Female Phoenix of the Dark Apocalypse

chapter 1109 Mercenary Mission (1)

No matter what kind of situation, it is not often encountered, and experts usually call it “leak-picking”. You should know that with the footsteps of the Star Trail Blazers, more and more rare minerals are known to everyone. Once or twice, they may be sold at a low price because they do not understand the true value of the thing, but for a long time, they commit such low-level The possibility of error is relatively low. So far, Suyas has only picked up a leak. It was a piece of molten rock red sand that he accidentally discovered. It was because of that piece of molten rock red sand that he successfully promoted to an alchemist apprentice. This also made Suas more enthusiastic about the’leak-finding’ operation. But this is a very test of patience, but fortunately Suas does not think that he lacks patience.

Suddenly, Suas’s eyes lit up, and an inconspicuous, crystal-like red ore came into his sight. Suyas shivered with his right hand, God! Isn’t this red crystal mine? This is something that can enter the top 1,000 of the rare ores in the known universe! Suas’s brain was almost short-circuited. He took a deep breath and tried to calm himself, but it didn’t seem to be very effective.

He stretched out his right hand tremblingly and just wanted to buy it. Suddenly this red crystal mine disappeared from the list of items…Is it dazzled or something else?

Suyas froze for a moment, his face changed suddenly, he turned through the list of animal products like crazy, and the red crystal mine that had disappeared disappeared but no longer seen. After half an hour has passed, Suyas is still looking for the red crystal mine that has disappeared, but he has gone through all the ore lists, and still has not found the red crystal mine! Suyas was paralyzed in his seat, and his heart was filled with remorse, why didn’t he feel a little happier? As long as you can hurry up, as long as a little, this red crystal mine is in your own hands.

While Suas was so depressed that he wanted to go crazy, Xiao Yuxin was smiling proudly. She has a sub-divine weapon in her hand. It was the tears of Artest. This is an evolvable weapon, as long as the appropriate materials are provided, it can be refined into a real artifact. Most of the rest of the materials have been prepared, but there are a few attributes that are relatively rare. Even the materials stored in the Maya Ark are not… It is not that the warehouse of the Maya Ark has shrunk, but that it is needed for refining a god-level weapon. The materials are indeed rare.

Speaking of luck, the excavator of this red crystal mine discovered that this ore had strong energy fluctuations, but did not know what kind of ore it was. No expert in finding many ores actually knew it. Knowing that this must be an extremely rare ore, but he happened to be very short of money. In desperation, he had to consign this ore. I set a very high amount of 2,000 blue and gold coins with a heart, thinking that if I can’t sell it, I just leave it to myself to study it. If you can sell it, you can make a fortune.

Interstellar mercenaries spend money like running water, either to increase their strength or strengthen their weapons. Either it is to enjoy life as much as possible, so the demand for money is very large. And Xiao Yuxin now belongs to the nature of upstarts. Poor enough to only have money left. The 2000 blue gold coin may be a huge sum of money for ordinary mercenaries, but for her, it is really a hair on the cow.

After Xiao Yuxin bought the red crystal mine, she continued to read other items and also sent out order sheets one by one. Some rare ore encountered will also stop to shoot away. Suddenly, her eyes narrowed and her movements stopped again.

As a well-learning alchemist apprentice, Suyas’ mental quality is still quite good. With a good ability to control emotions, he quickly got out of the state of emotional confusion. I was comforted by myself and started my long process of “leak-finding”. The list of items above is constantly changing, and new items will appear at any time.

Vanadium blue crystal? !

Suyas shined. Was this a gift from heaven to make up for the red crystal mine he just missed? Vanadium sapphire is also an extremely rare and rare mineral, and many people only hear its name and do not see anything. However, Suyas had seen the real thing once. In the mineral museum of his teacher’s collection, a small piece of vanadium-blue crystal, which was the size of a nail, was shining brightly and looked like the purest blue gemstone.

This vanadium blue crystal is wrapped in a thick layer of lime skin, and only a corner of it reveals a transparent crystal. Suyas’ mood immediately rose. Of course he knew that the outer layer was only vanadium blue. As long as the associated mineral of crystal is stripped off, it must be crystal-clear vanadium blue crystal inside. And look at this volume, at least hundreds of times the vanadium-blue crystal treasured by the teacher!

“Heaven is selfless!”

Suyas’ eyes were shining. At this moment, he found that he had the potential of a religious fanatic. He couldn’t help but laughed: “No one is ahead of me now?”

