closely behind. The three cars drove fast and lifted an earth dragon on the road.

“Sit well, I’m going to brake!”

San Shao suddenly shouted, and then slammed on the brakes. The tires of the car squeaked, rubbed the ground and rubbed forward, and stopped. Xiao Yuxin was slammed forward. Fortunately, it was safe. The belt was not thrown to the front, but the back seat was turned upside down. The police car chasing the front was too late to brake. The fenders, headlights and radiator radiator screens hit one side, and pieces of iron and glass flew up to the sky. The police inside made a scream, although it was sunset , Those rays will kill them.

After the Land Rover stopped, the car body still surged forward, three little eyes were quick, hang gears, step on the accelerator, and continue to drive along the highway.

“Let those vampires enjoy the thrill of the impact!” San Shao said proudly: “Compared with me, UU reads the book www.uukanshu.com. I let them three hands!”

Xiao Yuxin said: “The water screen must be cracked, and the two fenders on the front wheels have all been broken… The windshield has a pattern on it, which seems to be broken. The most important thing is that the police It’s already dead, but unfortunately we don’t have time to pick up the blood crystals. The second police car has already chased over, what else do you have?”

“You can’t use the same trick twice,” Sanshao said loudly. “It’s better for everyone to lie down. It’s dark immediately. Those vampires are likely to wait after dark to attack. We must destroy them as soon as possible. …Look at me!”

Xiao Yuxin felt that the car flew forward suddenly, Sanshao turned the steering wheel with one hand, his body tilted, his eyes fixed on the road ahead… It was getting darker and darker.

Pop, pop!

Two crisp gunshots sounded behind the car, hitting the car body with a pleasant sound, Sanshao cursed, and the car slipped sideways for a while, and then continued to move forward at a speed, Xiao Yuxin opened the window and probed out to repay the two The gun, but I don’t know where to go, but the driver of the police car was obviously taken aback. Between the dodges, the distance between the two sides became longer.

“Everyone is seated, and the head will be lowered,” San Shao said dumbfounded: “I’m going to make a sharp turn and stop at the side of the house in front. When they chase you, you will be facing hard They fight!”

People in the back row grasped the back of the seat tightly with their hands. Xiao Yuxin also squeezed the door handle hard, the car tire squeaked and leaned to the side, then resumed four-wheel landing, and suddenly stopped.

Xiao Yuxin had unbuckled her seat belt when the car was not stationary. At this time, she immediately opened the door and jumped out. When several other people got out of the car clumsily, she had already mounted the assault rifle on the door. Fired.


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