The voice did not fall, the vanadium blue crystal on the light brain suddenly disappeared!

Suyas’ laughter came to an abrupt end, as if he was suddenly pinched to his neck, his eyes protruding, his forehead twitching, his eyes becoming dull, and he couldn’t help it anymore, a spit of old blood came out thinly!

Too bully!

And both times are such precious ores, and whether he can use them or not, even if they are sold, he can earn a large difference, he can spend a long time without worrying about funding issues.

Xiao Yuxin lamented his luck, but he didn’t know that some people were spitting blood out of them.

However, with her character, it is estimated that even if you know, you will not feel any guilt. I am afraid that I will warn myself in my heart that I must start quickly! The man in front of him is a live lesson not to start fast enough!

Red crystal ore and vanadium blue crystal are the purest attribute ore. Artest’s tears are the most critical materials needed to advance to an artifact. Seven attribute ore… gold, wood, water, fire, earth, light ,dark.

In the universe, there are many materials that meet these seven attributes. However, the artifact is not free to use a piece of material with the same properties. It requires the most pure material to be refined, and red crystal and vanadium blue crystal are just two of them. In the hands of Xiao Yuxin, there are already dark stone and obsidian, and then find another three kinds of ore, you can start to upgrade Artest’s tears.

In the following time, Xiao Yuxin continued to search for treasure on the Internet, and found several rare ores one after another. Although they are not necessary for the promotion of Artest’s tears, they also have some other functions.

“Not to mention, it’s really hard to move without money.” After the purchase, Xiao Yuxin calculated that the various things added together turned out to be 1.8 billion energy coins, which almost halved the funds auctioned yesterday. . It seems that even if the business road is successfully built, it is difficult to obtain great benefits in a short time. After all, the construction of the Green Mountain Base also needs to be carried out.

“Master, what you just looked at is material trading. In fact, there are alchemy products trading. And this is also in the mercenary mission, and the rewards are very impressive.” The demon spirit reminded.

“Really?” Xiao Yuxin was about to log in to the mercenary union as the demon spirit said to see if there was a similar mission. The demon spirit suddenly notified that someone knocked on the door.

Who would it be?

Xiao Yuxin came out of the virtual warehouse a bit strangely and opened the door… but Hong Liang and Gentle invited her to dinner and say goodbye temporarily.

The news of Xingyao College is not yet known, they are going to go shopping in other cities.

After eating and returning to the room, all of the rare ore that Xiao Yuxin had previously bought had been delivered to her room. Each transaction is closed with metal boxes of different sizes. From the outside, you don’t know what is inside. There is a number on the outside of the box, which is mainly used to check the goods. However, the goods she bought in bulk could not fit in the hotel room. The merchant specially rented a warehouse for her and delivered the address and keys.

“It’s quite thoughtful.”

Xiao Yuxin checked the documents and the list first, and found that there was no problem, and then collected the documents and keys. Then open all the metal boxes, take out the ore inside, there is no shortage, and the holographic image of the transaction goods seen from the transaction list is exactly the same.

After packing everything up~www.mtlnovel.com~ Xiao Yuxin sat in a chair, took out the mercenary badge, and after activation, called up the task release option and began to carefully screen it.

“Escort mission?” Xiao Yuxin suddenly saw a mercenary mission that didn’t seem too bad. Suddenly, Xiao Yuxin moved to collect it.

With the sound of ‘ding’, a glory flashed on the mercenary badge, reminding that the mission had been received, and a message box popped up, listing the mission’s goal, location, and departure time.

Early the next morning, Stein came over in person and took her to the warehouse to check the goods. Of course, Xiao Yuxin wouldn’t be so inferior. After a short glance, she knew there was nothing wrong with the goods. She took out a data space and collected all the goods. Then leave and leave.

After Xiao Yuxin left, the warehouse guards suddenly realized that all the goods in the warehouse had disappeared when they were going to close the door. They didn’t know what means Xiao Yuxin used to take those goods away.

After returning to the hotel, Xiao Yuxin took out the skill crystal… Now that she has accepted the first mercenary mission, although the safety factor is very high, but you may encounter some moths, so learn this skill first , Well prepared.

Paste the skill crystal into the forehead, and then try to input an energy into it… A sound of ‘wave’ sounds, and the skill crystal instantly turns into a colorful rain of light, and it falls into Xiao Yuxin’s mind.


Suddenly subjected to such a heavy mental shock, Xiao Yuxin couldn’t help but groan, but a faint smile appeared on his face. (To be continued…)

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